Women too picky on mates: Catholic church

The Catholic church has told women not to be too picky about their future husbands and marry early because there is a drought of eligible men.

A church official told the Herald Sun newspaper there has been a massive decline in the number of available men, with statistics claiming there are just 86,000 Mr Rights for 1.3 million women aged between 25 and 34.

Demographer Bernard Salt has calculated that of the 1.343 million men in the same age bracket, only 86,000 single, heterosexual, well-off, young men were available after excluding those who were already married (485,000), in a de facto relationship (185,000), gay (7000), a single parent (12,000) or earning less than $60,000 a year.

Reverend Father Tony Kerin, episcopal vicar for justice and social service in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, told the paper that women wanted the best of both worlds.

“I think many are setting aside their aspirations for later, but by the time they get around to it, they’ve missed their chance,” Fr Kerin said.

“In trying to have it all, they end up missing out.”

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