Video: Israeli soldiers violently attack unarmed Palestinian man

A video recorded yesterday by Palestine TV atJalazone Refugee Camp4 miles north of Ramallah begins with a soldier yelling and then lunging towards an unarmed Palestinian man appearing to be walking past him on a street. The man raises his open hand, palm forward, to thwart off his attacker.



Haaretz reports the soldier are screaming expletives and taunting the man to respond while vowing that should he say one more word then he will f*** his mother.The soldier slams into the man, then swings his right hand up into the air and strikes it down hard over the Palestinian mans head and face.





2 second screenshot

2 second screenshot

A shuffle ensues, again the man raises his open palms indicating a defensive, passive gesture.



So opens Palestine TVs broadcast by Ali Dar Ali, recording the attack in which several soldiers proceed to corner and surround the man, capturing him. One soldiers can be seen taking a swing at his head at 35 seconds in.

Soldiers surround and capture Palestinian man

Soldiers surround and capture Palestinian man

The soldiers pull the man down:

Screenshot (:36 sec)

Screenshot (:36 sec)

We can then see and hear the sound as a soldier slams the butt of his rifle down over the captured mans headat 37 seconds before the team of soldiers force him to the ground and proceed to kick and beat him.

Soldier swings rifle down with force over the captured man's head.

Soldier swings rifle down with force over the captured mans head.


While on the ground, a fifth soldier is seen punching him in the face, while another soldier kicks him in his face. Another soldier then pins the Palestinian to the ground by stepping on his head, and his face can be seen to be bleeding. The video ends with the forces taking the now handcuffed Palestinian away.

The soldiers filed a report but failed to mention their violent attack on the man before the video surfaced. They claimed the man tried to touchtheir gun but there is nothing in the video remotely indicating that occurred. Reportedly, according to Palestinian sources the soldiers had previously taken over the Palestinian mans homeduring a protest at the refugee camp and the man was angry his family had been hit by tear gas.

The Israeli military said today they are investigating the incident. The Times of Israel, IDF probes beating of unarmed Palestinian man:

Those involved will be brought before the brigade commander tomorrow for a continued inquiry and investigation, and disciplinary action will be taken against them if need be, the army said in a statement. According to an initial investigation it seems the (soldiers) behavior was inconsistent with that which is expected of IDF soldiers.

Here is the video:

There is nothing unusual about the violence metered out on an unarmed Palestinian by Israeli soldiers as displayed in this video.

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