Posts Tagged ‘bid’


JULY 16, 2016 MADDCOLDSONOFKUFA by Jonathan Azaziah Not rockin’ with the coup in Turkey even a lil’ bit. Yes, no doubt that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a certified egomaniacal monster who has had a major hand in murdering hundreds of thousands of Syrians and Iraqis, who backs the Saudi war on Yemen, who is trying […]

Axe-wielding Afghan Refugee Attack 15 People on Train in Germany: Shot Dead by Police

Just a day earlier, we asked if Germay was next target:  #IslamicState claim #Germany next terror target. Is multiculturalism & open borders worth it? #Nice #Paris #Brussels — Henrik Palmgren (@Henrik_Palmgren) July 17, 2016 and here it is: A teenage Afghan refugee armed with an axe and knife injured four people on a train in southern Germany […]

Tony Blair is a sorry sight

Having watched the BBC live coverage of Tony Blair’s remarks in the aftermath of the Chilcot report one has to admit that he was indeed a sorry sight. He entered the room where reporters sat waiting and his pale emaciated look stood in stark contrast to the background of plush gold wallpaper behind him. His […]

Fake Dead Pig, Human Dummies, and Fake Blood Proves Nice Attack is an Arch Zionist Hoax

Fake Dead Pig, Human Dummies, and Fake Blood Proves Nice Attack is an Arch-Zionist Hoax With revelations thanks to our posters Make no mistake about it the Nice ‘truck attack’ is, in fact, a non-attack and is absolutely a fake and a hoax. Furthermore, this is no false flag but is, rather, merely a staged […]

Unreported Mass Killing Leaves Thousands Dead

Print Friendly Above Photo: Above Photo: From Turkish Confusion by Anthony Freda. In what’s being called the worst mass killing by the United States in the past six months, numerous mentally disturbed individuals, with the extensive backing of a well-financed terrorist organization, and support from a growing circle of allied gang members, have gruesomely slaughtered […]

Jew Richard Dreyfuss Says Trump has a Small Dick

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer June 1, 2016 The filthy Jew terrorist Richard Dreyfuss went on a hate-filled Twitter rant against Donald Trump. The dirty Jew bastard has since deleted the Tweets, but here’s what they said. The saddest people aren’t Donald Trump’s supporters. They’re really struggling. It’s Donald Trump’s celebrity supporters who are whores. — […]

Is Communism (Satanism) "The Jewish Utopia"?

Activity continues at Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz volcano; recent eruption closes airport

     Seismicity under Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz continues at elevated levels, and the volcano is experiencing frequent ash emissions since May 17, 2016. An eruption at about 10:40 UTC on May 22 sent ash 2.3 km (7 545 feet) above the crater (7.5 km / 24 606 feet a.s.l.) and temporarily closed La Nubia airport […]

Why The Leap Manifesto Is Common Sense

Print Friendly The response from politicians and commentators to the Leap Manifesto, a policy proposal to government from Canadian civil society, has been surprising. Much of the proposals contained in the manifesto flow from an acceptance of things we know to be true: that climate change is real and threatens our society and economy, that […]

Racially diverse ‘new majority’ set to reshape US public schools

From: Americas public schools are a snapshot of a changing America: Since 2014, for the first time in the countrys history, a majority of those in public schools have been students of color. Thats more than just a statistic. The rise of this new majority promises to have sweeping effects […]

‘Immortal’ to vie in Beijing Intl. Film Festival

TEHRAN, Apr. 03 (MNA) – Hadi Mohaghegh’s ‘Immortal’ (Persian: ‘Mamiro’) will be screened in the competition section of the 6th Beijing International Film Festival in China. Iranian filmmaker Hadi Mohaghehg told Mehr News that his feature film ‘Mamiro’ (Immortal) is currently participating in the 21st edition of Vilnius International Film Festival (Vilnius IFF) in Lithuania, running from […]

‘Whites should die’: academic’s call at Univ of the Witwatersrand

From: A lecturer in philosophy yesterday said at a radical antiwhite, anti-Afrikaner conference at the University of the Witwatersrand that whites should die. The lecturer, Terblanche Delport, from UNISA, was reported by the Johannesburg newspaper Beeld as saying that the only (life) purpose for whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their […]


Ziad Fadel  Read more  Via Wikimapia: Al-Ays and Al-Ays Mountain:  The rodents came from nowhere.  Actually, they came from Idlib in part to create a new front as a diversion for the Syrian Army and its numerous allies on the field of battle.  The assault was a surprise to the defenders and the rats quickly took […]

Congress: States Can Legalize Medical Marijuana Without Violating Federal Law

Print Friendly Above Photo: Mark/flickr In a Phoenix courtroom, the future of medical marijuana dispensaries in Arizona hangs in the balance. Last week, the Arizona Court of Appeals heard oral argument in the case White Mountain Health Center v. Maricopa County. The central issue presented in the case is whether federal law — the Controlled Substances […]

MIT’s new quantum computer could render today’s encryption useless

     Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created the first scalable quantum computer that could make current data encryption methods obsolete with its ability to factor very large numbers. The new device uses only five atoms. In a paper published Friday in the journal Science, researchers from MIT and Austria’s University of Innsbruck […]

Mozambican President Nyusi Tries to Revive Talks With Renamo as Crisis Escalates

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Mozambican President Felipe Nyusi renewed his attempt to revive talks with Renamo leader Alfonso Dhlakama to reach a lasting peace and de-escalate the crisis in the country. Nyusi invited Dhlakama to direct talks. The situation is particularly critical in the northwestern provinces of Mozambique. One of Dhlakama’s preconditions for talks is that Renamo […]

50,000+ Cubans Rush into US

More than 50,000 Cubans have been airlifted and bused into the US from all over Central America over the last few months, driven by an anticipation that Washington may soon halt the “wet foot, dry foot” migration policy. Cubans detained in Costa Rica. The “wet foot, dry foot” policy comes from the 1995 revision […]

Selected Articles: US-NATO War Agenda for the Middle East. “American Boots on the Ground”

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Photos: Iran’s President meets IAEA DG Amano in Tehran

14 testy months behind U.S. prisoner swap with Iran WASHINGTON — For a year, Obama administration officials had been meeting in secret with Iranian counterparts, seeking to free Americans imprisoned in… Source Article from

TVs Now ‘Smart’ Enough To Get Hijacked, Pick Up Malware

It was an LG Smart TV with a built in web browser, and she managed to get a DNS Hijacker that would say “Your computer is infected please send us money to fix it” any time she tried to do anything on the TV. The Reddit post included this image: If a […]

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