Posts Tagged ‘Blackwater’

‘Project Opus’: UN details violations by Blackwater founder Erik Prince in Libya

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

That Blackwater: Its founder accused of helping USA evade U.N. Libya sanctions

Media reports said: Erik Prince, the private security executive and supporter of former U.S. President Donald Trump, “at the very least” helped evade an arms embargo on Libya, according to excerpts from a UN report. Independent UN sanctions monitors accused Prince of proposing a private military operation – known as ‘Project Opus’ – to Libya’s […]

After Trump pardon for massacre, Blackwater guard defiant: ‘I acted correctly’

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CNN’s Sellers: Blackwater Pardon ‘Stain’ on Evangelicals Who Lift Trump Up

CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers said on Wednesday’s broadcast of  “The Situation Room” that President Donald Trump’s pardon of four former Blackwater security guards who were convicted of a massacre in Baghdad that killed a dozen Iraqi civilians is a “stain” on “particularly Evangelicals who lift him up.” Sellers said, “I mean, you hear people […]

Retired CIA Agent Working With Blackwater Founder Claims H.R. McMaster Approved NSA Spy Job On Trump Family

    Former CIA agent John R. Maguire and Blackwater founder Erik Prince The former CIA agent, John R. Maguire – a Trump transition team member who works for intelligence contractor Amyntor Group, spent over two decades as a paramilitary officer – including tours in Central America working with the […]

The Mohamed Bin Salman – Blackwater Marriage Of Convenience

Mohamed Bin Salman’s (MBS) royal Saudi coup is still in the making and its stories of mystery and intrigue are unfolding. Some recent articles written about this unprecedented Saudi development have focused on whether or not MBS was actually desirous of instigating reform within the kingdom of sand and capable of putting together […]

Blackwater Founder Asks For AG Probe On Obama ‘Unmasking’

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Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Implicated In Murder

Above Photo: Erik Prince testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on security contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan on October 2, 2007. (Reuters / Larry Downing) Sworn statements filed in Federal Court allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a “crusade” to eliminate Muslims and Islam. Former Blackwater employee and an ex-US Marine who has worked […]

Will Blackwater Replace the World’s Most Powerful Military to Win Afghan War?

Blackwater founder Eric Prince wants to privatize Afghanistan war and install a viceroy

nsnbc : Eric Prince, founder of the notorious Blackwater company proposed to privatize a large portion of the United States’ war in Afghanistan. US […]

Conviction Of Blackwater Killer Overturned

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Blackwater Founder’s Disturbing Plan to Privatize Afghanistan War Gains Ground

By Jake Johnson As President Donald Trump vents his frustration with the United States’ “losing” strategy in Afghanistan, the “notorious mercenary” and Blackwater founder Erik Prince has seized the moment to offer his favored alternative: privatize the war. According to a report by Katrina Manson of the Financial Times on Monday, Prince has drafted a proposal—dated August 2017—that would hand […]

Watching The Hawks – Blackwater Set Free & Law and Vengeance

Watching The Hawks – Blackwater Set Free & Law and Vengeance Watching The On this episode of Watching the Hawks, Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace break down They also take a look at a story out of the gaming world’s past that mainstream media has just now come around to covering. Then, Mike Papantonio, […]

Blackwater Founder Wants to Provide a “Turn Key” Mercenary Air Force for Afghanistan

Blackwater Founder Wants to Provide a “Turn Key” Mercenary Air Force for Afghanistan August 6th, 2017 Via: The Drive: Though a debate remains over the exact reasons why, it’s increasingly widely accepted that the United States and its allies are not winning the fight […]

Judges Toss Murder Conviction of Blackwater Mercenary Who Killed 14 Unarmed Civilians

Three former mercenaries who killed and injured 31 unarmed Iraqis in Nisour Square will be resentenced, and a fourth may be retried. (COMMONDREAMS) — A federal appeals court on Friday threw out lengthy prison sentences of three former operatives for private mercenary firm Blackwater Worldwide—and ordered a retrial for a fourth operative […]

Blackwater Murder Case Overturned By U.S. Appeals Court

August 4, 2017 By Aaron Kesel A U.S. appeals court on Friday dismissed the first-degree murder charge against a former Blackwater employee, Nicholas A. Slatten, and ordered re-sentencings for three others convicted in the case. Blackwater killed 17 Iraqi civilians during a 2007 assault on a Baghdad public square. Four of the guards were […]

Wings for hire? Ex-Blackwater CEO Erik Prince reportedly offering private air force for Afghan War

Prince, the founder and former CEO of private military company Blackwater (now rebranded Academi), has floated a business proposal offering a privately-manned “turn-key composite air wing” to the Afghan government, whose troops steadily lose ground to the Taliban, the Military Times reported on Thursday. Prince’s plan, cited by the newspaper, was reportedly submitted to the Afghans back […]

Blackwater Founder Calls For ‘American Viceroy’ To Rule Afghanistan

Blackwater founder Erik Prince listens during a panel discussion on protecting people and physical security hosted by North Carolina Technology Association in Cary, N.C., June 7, 2007. (AP/Sara D. Davis) Displaying what one commentator called “sheer 19th-century bloodlust and thirst for empire,” Erik Prince, founder of the private mercenary firm Blackwater, argued in The Wall […]

‘Literal Colonialism’: Blackwater Founder Calls For ‘American Viceroy’ To Rule Afghanistan

Displaying what one commentator called “sheer 19th century bloodlust and thirst for empire,” Erik Prince, founder of the private mercenary firm Blackwater, argued in The Wall Street Journal this week that the United States should deploy an “East India Company approach” in Afghanistan. Despite the fact that private contractors have a long record of abuse […]

“Literal Colonialism”: Blackwater Founder Calls For “American Viceroy” To Rule Afghanistan

By Jake Johnson Displaying what one commentator called “sheer 19th century bloodlust and thirst for empire,” Erik Prince, founder of the private mercenary firm Blackwater, argued in The Wall Street Journal this week that the United States should deploy an “East India Company approach” in Afghanistan. The country, he wrote, should be run […]

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