Posts Tagged ‘last’

Everyone Missed It, But China Has ALREADY Retaliated For Last Night’s Big Currency Vote In The Senate

Joe Weisenthal BusinessInsider Wednesday, October 12, 2011 Last night, the Senate passed a bill that would impose tariffs on currency manipulators like China. It’s not expected to pass the House or get signed by The President, but China has already responded to the provocation. As Nomura explains, it fixed the yuan shockingly low against the […]

Occupy The Fed: Dallas – All The Videos From Last Night’s Protest

Alex Jones Channel Saturday, October 8, 2011 All of the protest videos and the police response from last night’s Occupy the Fed in Dallas. Next stop – Houston! Print this page. Comment Rules 7 Responses to “Occupy The Fed: Dallas – All The Videos From Last Night’s Protest” Why can’t we have the Chinese print […]

Peace at last for little Kiesha

Video Image Sydney girl Kiesha Weippeart, will finally be laid to rest today, 15 months after her alleged murder. Chris Weippeart (right) and his mother, Liz Weippeart (centre, holding child’s hand) arrive at the funeral with other family and friends. Picture: Brad Hunter Source: The Daily Telegraph Alison Anderson (right) arrives at the funeral of […]

Bells toll for one last ‘Jull-orama’

Bruce Scott , Craig Emerson , Simon Birmingham and Julie Bishop at the state funeral for David Jull in Brisbane yesterday. Picture: Lyndon Mechielsen Source: The Australian HAD Christopher Pyne listened to his old friend David Jull, his path in politics might have been that much smoother. Of course, Jull being Jull — larger-than-life and full of good […]

Brzezinski: The Last American Cowboy “Spills the Beans”

Editor: Sit through the entire video. Take notes on the issues brought up. This is a rare opportunity, nobody could say these things and survive but Brzezinski. It is so rare finding our publication, one considered “edgy” so “dead on” with one of the world’s top political advisors, and not for the first time. VT […]

Brzezinski Opens Up: The Last American Cowboy

Ambushing MSNBC, Zbigniew Brzezinski Lays Out A Foundation For Real Americans   By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor ————————— Editor:  Sit through the entire video.  Take notes on the issues brought up.  This is a rare opportunity, nobody could say these things and survive but Brzezinski.  It is so rare finding our publication, one considered “edgy” […]

William T. Hathaway: The Last Jewish Prophet

A review of Gilad Atzmon’s new book, The Wandering Who? Gilad Atzmon, Veterans Today’s contributing writer, has just published a study of Jewish identity politics. The Wandering Who? chronicles his journey away from his Jewish identity, and by extension away from all exclusive identities, into an inclusive humanness. It’s a painful journey, a brutally honest […]

The last resort: More and more Americans are calling long-stay motels home

  Guy AdamsLondon Independent Saturday, September 3, 2011 A long way down the US housing ladder, beneath the grisly ‘projects’ of The Wire and the trailer parks hymned by Eminem, beneath the slums of New Orleans and the ghettos of Detroit, you’ll find the long-stay hotel. Cheap, not very cheerful, and pretty much a last […]

UK: Nine out of ten jobs created last year went to foreign nationals

Jason GrovesDaily Mail Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Nine out of ten people who joined the workforce last year were foreign nationals, official figures revealed yesterday. The number is far higher than had been previously thought. British nationals accounted for only a tiny fraction of the rise in employment among working age people with most new […]