Posts Tagged ‘protective’

Sheriff had cause to take Maine shooter into protective custody: report

The commission reviewing the events that led up to October’s Maine mass shooting found that local law enforcement could have taken the shooter into custody and seized his weapons prior to the shooting. Army reservist Robert Card murdered 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, on Oct. 25, marking the deadliest mass shooting in the state’s history.… […]

Victoria Police Protective Services Officers Employment Suitability Testing

See 52 page Candidate Information Booklet: Source

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds

Three Years Late, the Lancet Recognizes Natural Immunity The public-health clerisy rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic. By Allysia Finley Feb. 26, 2023 Journal Editorial Report: The week’s best and worst from Kim Strassel, Kyle Peterson, Collin Levy and Dan Henninger. Images: Zuma Press/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly The Lancet […]

How 8 girls in Arizona protective care ended up back with a polygamous cult over 1,000 miles away

(Business Insider) — Samuel Bateman, the self-anointed “prophet” of a polygamous FLDS cult, was arrested in August after three young girls were found hidden in a cargo trailer that law enforcement said he was towing on a highway in Flagstaff, Arizona — over 1,000 miles from the group’s stronghold in Colorado City. Around that time, […]

Mystical Egyptian Amulet Depicting Protective Deity Found in Turkey

Archaeologists excavating a Roman-era ruin in the ancient city of Amastris in Turkey have recently made the curious discovery of a talismanic amulet seal. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Trump Team Files Proposed Protective Order; House Republicans Outline Vision Before Midterms | NTD Evening News

The Trump team on Sept. 23 made a proposal to protect the documents seized at Mar-a-Lago from getting into the wrong hands during the review. House Republicans have revealed their vision for America as the Nov. 8 midterm elections draw near. * Click the “Save” button below the video to access it later on “My […]

Discover the AMAZING skin-protective benefits of black seed oil

(NaturalHealth365) Every day millions of dollars are spent by people trying to be more attractive, look younger, or resolve a skin problem like acne, eczema, or psoriasis.  Every day, many of those people are sorely disappointed.  There are many commercial products out there that are loaded with chemicals and synthetic ingredients that can do more […]

Super PAC hits Parnell on protective orders requested by wife

Then, the ad references a recent story in the Philadelphia Inquirer, saying court and police records show that Parnell’s wife called 911 and sought protective orders against him in 2017 and 2018. The ad goes on to say that Parnell’s wife was later let go from the charity that Parnell runs, which she sued. The […]

The Trend to Push  Harmful and Disruptive Projects as Eco-Protective Should Be Checked Before It Is Too Late

The seriousness of climate change and the wider ecological crisis cannot be denied any more and so there is increasing pressure on big business interests and those colluding with them for more restraint. Instead of responding by making efforts for genuine change some of these powerful interests have been trying to push their projects and […]

IDF troops who served during Protective Edge sue Breaking the Silence and crew member for ‘spreading lies and fabrications’

Browse > Home / News / IDF troops who served during Protective Edge sue Breaking the Silence and crew member for ‘spreading lies and fabrications’ January 22, 2021 by Aryeh Savir – TPS Read on for article Breaking the Silence is facing legal action after two IDF soldiers who served during Operation Protective Edge filed a unique […]

The Real Story of Medusa: Protective Powers from a Snake-Haired Gorgon

In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa is the most famous of three monstrous sisters known as the Gorgons. The earliest known record about the story of Medusa and the Gorgons can be found in Hesiod’s Theogony. According to this ancient author, the three sisters, Sthenno, Euryale, and Medusa, were the children of Phorcys and Ceto and lived […]

Farm Acts emasculate protective laws

Illustration by DOMINIC XAVIER, Courtesy : Parliament, despite its Constituent power under Article 368 to amend the Constitution, cannot legislate on state subjects, even if two-thirds of its members and half of states agree. Leaving agriculture to States is substantive part of federal character which is basic feature of the Constitution. The doctrine of […]

Take Ecologically Protective Methods to Farmers in Ways Which Benefit Them

Recently Sant Seechewal, saint and award winning eco-activist of Punjab, visited protesting farmers at Delhi border with the  precious gift of a truckload of healthy food. However the message he brought him was even more precious—he called upon them to shift to natural farming and mutually  cooperative farming in order to find more reliable and […]

Wider Social Benefits Apart, Ecologically Protective Farming Can Also Be Economically Attractive

While the social benefits of ecologically protective, organic and/or natural farming are so obvious, it is sometimes said that in economic terms this may not be so beneficial for farmers and this thinking becomes a big hurdle in the spread of ecologically protective farming. However the advocates of ecologically protective farming and low external input […]

Law of persons with disabilities should be truly protective

TEHRAN – For the first time in a decade, a law was passed in 2018 to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, however, the question is, has it been effective and fully enforced by the related bodies? The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is annually observed on December 3, to promote the […]

Over 1,200 Minnesota Parents Are Suing to Shut Down Child Protective Services

(CW) — A group of parents in Minnesota called Stop CPS From Legally Kidnapping Children has filed a request in federal court to “shut down the state’s child protection services, stop serial abuse of families and overturn the unconstitutional laws by which the agency operates,” according to a press release published Tuesday. The group, led by Dwight Mitchell, a […]

Fowl play: Taxi driver is no match for protective mother duck (VIDEO)

The video, filmed in the city center, shows a man approach a duck and ducklings hurrying across the road, the mother duck quacking at her brood. The feathered family take off down the road at a fast pace as the man pursues them. Suddenly, the mother duck turns and attacks the man, flapping her wings […]

Are puppies the latest allergy treatment? Recent studies show protective effects against eczema, asthma

(Natural News) There is no doubt that dogs can bring a lot of joy to people’s lives. Their companionship and loyalty can improve your mental well-being, but did you know they can also enhance your physical health? Walking a dog is great exercise, of course, but a pair of studies shows that the benefits extend […]

Purcell Police Officer Arrested for Violation of Protective Order

Download your free copy now. Source Article from

Why Are Finnish Babies Sleeping In Cardboard Boxes?

If babies came with a handbook, would parenting and child-raising be easier? Hard to say for sure. How what about a box, filled with the essentials your little bundle of joy would need in its first few months? Wouldn’t that be helpful? Probably, yes. Finland has been providing its babies with a free box of items […]

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