Posts Tagged ‘rudoren’

Jodi Rudoren says Palestinians experience ‘apartheid’ — but not in NYT

Guess who said this recently: Israel’s treatment of Palestinians looks “a lot like apartheid” – and not just in the occupied territories, but inside Israel too, where one in five citizens are Palestinian. “I actually think the issue of apartheid is more relevant to how Arab Israelis [Palestinian citizens of Israel] are treated within the framework of the country […]

Tour Israel first-class with ‘New York Times’ cheerleader Jodi Rudoren

Whatever bomb hit the planet with global inequality, it has hit journalism too. The ad above took up a full page in The New York Times yesterday, for a round-the-world trip sponsored by the newspaper on a private Boeing 757 next February and March: 26 days, 9 countries, 50 travelers, and the ticket price a […]

Life in the Electronic Concentration Camp: The Surveillance State Is Alive and Well

“Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order […] and the like.” ― William O. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice Bottle up the […]

Video: Israeli mob attacks Eritrean, mistaking him for Bedouin assailant

An Eritrean national shot by an Israeli security guard after he was surrounded by a frenzied mob of Israelis in a Beersheva bus station in southern Israel Sunday night died today of wounds sustained during the assault. A video circulating on social media shows the man, Haftom Zarhum, 29, lying on the floor in a […]

Memory (on Nakba Day)

“It was my 18th birthday. I had gone to get a haircut because we were expecting visitors. There was a bombing at Jaffa clock sq. and I stole my brother’s bike and cycled like never before. It was the area my father worked. I went and the bombing had turned my father into broken limbs.” My […]

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