Posts Tagged ‘floods’

Russia: Friday 13th Paris Attacks ‘A Masonic Ritual For World War 3′

A new report by the Russian Ministry of Defence on Saturday says that the Friday 13th Paris attacks can be likened to a “ritual massacre” orchestrated by a secretive cabal of Freemasons who wish to initiate World War 3.  The report claims that members of the CIA, DGSE (French intelligence), MI6, Israeli intelligence, and even […]

Germany’s secret service warns the country ‘is importing Islamic extremism’

From: Germany’s intelligence agencies have expressed serious concerns over the huge influx of migrants harbouring extremist views, it has been reported. A security document has warned of the damaging consequences of Berlin’s open-door policy which is expected to see around one million refugees enter the country this year alone. […]

ISIL oil sales drop ‘significantly’ due to russian airstrikes in Syria

     Oil sales conducted by the Islamic State (ISIL) jihadist group dropped dramatically after Russia launched its airstrikes against terrorist positions in Syria, a member of the French legislative defense commission told Sputnik on Saturday. “As far as I know, ISIL’ budget is close to $2 billion. However, Islamic State-controlled oil sales have declined significantly […]

Saddam-style: ISIS oil exports worth $500m a year ‘conducted through Turkey’

“It’s a question of priorities. They have never allocated enough resources to do so. Other goals and missions have been rated as having more urgent calls on intelligence and tactical resources,” John Kiriakou, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) counterterrorism officer and US Senate Foreign Relations Committee senior investigator, told Sputnik. He said Islamic State’s […]

Two psychologists accused of ‘criminal enterprise’ for CIA’s torture program

     Suit is first to rely on Senate’s $40 million investigation of the CIA’s program Two psychologists made $80 million to set up what is described as an ‘experimental torture program’ One died and the other two were mentally traumatized after undergoing the techniques Two former detainees and the family of a third who died […]

Floods cause surge in drowning numbers

Updated September 21, 2011 15:22:20 Photo: The summer’s flood have been blamed for the spike in drowning deaths. A new report has found the floods across eastern Australia have contributed to the highest number of deaths from drowning since 2003. In its annual report, the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) found 315 people drowned between […]

Qld floods inquiry heads into second day

The Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry is heading into the second day of its second round of hearings. On Tuesday, the inquiry is expected to hear from several Brisbane City Council employees, including a structural engineer who is to talk about the destruction of the floating boardwalk that ran alongside the Brisbane River before the […]

Newman pressed on floods business

THE wife of LNP leader Campbell Newman helped set up a company that began touting for disaster recovery business from the Bligh government just over a week after the Brisbane floods. As Mr Newman faces mounting pressure to make a declaration to the parliament’s pecuniary interest register, despite not being an MP, it has emerged […]

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