Father caught son in bed with pedophile

The father of a victim of notorious pedophile Dennis McKenna has told an inquiry how he walked in and found his son in bed with McKenna but did nothing about it after being threatened.

A special inquiry is investigating whether there was a high-level cover-up of the activities of McKenna, who sexually abused boys in his care while he was a warden at the state-run St Andrews student hostel in the Western Australian wheatbelt town of Katanning from 1975 to 1990.

In evidence to a closed-door hearing of the inquiry on Wednesday, a transcript of which was released on Thursday, Keith Stephens said he walked into McKenna’s room at the hostel, where his 16-year-old son was boarding, to find them in bed together.

He could not remember if they were naked, but did remember them lying on their backs close to each other in the middle of the day.

The year was 1976 and Mr Stephens was chairman of the hostel board to which McKenna reported.

Despite this, Mr Stephens testified that he went home to his wife to discuss what he had seen but took no further action.

“I did the thing that I thought was right for my son and the hostel at the time, and it was wrong, very wrong, and I know that now, but I didn’t know it then,” he said.

“Of course it looked suspicious.”

Mr Stephens at first told the inquiry he had never asked McKenna what he was doing in bed with his son and that McKenna never told him.

He then admitted he had lied.

“Your Honour, I’ve just committed a crime. I’ve told a lie,” Mr Stephens said.

“(McKenna) said to me, `If you say anything about what you saw I will destroy you’. That’s the shortened one.”

The longer version of events, Mr Stephens said, involved threats to take his farm, “smash” his family, “smash” his marriage and “destroy you”.

Mr Stephens said after the threats, he could never tell anyone what happened.

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