Gympie flood update

FLOOD UPDATE:  The flood warning for Gympie has been downgraded from 16m to 15.7m this morning by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Residents are already reporting being cut off due to the flooding of localised roads.

Queensland Police twittered just before 8am that the Bruce Highway was still cut at Kybong and Deep Creek.

The BOM reports creek levels are continuing to fall along Six Mile Creek, with minor flood levels easing at Cooran.

  • A moderate flood peak of 13.7m was recorded at Dagun Pocket on the Mary River on Saturday evening at 9:45pm.
  • Minor flood levels will continue to fall during Sunday. 
  • At 7am Sunday, the river level at Gympie was 15.44m and approaching a peak up to 15.7 metres, expected this morning. 
  • Moderate flood levels are rising downstream at Miva and are expected to reach up to 14.5 metres overnight Sunday.
  • Flood levels at Tiaro are expected to reach up to 13 metres (major) during Monday.
  • River levels are not expected to reach the minor flood level at Maryborough.


For updated list of roads closed see the Gympie Council website.

More detail on the Bureau’s weather warnings can be found on their flood warning page.

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