Remarkable survival of siblings who escaped house fire that killed their mother and brother

  • Cailin van Straaten suffered 60 per cent burns and was in a coma
  • Her brother Zach Jones endured severe burns to both his arms and legs
  • The fire killed mother Tracey Jones, 43, and brother Shaun, 15
  • The blaze is thought to have been started by Tracy’s jilted ex-lover Dave Potts
  • They are now going to
    Disneyland Paris with Zach’s father Ric Jones after Trafford Police managed
    to raise more than £6,000

Matt Blake

06:32 EST, 1 June 2012


12:05 EST, 1 June 2012

Swathes of delicately-placed bandages cover the horrific burns suffered by four-year-old Zach Jones in an arson attack on his home that killed his mother and elder brother.

The boy was so badly injured in the blaze that doctors were not sure if he would live or die.

But just eight months on, Zach has made a remarkable recovery and cannot wait to return to school in September.

Coma: Swathes of delicately-placed bandages cover the horrific burns suffered by four-year-old Zach Jones in an arson attack on his home that killed his mother and elder brother

Coma: Swathes of delicately-placed bandages cover the horrific burns suffered by four-year-old Zach Jones in an arson attack on his home that killed his mother and elder brother

He managed to escape the fire, in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, with his elder sister Cailin van Straaten, 19.

She suffered 60 per cent burns and was in a coma while Zach endured severe burns to both his arms and legs.

Remarkable recovery: Cailin suffered 60 per cent burns and was in a coma while Zach endured severe burns to both his arms and legs

Remarkable recovery: Cailin, left, suffered 60 per cent burns and was in a coma while Zach endured severe burns to both his arms and legs

The blaze, last September, claimed the
lives of their 43-year-old mother Tracy Jones, and brother Shaun, 15. It
is believed to have been started by Tracy’s jilted ex-lover Dave Potts,
who also died.

Cailin, who now lives in Sale with a family friend, says she still experiences gut-wrenching flashbacks of the night she lost her mother and brother.

‘I think of every single detail of
that night, I go over and over it in my mind and think how I could have
changed things, wishing I could,’ she said.

The blaze, last September, claimed the lives of their 43-year-old mother Tracy Jones, and brother Shaun, 15. It is believed to have been started by Tracy¿s jilted ex-lover Dave Potts, who also died.

The blaze, last September, claimed the lives of their 43-year-old mother Tracy Jones, and brother Shaun, 15. It is believed to have been started by Tracy¿s jilted ex-lover Dave Potts, who also died.

Tragic: The blaze, last September, claimed the lives of their 43-year-old mother Tracy Jones, and brother Shaun, 15

‘It is always in the back of my head. I
think about mum and Shaun all the time – I have pictures on my wall and
their belongings. Little memories pop into my head. I would not have
got through this if it wasn’t for Zach.

‘Seeing him makes me so happy. I am his big sister. Sometimes I feel like his mum – but no one will replace her.’

Cailin and Zach are now going to
Disneyland Paris with Zach’s dad Ric Jones after Trafford Police managed
to raise more than £6,000 – with the help of residents and businesses.

Arson: It is believed that the fire in the house, in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, was started by Tracy's jilted ex-lover Dave Potts, who also died

Arson: It is believed that the fire in the house, in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, was started by Tracy’s jilted ex-lover Dave Potts, who also died

Ric, who lives with Zach in Oldham,
said: ‘On the outside, Zach is like any little boy, but he does have his
quiet moments and becomes thoughtful or cries.

‘He misses his mum and brother massively on a daily basis so every day we sit down and have a cuddle and remembering time.

‘I am amazed how well they have both recovered.

‘Cailin is a fighter and would not lie
down and take this, she is very determined and lives life to the full.
She is very similar to her mum.’

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What a gorgeous photo of them both. Enjoy the trip to Disneyland, Cailin and Zach, and all the very best for the future. xx

what a brave sister and brother…………

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