Genetically Modified ‘EnviroPig’ Shelved



Ottawa, April 2, 2012 – Today, the Canadian Biotechnology Action
Network (CBAN) welcomed reports that the University of Guelph, the
Canadian university that developed the controversial genetically modified (GM) pig called “Enviropig,” is closing down its active research on what could have become the first GM food animal approved in the world.

According to a report in the Ontario Farmer newspaper, the hog
industry group Ontario Pork has redirected its funding away from
genetically modified pig research. Without this funding, the university
is ending its breeding program of the GM pigs.

“There’s no demand or need for genetically modifying food animals.
The federal government should stop accepting requests to approve GM food
animals,” said Lucy Sharratt of CBAN, a coalition of 18 groups that
campaigned to prevent the GM food pigs from being approved for
consumers. “The University of Guelph should now withdraw its request for
approval from Health Canada and not pursue commercialization. It’s time
to end all attempts to bring GM animals to market.”

“Enviropig” was engineered using genetic material from a mouse to
reduce phosphorus in the pig’s feces. The University of Guelph began its
GM pig research in 1995 and requested food safety approval from
regulatory authorities in Canada and the U.S. in 2009. While Canada
approved reproduction of the GM pigs in February 2010, no government has
approved “Enviropig” for human consumption and no GM pigs have ever
been sold commercially.

“It’s clear that consumers oppose GM animals so we’re relieved the
project is being shelved. The GM pig was going to drive consumers away
from eating pork if it was ever approved for market,” said Paul Slomp,
Youth Vice-President of the National Farmers Union. “This GM pig fiasco
could have permanently damaged our domestic and international pork

CBAN will now focus its attention on another problem: a GM Atlantic salmon
could be under review by the Canadian government. Regulatory
departments refuse to tell Canadians whether or not they are evaluating
the GM fish for approval.

For more information: Lucy Sharratt, Canadian Biotechnology Action
Network, 613 241 2267 ext. 25; Paul Slomp, National Farmers Union, cell:
613 898 9136


April 5, 2012 – posted at BlackListedNews


Source: CBAN Press Release



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