Posts Tagged ‘favorite’

‘I Think I Hit a Person’ – Cop Driving Twice the Limit With No Lights On Instantly Kills Pedestrian

“I need an emergency unit to my location. I think I hit a person,” Benton Township patrol officer Eugene Anderson informs radio dispatchers on the video just moments after the sound of smashing glass and a loud bang is heard as his police cruiser hits a woman. Based on a squad car video, witness reports and […]

‘I Think I Hit a Person’ – Cop Driving Twice the Limit With No Lights On Instantly Kills Pedestrian

“I need an emergency unit to my location. I think I hit a person,” Benton Township patrol officer Eugene Anderson informs radio dispatchers on the video just moments after the sound of smashing glass and a loud bang is heard as his police cruiser hits a woman. Based on a squad car video, witness reports and […]

‘I Think I Hit a Person’ – Cop Driving Twice the Limit With No Lights On Instantly Kills Pedestrian

“I need an emergency unit to my location. I think I hit a person,” Benton Township patrol officer Eugene Anderson informs radio dispatchers on the video just moments after the sound of smashing glass and a loud bang is heard as his police cruiser hits a woman. Based on a squad car video, witness reports and […]

‘I Think I Hit a Person’ – Cop Driving Twice the Limit With No Lights On Instantly Kills Pedestrian

“I need an emergency unit to my location. I think I hit a person,” Benton Township patrol officer Eugene Anderson informs radio dispatchers on the video just moments after the sound of smashing glass and a loud bang is heard as his police cruiser hits a woman. Based on a squad car video, witness reports and […]

‘Not only compassion, but also reason’: German Catholic Church calls for reducing refugee inflow

“Also as the Church, we say [that] we need a reduction in the numbers of refugees,” Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference and the head of the Catholic Church in Germany, told Passauer Neue Presse. The question of taking in refugees involves “not only compassion but also reason,” Marx said stressing that it […]

The World’s Tallest Tree Is Hiding Somewhere In California

Up until August 2006, the tallest known tree in the world was a 369-foot California redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) nicknamed ‘Stratosphere Giant’, located somewhere in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park in California. To give you some idea about its massive size, that’s twice the height of the Statue of Liberty, minus the foundation. But the Giant lost its status […]

Welcome to Europe! Soros Adding Fuel to the Fire of EU’s Refugee Crisis

George Soros, the notorious business magnate, is shifting the responsibility for America’s adventurism in the Middle East onto Europe, most notably Germany, American-German researcher, historian and strategic risk consultant F. William Engdahl underscores. “Since John D. Rockefeller was advised to protect his wealth from government taxation by creating a tax-exempt philanthropic foundation in 1913, foundations have been used by American oligarchs to disguise a […]

URGENT ALERT — ‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

This Is What The Rich And Powerful Don’t Want You To Know About Nikola Tesla

At the end of his life, Nikola Tesla died penniless. The United States government confiscated his journals. He was largely forgotten until the last few years. But why was Tesla so suppressed? Did the government want to steal his technology? Some of Tesla’s most famous inventions deal with energy, one of the most important, and […]

Netanyahu approves mandatory prison for stone-throwers

Amid clashes and killings that have blazed into a second week, Israel’s cabinet unanimously approved mandatory minimum sentences for Jerusalemites and Israeli citizens who throw stones or launch heftier projectiles such as firebombs and fireworks. Minors accused of stone-throwing could also face mandatory minimum prison terms, and their parents will be required to pay punitive fines, although […]

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