Posts Tagged ‘pure’

The David Duke Show: Dr. Kevin MacDonald Pledges his Support for the Duke Campaign

David Duke July 15, 2016 Today Dr. Duke had Professor Kevin MacDonald as his guest for the hour. Professor MacDonald talked about the importance of Dr. Duke running for Congress. They talked about the need to have at least one person in Congress willing to stand up for the ethnic interests of whites, which are […]

’Israeli’ Apartheid Policy: Baring All Palestinians!

Local Editor As part of its continuous restrictions against Palestinians, the “Israeli” army said Friday that it was barring Palestinians from entering the Zionist entity. An army spokeswoman stated that crossings to “Israel” from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would be closed for Palestinians in all but “medical and humanitarian cases”. She said […]

Top 22 Mythological Creatures in the British Isles

Youtube link The British Isles have some very unique mythology intertwined with the fascinating history of its people. Unfortunately, the “dark” magic of Moses and Mohamed controls Britain as of late. Source Article from

Miss Earth Switzerland 2016 Isn’t Swiss

Editor’s Comment: Miss Earth Switzerland is a Swiss beauty pageant for young women in Switzerland. Swiss is a European ethnicity that is part of the White race. Have you ever heard of a White European woman winning a pageant to become the new Miss Nigeria or Miss China? Of course not because only in White […]

Molyneux: What Pisses Me Off About Brexit

Daily Stormer May 13, 2016 Stef gets emotional in this one. Almost thought he was going to start talking about the Jews. Good video to share with the normies for sure. Source Article from

Israeli Air Force Fires Missiles Into Palestinian Lands In Khan Younis And Rafah

Saed Bannoura (IMEMC) : Israeli war jets carried out, on Saturday at dawn, two air strikes into Palestinian agricultural lands, east of Khan Younis and Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army said the missiles were fired after an armed group in Gaza fired shells into the Eshkol Regional Council. […]

Israel returns body of Palestinian to his family 65 days after he was killed by soldiers in Jerusalem

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Palestinian buried after body withheld by Israeli authorities for 65 days JERUSALEM (Ma‘an) 29 Feb — Israeli intelligence handed over the body of Musab Mahmoud al-Ghazali to the Palestinians on Sunday night, 65 days after he was killed by Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem, for him to be […]

Dripping Blood, a Severed Arm, & 67 Tons of Cash on a CIA Plane

Dripping Blood, a Severed Arm, & 67 Tons of Cash on a CIA Plane February 24th, 2016 This is a good one. Via: Mad Cow Productions: When the ground crew at Harare International Airport comes out to refuel the plane, they’re horrified to see […]

Hours After Beyoncé’s Anti-Cop Show, Cop Nearly Killed For What He DIDN’T Do

There’s little question whether or not law enforcement officers have a dangerous job, and whack jobs like Beyoncé don’t make it any easier when they show support for thugs and criminals. Hours after she went on stage and gave a controversial anti-police performance, an officer found himself fighting for his life, and it’s directly related […]

Hours After Beyoncé’s Anti-Cop Show, Cop Nearly Killed For What He DIDN’T Do

There’s little question whether or not law enforcement officers have a dangerous job, and whack jobs like Beyoncé don’t make it any easier when they show support for thugs and criminals. Hours after she went on stage and gave a controversial anti-police performance, an officer found himself fighting for his life, and it’s directly related […]

Doctors Tell California Residents “Leave Now”, Amid Deadly Gas Leak

Following California Governor Jerry Brown’s state of emergency decleration on Wednesday due to the unstoppable methane gas leak, doctors in Southern California have warned residents that they must get out of California in order to avoid getting ill.  The gas leak, originating from Aliso Canyon, is spewing out a plume of toxic chemicals all over […]

israel fires artillery into Lebanon

The Israeli military has fired a number of artillery rounds into Lebanon amid a pledge by the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, that it will not leave unanswered Israel’s assassination of its high-ranking member Samir Qantar. On Sunday, Israeli forces shelled the Lebanese border fence for the fourth consecutive day. The Israeli military feared that Hezbollah forces might take […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

People Power: Fired Idaho lunch lady offered job back after social media storm

     An Idaho school district has offered to hire back a cafeteria worker fired over a $1.70 school lunch which she had given to a hungry student, after international news coverage of her plight and a backlash on social media. Dalene Bowden, who worked at Irving Middle School in southeastern Idaho, was fired last week […]

Muammar Gaddafi’s Address to the London School of Economics, December 2010

Muammar Gaddafi addressed the London School of Economics in December 2010 – only months before the uprising in Libya began that eventually led to his death. Questions are raised pertaining to Libya, Wikileaks, Colonization, Liberation movements, Terrorism, the Lockerbie case, World Peace, the Warsaw Pact, Arab disunity, Africa, Brazil, Pakistan and more. Fascinating, […]

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