Posts Tagged ‘kidnaps’

Muslim ‘Suitor’ Kidnaps 13-Year-Old Christian Girl in Pakistan

Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan. (Alimrankdev, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Two months after a Muslim told a Christian in Pakistan he could not stop him from taking the Christian’s 13-year-old daughter for marriage to his 28-year-old Muslim son, the girl was kidnapped on March 13,… Source

VIDEO: Suspect Drags, Allegedly Kidnaps Struggling Woman in Florida

Security footage from outside a Hialeah, Florida, home recorded an argument that became violent Monday as two people fought over money, law enforcement said.

Notorious Gang Kidnaps U.S. Missionaries in Haiti, Including 5 Children

[embedded content] (NBC News) — A group of American missionaries kidnapped in Haiti over the weekend are being held by one of the country’s most notorious gangs, according to a Haitian police official. Sixteen U.S. nationals and one Canadian were visiting an orphanage on Saturday as part of their work for Christian Aid Ministries, according to a statement from […]

US Kidnaps Venezuelan Diplomat: Alex Saab’s Case

 Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with attorney Femi Falana about the shocking case of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, who has been kidnapped for the crime of violating illegal sanctions in order to feed his country. Under pressure from the United States, Cape Verdean authorities arrested Saab in June of 2020 when he stopped […]

Medical Terrorism: USA Now Kidnaps Newborns from their Mothers and Bans them for Days over COVID

    Apparently COVID-19 is now an excuse for everything nowadays even if you test negative, TWICE! So here we have a tragic heartbreaking story of a mother being banned from nurturing her newborn son by a tyrannical system which portrays itself to the world as a bastion of freedom. Unfortunately, we have just learned […]

Israel kidnaps 11, including former hunger striker

Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Thursday 11 Palestinians in West Bank, including former hunger striker Mohamed Allan. Local sources said that the Israeli occupation forces raided several Palestinian cities and villages across the occupied West Bank and kidnapped several Palestinian citizens. The sources said that the former hunger striker Mohammed Allan, who went for 66-day hunger […]

Israeli occupation kidnaps 14-year-old lady in West Bank

Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Saturday afternoon 14-year-old Palestinian lady at Qalandia Checkpoint in occupied West Bank. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli occupation police shouted at the lady while she was very far from them and without posing any danger on them. “They Israeli occupation police sprayed pepper spray at the face of the girl, […]

Israeli navy kidnaps six Palestinians off Gaza coast

     Israeli occupation navy kidnapped six Palestinian fishermen off the Gaza coast during less than 12 hours; three at night and three in the morning. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli occupation nay opened fire on the Palestinian fishermen fishing off the northern Gaza coast in the early morning. No casualties were reported. However, security sources […]

Occupation kidnaps 16 in WB, opens fire at fishermen in Gaza

Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Wednesday 16 Palestinian citizens in West Bank, including three minors; opened fire at fishermen off Gaza coast. The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club (PPC) said that the Israeli occupation forces raided the Palestinian homes at midnight and caused much damage during the kidnapping campaign. Local Palestinian sources said that there were three […]

Israeli police jeep runs over Al-Aqsa security guard

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -An Israeli military jeep ran over on Wednesday morning Palestinian guard inside the sanctuary yards of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Eyewitnesses said that the guard was standing between Al-Selselah Gate and Al-Qattaneen Gate, when an Israeli police jeep ran over him. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter The guard, who was evacuated […]

Mainstream Media Evidence Bin Laden Died In 2001

Following Seymour Hersh’s claim that the raid on the Osama bin Laden compound in 2011 was “one big lie,” the following quotes from mainstream media outlets offer conclusive proof that the government and media knew that bin Laden had died in December 2001 in Tora Bora due to kidney failure.  All sources are from the mainstream media, […]

Israeli settlers occupy Palestinian house in Jerusalem

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Extremist Israeli settlers occupied on Monday morning large Palestinian house in Al-Sadiyeh neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. Around 40 extremist Israeli Jewish settlers arrived and stormed the Palestinian building and upon their entrance, they performed Jewish prayers in the courtyard. The three-story building, which is owned by Al-Yozbeshi family, has a wide courtyard […]

Around 280 Israeli violations against journalists since Oct

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation carried out around 280 violations against Palestinian journalists and media offices since October 2015, report said on Monday. PLO’s Prisoners and Freed Prisoners Committee Researcher Abdul-Naser Farwaneh said in the report, marking Wold Press Freedom Day, that the Israeli occupation placed restrictions on media outlets and closed a number of […]

Israeli court keeps 12-year-old boy in prison

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli Magistrate Court decided Wednesday to keep 12-year-old Palestinian boy Ali Alqam in prison over alleged stabbing attack. Ali Alqam, with his cousin Muawiya, 14, were kidnapped on November 10 last year at a light rail station in the illegal Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev. Like our page on Facebook Follow us […]

US builds secret military base in central Israel

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Security sources have revealed that United States is constructing military base in central Israel to reportedly protect it from possible attacks. The new secret base, which is being built, the security sources said, is reportedly designed to withstand ballistic missile attacks. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter According to a […]

Indonesia Builds 12 Submarines to Address Ermerging Security Challenges

nsnbc : Indonesia aims at building 12 submarines, the first to be built in a Southeast Asian country. The infrastructure for the project will be launched in September. The decision to build the submarines come as Indonesia faces potential security threats from Australia over gas resources and as tensions about territorial disputes in the South […]

Israeli bulldozers raze sole school in West Bank village

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation forces razed on Wednesday morning the only school in the West Bank village of Beit Forik. Deputy Municipal of Beit Forik Sami Zalmout said that the Israeli occupation forces, accompanied with bulldozers, stormed Tana in the early morning and sealed its entrance with a checkpoint. Like our page […]

Refugee Crisis: EU Cites Missing Libyan Navy It Destroyed in 2011

February 29, 2016 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – News agencies are reporting on a Wikileaks report detailing the EU’s “Operation Sophia,” an allegedly covert military operation aimed at stemming the flow of refugees into Europe. The International Business Times in their report, “WikiLeaks leak ‘classified report’ indicating EU Operation could move into Libyan territory,” would report […]

NC Republicans Segregate the Vote Despite Supreme Court Decision

Susanne Posel (OC) : The US Supreme Court (USSC) has declined to place a stay on a lower court’s ruling that congressional redistricting maps in North Carolina were valid. Republican lawmakers caused this issue when they drew congressional lines that placed black voters into only 2 districts, leaving the remaining districts white and in favor […]

Israeli authorities to demolish 50,000 Arab homes

Days of Palestine, Taiba –Israeli occupation authorities are planning to demolish 50,000 Arab homes in the city of Al-Taiba in occupied Palestine (Israel). Demolishing the Arab house in the Arab city last week was not a single incident, but it was part of a pre-planned plan prepared by the Israeli occupation authorities to uproot Palestinians […]

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