Posts Tagged ‘Interpol’

INTERPOL plans big data and biometrics platform to give police predictive analytics

INTERPOL is building a platform for processing massive amounts of data, including biometrics, to give police around the world predictive analytics, according to Statewatch. Source

South Korea requests Interpol red notice in search for disgraced crypto developer Do Kwon

(Natural News) The co-founder of the stablecoin TerraUSD, Do Kwon, is officially a wanted man in his native South Korea. Last week, a court there issued an arrest warrant for him, and prosecutors say he’s wanted for violations of capital markets law. Kwon’s company, Terraform Labs, is behind the algorithmic stablecoin as well as its […]

Secret Interpol memo on @Avi Yemini ban

28 aug 2022 #BREAKING: An internal Interpol email has revealed the extraordinary plot to stop @Avi Yemini from reporting an anti-government protest in New Zealand.SHARE THE FULL STORY: Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. _______________________________ Home COMPILATION: PEER REVIEWED MEDICAL PAPERS OF COVID VACCINE INJURIES If you […]

UAE Official Elected President Of Interpol Spits In Face Of Combating International Crime

The election of UAE official, Inspector General Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi, to the position of President of Interpol signifies Abu Dhabi’s international rise to power and serves as a reminder that violating the crimes the agency claims to police, does not exempt you from running it. “To again choose a top official of an abusive state […]

UAE general accused of torture elected as Interpol president

Ahmed Al-Raisi, an Emirati general accused of overseeing torture, has been elected as Interpol’s president, the international police organisation said on Thursday. Maj. Gen. Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, inspector general at the United Arab Emirates interior ministry, was already a member of Interpol’s executive committee. Al-Raisi has been linked to the torture of high-profile political prisoners […]


[embedded content]… This is a war. One example of this interaction involved anti-fertility work. According to documents from RRL [Roodeplaat Research Laboratories], the facility had a number of registered projects aimed at developing an anti-fertility vaccine. This was a personal project of the first managing director of RRL, Dr Daniel Goosen. Goosen, who had done […]

Victims file torture complaints against UAE INTERPOL candidate

Two British victims have filed torture complaints against the UAE’s candidate for heading international policing body INTERPOL, Forbes reported on Friday, noting that the complaints were submitted to French prosecutors. Matthew Hedges is a British academic arrested in the UAE in May 2018 and claimed he was held in solitary confinement, tortured and coerced into […]

Interpol creates new app to combat art, artifact theft

Interpol launched a new app that uses cutting-edge image-recognition software to help identify stolen cultural property, reduce trafficking and increase the chances of recovering stolen artifacts.The app, called ID-Art is free to download and available in the Apple app store as well as the Google or Android play stores.The app grants law enforcement officials and the […]

Interpol drops arrest warrant for Sbarro bomber Ahlam al-Tamimi

International law enforcement body Interpol has dropped its arrest warrant for Ahlam Ahmad al-Tamimi, the terrorist responsible for the 2001 Sbarro pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem that killed 15 people, including eight children. Arab media sources first reported about this on March 8, when a letter from Interpol said that Tamimi was no longer “subject to […]

Interpol hunting in Israel for Argentine rabbi accused of sexual abuse of teens

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Interpol is looking in Israel for a former rabbi of a Buenos Aires synagogue who is accused of sexually abusing at least two young men between 2010 and 2018. Rabbi Marcelo Daniel Krawiec, 44, had been living in Israel since 2019. But according to Argentina’s Migration Department, he entered Argentina on […]

Interpol issues red alert for rabbi from Argentina suspected of sex abuse

Interpol has issued a red alert for the arrest of an immigrant from Argentina who is wanted there on suspicion of the sexual abuse of at least two teenage minors. The red alert was issued against 44-year-old Rabbi Marcelo Krawiec, following a request from the Criminal and Correctional Court No. 18 in Argentina at the […]

Iran demands Interpol red notice for 4 individuals involved in assassination of nuclear scientist

TEHRAN – Iran has requested Interpol to issue a red notice for 4 individuals involved in the assassination of top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Source

Iran Asks Interpol To Help Arrest Trump

Above photo: (L) Qasem Soleimani © Getty Images / Anadolu Agency / Press Office of Iranian Supreme Leader; (R) Donald Trump. Getty Images / Andrew Harrer-Pool. And 47 other US officials over 2020 killing of General Soleimani. Iran has requested that Interpol issue a ‘Red Notice’ for Donald Trump and 47 other officials, over their “role” in […]

Iran asks Interpol to help arrest Trump and 47 other US officials over 2020 killing of General Soleimani – judiciary spokesman

Iran has requested that Interpol issue a ‘Red Notice’ for Donald Trump and 47 other officials, over their “role” in the assassination of Qassem Soleimani last January, said judiciary spokesman Gholam Hossein Esmaeili. Iran has requested that Interpol issue a ‘Red Notice’ for Donald Trump and 47 other officials, over their “role” in the assassination […]

Migrant smugglers exploiting Covid-19 pandemic, Interpol warns

Interpol has made more than 200 arrests as part of an international operation to bring down criminal smuggling networks, and warned human traffickers are exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic. The one-week op, named Operation Turquesa II, saw officials in 32 countries conduct more than 50,000 checks. The massive crackdown lead to the identification of around 3,500 […]

Palestine’s Interpol membership worries Israeli media – fears arrest warrants could be issued over war crime allegations

     Palestine’s admission to Interpol raised concerns in the Israeli media regarding possible attempts by the Palestinian Authority to use the law enforcement organization for political attacks against Tel Aviv. Interpol’s decision to admit Palestine as a full member of the organization, coupled with ICC probes into the allegations of war crimes committed by the […]

Interpol accepts Palestinian membership

International police agency Interpol has voted to include State of Palestine as a member in new boost to Palestinian efforts for international recognition. Interpol announced the inclusion of the State of Palestine, as well as the Solomon Islands on Twitter and its website after a vote by its general assembly in Beijing. With the new […]

Interpol votes to admit Palestine as full member

Interpol has voted to admit Palestine as a full member, dealing a significant diplomatic blow to Israel, which has strenuously lobbied against Palestinian admission. In a secret vote of representatives of the international police organisation’s members in China, Palestinian membership was approved by 75 to 24 votes, with 34 abstentions – exceeding the two-thirds requirement […]

Interpol To Vote For Palestinian Membership Despite Israeli Lobbying

The International law enforcement agency Interpol is set to vote on Palestinian Authority (PA) membership despite intensive Israeli and US lobbying against it, news agencies reported yesterday. Board of directors of the international police organization, which is currently meeting in Beijing, is voting on whether to accept or deny the PA’s police force as members today. […]

Interpol fears ISIS trained 170+ bomb attackers for Europe – media

Interpol issued a list of 173 terrorists linked to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), who “may have manifested willingness to commit a suicidal attack or martyrdom to support Islam,” the Guardian reported on Friday, saying it obtained the names. The specially trained attackers “can travel internationally, to participate in terrorist activities,” but it is unclear […]

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