Posts Tagged ‘throughout’

YUUUUGE!!! NYT Publishes Major Exposé On The Lawlessness And Criminality Throughout The Zionist State of Israel

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Wholesome McDonald’s Japan Ad Sends Shockwaves Throughout the Internet

A wholesome McDonald’s Japan ad featuring a family of red heads eating a meal while laughing and playing is breaking the internet. McDonald's Japan made a burger ad that isn't pushing some bizarre, anti-human agenda and people are actually blown away — Stonetoss Comics (@stone_toss) September 22, 2023 Westerners were shocked to see an […]

Christian Nationalist Pastor Bill Cook Seeks to ‘Institute the Government of God Throughout Every Square Inch of the Earth’

Right-wing evangelists and MAGA cultists Lance Wallnau and Mario Murillo held a “Fire and Glory Tour” event in Colorado earlier this week that was part political rally and part spiritual revival. The idea for this sort of event was birthed by Wallnau in 2021, when he urged former President Donald Trump to begin holding public […]

Animals continue to “die suddenly” at zoos throughout the world

2 elephants; 2 giraffes; a chimpanzee; a black rhino; a koala cub; a sloth; a squirrel monkey; 5 meerkats; a fox; a deer; a python; a lemur; a Golden Eagle; a sea lion, a cheetah; and 4 lion cubs READ AT THE LINK Source

Redheads Have Been Scarlet Underdogs Throughout History

Whether you call them carrot tops, strawberry blondes or gingers, redheads have attracted unwanted attention throughout history. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Psychedelic-Induced Mystical Experiences Throughout History

Since time immemorial, psychedelic mind-altering experiences have been common among humankind’s shamanic journeys. All is one. That is one of the feelings contemporary users of mind-altering plants describe.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Palestinian resistance growing throughout West Bank: PIJ chief

3 Mar 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English  The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, Ziyad Al-Nakhalah, says resistance groups are expanding throughout the West Bank in the face of the occupation. The resistance groups in the occupied West Bank have announced that they will continue confronting the Israeli occupation until it is […]

Khazarians are kicking up a storm throughout the world community of nation in preparation for their long-planned WW3.

READ HERE: Peru protests: President Boluarte ‘will not resign’ despite weeks of violence   Source

Why Rituals Have Been Crucial for Humans Throughout History

Each December, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, among others, take over our thoughts and our wallets as we participate in ceremonies our ancestors have practiced for as long as we can remember. These are all examples of traditions. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Taibbi-Twitter Bombshell Blows Up Throughout Mainstream Media

READ HERE: Greenwald Drags MSM Journos For ‘Hive-Mind’ Hackery Over Taibbi-Twitter Bombshell   Source

Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History

There is perhaps no piece of clothing in history that has caused more controversy than the veil. Currently, protests to raise awareness of the tragic death of Mahsa Amini Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Hidden Gems: The Use of Pearls Throughout History

Pearls are one of the most beautiful gemstones in the world. Beyond their shimmering beauty, they also have a fascinating history in countless regions throughout the world. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

5,000 mining units inactive throughout country

5,000 mining units inactive throughout country – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – There are 11,800 mining units in the country, of which just 6,800 units are active and the rest are inactive, an official with Industry, Mining and Trade Ministry announced. Reza Mohtashami-Pour, the deputy minister for mines and mineral processing, said more than 60 to 70 […]

A funeral director speaks about his experience throughout the so-called pandemic

November 3rd, 2021 ★ Funeral Director: I just see the dead babies in the fridges (full interview) _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, maybe this could help you:HERE If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Juden Raus! One Thousand Thirty jewish Expulsions Throughout History

THE COMPLETE LIST OF THE ONE THOUSAND AND THIRTY JEWISH EXPULSIONS IN HUMAN HISTORY 1,200 B.C. – Egypt  Jews Expelled for having leprosy and causing various seditions/rebellions throughout  Egypt, including helping the Hyksos gain and maintain power; Jews venomously deny this  basically because it refutes the mythology in their Old Testament; Egyptian historian Apion  (1st […]

A Simple Process You Can Use To Stay Calm & Present Throughout The Day

Do you notice yourself feeling tense shoulders? A cleansed jaw? Perhaps you’re holding your breath in some ways and you don’t even know it? Maybe you feel a clenched tummy from time to time and have tricky digestion. You might notice yourself rushing through life, tasks, wanting to get to the next thing. You may […]

Throughout the history of music, protest songs have played their part in change, coming together against corruption & tyranny

Songs from 2021 Songs of Freedom playlist By Alisha Christal Throughout the history of music, protest songs have played their part in change. It has been said “ music can change the world”. Music has the power to stir emotions, to enlighten causes. Over the decades songs of freedom and protest have led the way, […]

DNA Samples Collected Throughout Nation to Help Greek Adoptees

Linda Carol Trotter, who was born Eftychia Noula and spirited away from her mother, whom she later had been told had died. This is a common theme for many Greek adoptees — but they can now find their birth families through DNA, if enough people are tested. Courtesy of Linda Carol Trotter Greece has a […]

Horrifying Study Reveals mRNA Vaccine Nanoparticles Are Circulated Throughout the Entire Body

by Admin · Published June 6, 2021 · Updated June 6, 2021 Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire bodyWe have truly bombshell news today that blows the covid vaccine lies out of the water. New research conducted in Japan shows that Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely […]

How Totalitarianism Rhymes Throughout History: Czechoslovakia, China, & Venezuela

“It can’t happen here” is a political cliche in the United States. Regardless of your personal viewpoint, there is a vast swath of the American population who simply do not believe in the possibility of any kind of totalitarianism in the United States. It’s worth noting that throughout history, in virtually every place that totalitarian regimes […]

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