Posts Tagged ‘manning’

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Compares Lockdown to Solitary Confinement, Says People Will Take Years to Recover

Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government have expressed regret for using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behaviour during the pandemic, according to a report. The London Telegraph reports the comments made by Members of the Scientific […]


Boris Johnson’s Jewish Chief of Staff  DAN ROSENFIELD (left) with former Israeli ambassador Mark Regev. Unknown comments – ‘The Downing Street chief of staff is “THE MOST SENIOR POLITICAL APPOINTEE in the Office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom” ‘Boris Johnson specially selected Dan Rosenfield for this role.  ‘Rosenfield spent a year working […]

What if Chelsea Manning Had Been Home When Police Broke into Her Home for ‘Wellness Check’?

The Montgomery County Police Department in Bethesda, Maryland, conducted what they called a “wellness” or “welfare check” and broke into Chelsea Manning’s home with guns drawn. Fortunately, Manning was not home or else an encounter may have ended in death. A Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) study from December 2015 found “people with untreated mental illness are 16 […]

Chelsea Manning To Stand As Senator – The Jimmy Dore Show

Chelsea Manning To Stand As Senator – The Jimmy Dore Show The Jimmy Dore Show The Jimmy Dore Show is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK […]

Democrats Rankled by the Audacity of Chelsea Manning’s Senate Campaign

Chelsea Manning announced she will campaign for the Senate against Maryland Democratic Senator Ben Cardin in the upcoming primary. A segment of the Democratic establishment reacted feverishly. The former rapid response director for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Zac Petkanas, declared, “Chelsea Manning could have leaked the info anywhere. She went to an arm of Russian intelligence […]

Shame: Harvard Welcomes Spicer, Spurns Manning

Above photo: ‘Harvard’s fear of alienating donors is well known.’ Photograph: Buckner/Variety/REX/Shutterstock Its time to withdraw support from the university after it invited Sean Spicer and Corey Lewandowski, but rescinded a fellowship for Chelsea Manning. Boston, MA – I graduated from Harvard in 1968. (Officially, my diploma was from Radcliffe, the now disbanded women’s college, but […]

Harvard Kennedy Succumbs To CIA Pressure, Revokes Chelsea Manning’s Fellowship

Above Photo: CIA director Mike Pompeo and other CIA officials pressured the Harvard Kennedy School to revoke Chelsea Manning’s fellowship invitation. (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr) It is remarkable that any former CIA director would oppose someone for “long-standing efforts” to “legitimize” their “criminal path.” The Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School revoked an invitation […]

Chelsea Manning Hung Up Phone On Harvard Dean Who Delivered Fellowship Snub

Above Photo:  The source said Elmendorf argued that Harvard had to ‘weigh’ what each visiting fellow ‘brought to the table’. Photograph: Heidi Gutman/Getty Images Manning ended call early in expression of dismay, source tells Guardian Kennedy school canceled invitation after protests from CIA officials Chelsea Manning, the former US soldier who leaked hundreds of thousands of […]

The Silencing Of Chelsea Manning Puts Power Before Freedom Of Speech

There are difficult questions for Chelsea Manning to answer. As a visiting fellow – someone expected to speak publicly, answer questions, and be confronted by different opinions – everyone might have benefited It is ironic that the most powerful most fear powerlessness. Enter Harvard University. This week, wobbled by pressure from the CIA and other […]

Chelsea Manning At Harvard: The Fear Of Veritas

Above Photo: From Note: There was criticism of Harvard for attempting to silence Chelsea Manning and denying their students from hearing her views as well as kowtowing to CIA pressure. The Institute for Public Accuracy cited Jesselyn Radack, the director of the Whistleblower & Source Protection Program (WHISPeR) at ExposeFacts, who said  “It is ironic […]

Following CIA Backlash, Harvard Rescinds Chelsea Manning’s Title

(AP) — Harvard University reversed its decision to name Chelsea Manning a visiting fellow early Friday, a day after CIA Director Mike Pompeo scrapped a planned appearance over the title for the soldier who was convicted of leaking classified information. Douglas Elmendorf, the dean of the university’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, wrote in a […]

Chelsea Manning’s Persevering Spirit Shines In Interview

Above Photo: Still image from ABC News interview with Chelsea Manning (Fair use). Source: Whether in an imperfect or hostile setting, Chelsea Manning’s persevering spirit and humanity never fails to shine. That was certainly the case in her exclusive interview for “Nightline” on ABC. The United States Army whistleblower describes her military prison life at Fort […]

Chelsea Manning: Seeing Victims Of US War As ‘People’ – Not ‘Statistics’ – Compelled Leaks

“I stopped seeing just statistics and information, and I started seeing people,” Manning said. (Photo: ABC News Screenshot) U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has given her first interview since being released from prison last month in which she explains her motivations for making public thousands of military documents. Excerpts of her interview with ABC‘s “Nightline” […]

Chelsea Manning Speaks Out: Seeing Victims Of War As “People” – Not “Statistics” Inspired Leaks

By Rachel Blevins Chelsea Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst who was charged with leaking the largest trove of government secrets in U.S. history, spoke out for the first time this week after spending seven years in prison. “I accept the responsibility,” Manning said. “No one told me to do this. No one directed me […]

Chelsea Manning Is Free–But Whistleblowers Still Face Prison

Above Photo: From Human Rights Watch is glad that Chelsea Manning is free. A statement from the group’s General Counsel’s office notes that Manning’s “absurdly disproportionate” 35-year sentence for passing classified documents to Wikileaks in 2010, commuted by Barack Obama on his last day in office, was prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917, which they warn […]

What That Stunning Photograph Of Chelsea Manning Really Shows

Above Photo: Via Instagram French philosopher Roland Barthes famously theorized that a photograph can have a punctum, a “poignant” visual “accident” that “pricks” and “bruises” the viewer, disrupting the literal contents of the image. The punctum is the arresting detail that turns a simple family snapshot into an unforgettable image. For me, the punctum in […]

The Release of Chelsea Manning

Watching The Hawks – Chelsea Manning Free at Last & Doing Time Like A Spy

Watching The Hawks – Chelsea Manning Free at Last & Doing Time Like A Spy Watching The On this episode of Watching the Hawks Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace celebrate the release of whistleblower Chelsea Manning. RTs Marina Portnaya reports live from Fort Leavenworth Prison in Kansas on Mannings morning release and CIA whistleblower […]

Manning To Remain On Active Duty, Receive Benefits After Release

Chelsea Manning will remain on active duty in the army and receive health care benefits once she is free. Pvt. Chelsea Manning is scheduled to be released from military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on May 17, according to the U.S. Army. Sputnik reports: Manning is scheduled to be released from the military prison at Fort Leavenworth on Wednesday. […]

Chelsea Manning Will Be Released Next Week And Finally Get First Chance At Life

Above Photo: U.S. Army Post rivate First Class Chelsea Manning, the U.S. soldier convicted of giving classified state documents to WikiLeaks, is pictured dressed as a woman in this 2010 handout photograph obtained from the U.S. Army August 14, 2013. The U.S. military is considering options for the detention of the transgender soldier who is serving […]

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