Posts Tagged ‘children’

Objecting To The Non Semitic Jew Cult Members Raping Children, Robbing, Mass Murdering is “Anti-Semitic”

If one could have a sit down conversation with Lucifer who along with some of his command got their butts in deep trouble with the upper brass for trying to help the with pigs fornicating sheep monkey “humans” by giving them knowledge, betcha he would be very disgusted with “humanity”. ‘The With Pigs Fornicating Sheep […]

AP: ‘Israeli Strikes on Gaza City of Rafah Kill 22, Mostly Children, as U.S. Advances Aid Package’

Israel bombed “mostly children” in Rafah on Saturday night just hours after the US House approved the largest aid package ever for the Jewish State, the AP reports. Source



Children’s Health: By the Numbers

Last month, a young student at Eton College died at the age of 17 years while playing games at the College fields. Unfortunately, this sad event is not an isolated incident. During the same week, a different young football player collapsed in 3 separate world football games. As a stunned commentator said, “World football, unfortunately, […]

Erdogan Says Israel Has Outdone Hitler By Killing Over 14,000 Children In Gaza

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of outdoing the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler by killing more than 14,000 innocent children in Gaza. Speaking to a meeting of his Justice and Development (AK) […] The post Erdogan Says Israel Has Outdone Hitler By Killing Over 14,000 Children In Gaza appeared first on The […]

A Parents’ Guide to Healthy Children

15 april 2024 A free complete guide in defense of children’s health and parents’ and guardians’ freedom to make health and wellness decisions for their children. Empowered and loving adults provide the foundation for children’s healthy habits. Parents have the innate ability to respond to their children in ways that promote health and vitality. Sign […]

Cancun Cruz Said You Must Send Your Children To Die For Israel Which Did Nine-Eleven

Cancun Cruz said you must send your children to die for Israel which did nine-eleven-You should be proud they kill and die for Ntwityahoo’s pedophile brethren- After all they pay me well to whore myself, to pimp for them, the truth to mutilate and bend–If I do not deliver the goods they threaten to Youtube […]

The killing of Ismail Haniyeh’s children exposes Israel’s weakness

On April 10, Israeli occupation forces committed yet another atrocity, murdering three sons and three grandchildren of Ismail Haniyeh, a senior leader of Hamas and head of Hamas’s political bureau. They were, according to Haniyeh, on their way to visit family for Eid al-Fitr when an Israeli drone targeted their car. As he received the […]

Parents in Seattle furious over program for gifted children being terminated simply because “it had too many White students”

Parents in Seattle furious over program for gifted children being terminated simply because “it had too many White students” Parents in Seattle are furious over the termination of a program for the gifted and talented children simply because “it had too many White students.” The Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has a program called Highly Capable Cohort […]

One of the U.K.’s largest retailers is now selling COVID-19 vaccines to CHILDREN as young as 12

One of the U.K.’s largest retailers is now selling COVID-19 vaccines to CHILDREN as young as 12 Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are now available as major retailer and pharmacy Boots became the first to start a private vaccination service in the United Kingdom. The single-dose Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be provided at 52 stores starting April 1 […]

US Secretly Sending More Bombs to Israhell to Holocaust Innocent Children

The UNITED STATES CORPORATION while playing publicly like they are trying to slow down Nitwityahoo’s blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians in Gaza and the West Bank are continuing to secretly ship him billions of fiat dollars more in aircraft and bombs paid for with funds […]

Florida passes law banning social media for children under 14 years old

Florida has passed a law banning children under 14 years old from having social media accounts regardless of parental consent. Under the law, which will take effect on Jan. 1, 2025, social media corporations must close accounts used by minors under 14 as well as cancel accounts at the request of parents or minors. All information from […]

Israeli source of “executed children” lie admits story was untrue

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 27 March. The Jewish extremist responsible for concocting some of Israel’s worst atrocity propaganda about 7 October has admitted that one of his stories about Hamas executing children was untrue. Yossi Landau of the group ZAKA concedes in a new interview with Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit that dead bodies […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 169: Israel kills 7 aid-seekers in northern Gaza, 4 children in Rafah as siege of al-Shifa Hospital enters sixth day

Casualties 32,070+ killed* and at least 74,412 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 435+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 590 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health confirmed […]

When children are present in a genocide

When children are present in a time of genocide, they will always be the most vulnerable, the most affected, and the most in need of our protection. They will need pediatricians, such as myself, to act en masse and say unequivocally: ceasefire now. Source

Social Services trafficking children and eating babies

Social Services trafficking children and eating babies. Jewish blood libel

Christian Family in India Beaten, Separated from Children

Mangu Ram Podiyami (R) was beaten unconscious in Gupanpal, Chhattisgarh state, India on Feb. 12, 2024. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A Christian couple in central India have not seen their two young children for more than a month after an attack by followers of traditional tribal religion drove them from their […]

German School Bans Children from Drinking Water Because its Offensive

Twenty Four children were told they could not drink water at a school in Germany because three other students in the class were Muslims observing Ramadan, according to a report. The 10-year-old kids in Frankfurt were all denied drinking water due to the tiny minority fasting for the Islamic holy month. German outlet NIUS, notes […]

Amish Officially Declared ‘World’s Healthiest Children’ After Rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines

A major new investigation has found that Amish children are free from the chronic conditions that are affecting young children across the rest of the world. Known for simple living, plain dress, traditional food, and […] The post Amish Officially Declared ‘World’s Healthiest Children’ After Rejecting Big Pharma Vaccines appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Victoria’s child protection services gives children to paedophiles and rapists

The mainstream media drew attention to a recent posting by Anthony Lees, under his YouTube channel ‘Spanian‘ from the ‘Into the hood’ series, where this time the crime ridden outer western town of Melton was the focus of the trials and tribulation of criminals living there. While the media focused on the ‘trivial’ matters of […]

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