Posts Tagged ‘insidious’

Propaganda & Its Insidious Tactics of Persuasion — Then & Now

JAN 4, 2024 What is propaganda? Where does it have its origins? Who utilized it in the past, and how is it abused in the present? Will it be a weapon used to further insidious agendas in the future? From Nazi Germany to the Rockefeller Foundation, financial institutions to the military-industrial complex, the propaganda machine […]

The SOROS EFFECT: The insidious “Merchant of Migrants” funds war and chaos around the world that sends millions of migrants straight to the USA

(NaturalNews) Business magnate and investor of “chaos” George Soros is what many would call the “head of the snake” when it comes to the money that backs chaos in… Source

Top 4 most INSIDIOUS SLOGANS that trick consumers into using toxic products

It’s a shame the FDA doesn’t protect customers by investigating questionable claims by product makers and distributors, especially ones that claim the exact opposite of what they do. In other words, the world’s most deadly and dangerous products are claiming they are safe, healthy and effective, when they are actually dangerous, harmful and ineffective at what […]

On the Insidious Discourse of “Terrorism” in the US and How it Functions to Demonize Palestine Advocates and Muslims

Professor Heike Schotten — Still captured from We Will Not Be Silenced webinar at the University of Massachusetts Boston After Heike Schotten, Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB), co-organized and moderated a webinar at the University of Massachusetts Boston entitled We Will not Be Silenced: The Repression of Academic Freedom and Resistance, from Leila […]

Holocaust Survivor Slams Endless Lockdowns As ‘Worse and More Insidious’ Than Nazi Germany

Home » Europe, Injustice, Suppression » Holocaust Survivor Slams Endless Lockdowns As ‘Worse and More Insidious’ Than Nazi Germany     A 93-year-old Holocaust survivor condemned the COVID-19 lockdowns and mask mandates, calling the oppressive environment “worse” than Nazi Germany. Speaking to a crowd of anti-lockdown protesters in the United Kingdom over the weekend, the […]

 Women’s Woe: Masking Insidious Domestic Abuse under Covid-19 Crisis

Written by Divya Sharma & Dr Anita Banerjee Engulfing the globe under its grim, the unprecedented Corona Virus (COVID-19) has surprisingly shown an upsurge in domestic violence cases worldwide. India being the second most populous country has witnessed around 2.5 times spurt in domestic abuse cases since the nationwide lockdown in March 2020, which is […]

ACH (1342) Paul English – The Insidious Aspects Of The Control Grid

ACH (1342) Paul English – The Insidious Aspects Of The Control GridTHE ACH SHOW In today’s show originally broadcast on September 15 2020, Andy is joined by Paul English for a show entitled, “The Insidious Aspects Of The Control Grid.” We discussed: the video “Scooby Doo Just Solved The COVID-19 Mystery” that we played during […]

Profs: Farmers’ Markets Are ‘Insidious’ ‘White Spaces,’ ‘Normalize’ White Eating Habits

By Chris Menahan  Farmers’ Markets “normalize” the “food consumption habits of white people” and contribute to the oppression of minorities, according to two professors at San Diego State University. From Campus Reform: Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J Bosco, two geography professors at SDSU, criticized the “whiteness of farmers’ markets” in a chapter for Just Green Enough, a new anthology […]

The Insidious Strategy behind Donald Trump’s Retweets

On Nov. 29, President Trump retweeted a series of videos that purported to depict violence committed by Muslims. They had originated from the account of a far-right British ultranationalist who had been convicted for harassing a Muslim. The backlash was swift, with British Prime Minister Theresa May saying “the President is wrong to have done this.” But […]

GOP Tax Plan Increases the Most Insidious Tax

GOP Tax Plan Increases the Most Insidious Tax By seanm Thursday, congressional Republicans unveiled their tax reform legislation. On the same day, President Trump nominated current Federal Reserve Board Governor Jerome Powell to succeed Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve chair. While the tax plan dominated the headlines, the Powell appointment will have much greater long-term […]

The Insidious ISIS-US Relationship. The West is Terrorizing and Destroying Countries

5 insidious phrases sociopaths and narcissists use to undermine your confidence

     Have you ever wondered if someone you know is a narcissist or sociopath? How do you tell the difference? First let me say that all sociopaths are narcissists, but not all narcissists are sociopaths. Confused? Let me try to explain. While there are definite similarities between the two personality types, the motives behind what […]

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