Posts Tagged ‘thwarted’

US School Shooting Targeting Christians Thwarted

A police report exclusively obtained by Louder with Crowder’s MugClub Undercover unit reveals a student attending a Wisconsin middle school wrote a manifesto detailing a plan to kill as many people at their school as possible. Steven Crowder went to social media, explaining a police report confirms a “Columbine”-style mass shooting was planned at a […]

Hamas: Our assault thwarted planned Israeli attack on Gaza

Deputy Hamas leader, Sheikh Salah Al Arouri, said on Thursday that his Movement’s military assault on Israeli settlements and military bases near Gaza thwarted a planned Israeli attack on Gaza. Speaking to Al Jazeera about his Movement’s operation, he said that it aimed solely at soldiers and military installations. He stressed that Hamas had received […]

Israel thwarted potential assassination attempts of political figures

The Israeli General Security Service, commonly known as Shin Bet or Shabak, yesterday claimed that it has detected a cell working for Iran and arrested five Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and within the occupation state. The cell allegedly planned to target prominent public and political figures, including Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir. […]

James Comer Subpoenas DHS, Secret Service over Tip-Off of Thwarted Hunter Biden Interview 

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) issued six subpoenas on Tuesday to DHS and the Secret Service after DHS blocked the Secret Service from conveying information to House investigators regarding the Biden administration’s “coverup” of the Hunter Biden tax probe. Source

Resistance thwarted Israeli attempts to impose new equations: Haniyeh

  May 14, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English  The head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh says that the Resistance was unified in its battle against “Israel” thanks to efforts made by Palestinian Resistance groups, Iran, and Hezbollah. The Resistance had the upper ground in the last battle of Operation Avenging […]

Here’s the original Plandemic agenda which was thwarted to a great degree.

The pandemic agenda ︎ Release the pandemic ︎ Suppress all treatments ︎ Two years of lockdowns ︎ Devastate the nations ︎ Wipe out the middle class ︎ Impoverish all people ︎ Transfer all resources to the cabal ︎ Make humanity dependent on them ︎ Release vaccines after two years of lockdowns ︎ Be praised as […]

Ex-diplomat: Gen. Soleimani thwarted U.S. plot in the region

Ex-diplomat: Gen. Soleimani thwarted U.S. plot in the region – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – General Qassem Soleimani was able to organize the axis of resistance and thwart the conspiracy of the United States to the extent that the decline of the U.S. and its withdrawal from the region are the results of the efforts of Gen. […]

IDF says it thwarted underwater drone attack by Hamas from northern Gaza

The Hamas terror group attempted to attack Israeli naval assets with an autonomous submarine from northern Gaza on Monday, the Israeli military said, adding that it destroyed the device shortly after launch and struck the team that operated it. According to the Israel Defense Forces, a number of operatives from the Gaza-ruling terror group were […]


 09.04.2021  South Front ROSTOV-ON-DON REGION, RUSSIA – JULY 15, 2019: Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officers detain two members of a cell of the Islamic State terrorist organization (banned in Russia). Video screen grab/ Russian Federal Security Service/TASS On April 9, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) thwarted a terrorist attack in the city of […]

Iran Reports Thwarted Plane Hijacking Plot

An IranAir Airbus A320 aircraft parks after landing at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Airport, Serbia, March 13, 2018. Photo: REUTERS/Marko Djurica/File Photo. i24 News – Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reported on Friday a thwarted plane hijacking plot, as cited by the Associated Press. The purported attack targeting a passenger jet took place on Thursday, […]

IDF Forces Enter Palestinian Village After Thwarted Terror Attack

A mosque in the Palestinian village of at-Tayba, also known as Khirbat al-Taibe, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, is seen behind a fence, part of the Israeli barrier, from the Arab-Israeli city of Umm al-Fahm, northern Israel September 23, 2020. Photo: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun. – Israeli forces entered the village of Ras Karkar in Judea […]

French counter-terrorism chief says TWO Islamist plots were thwarted in 2020, though FIVE attacks weren’t prevented

Authorities foiled two Islamist plots last year, France’s top counter-terrorism official has said. The country suffered five high-profile terrorist attacks in 2020, including the murder of Samuel Paty and the stabbing in Nice. “Two Sunni Islamist terrorist attacks were thwarted in 2020,” National Coordinator for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Laurent Nunez told Europe 1 radio station, […]

West Bank: Stabbing Attack Thwarted at Qalandiya Checkpoint Near Jerusalem

An Israeli soldier stands guard near the scene of an attempted stabbing attack by a Palestinian terrorist near the Qalandiya checkpoint, June 20, 2017. Photo: Reuters / Ammar Awad. i24 News – Israeli security forces thwarted an attempted stabbing attack at the Qalandiya checkpoint near Jerusalem on Monday, early media reports suggested. Initial reports suggest […]

UC Global Employee Thwarted Plan To Spy On Assange

Above photo: Footage secretly recorded by UC Global of Julian Assange meeting with Lowell Bergman. From The Grayzone. An IT expert who worked for UC Global, the Spanish security company which engaged in an espionage operation against Julian Assange while he was in the Ecuador embassy, refused to install numerous microphones and camera systems with […]

Israel thwarted a North Korean cyberattack on its defense industry. But other sectors remain vulnerable

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Iran says it thwarted spy network backed by Mossad, CIA officials

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Was yesterday’s White House shooting part of a thwarted assassination attempt? Assassination attempt?  Today, at approximately 3:06 pm, an adult male subject, carrying a firearm, approached an outer perimeter checkpoint accessible to the general public on E Street. Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers gave numerous verbal commands for the subject to stop and drop the firearm. When the subject failed to comply with the verbal […]

Netanyahu: Israel thwarted terror attacks in more than 30 countries

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New Clint Eastwood Project Retells Thwarted Euro Train Attack

Actor, filmmaker and true American patriot Clint Eastwood has reportedly agreed to direct an upcoming film, “The 15:17 to Paris,” based on the experiences of three Americans who halted an Islamist terror attack aboard a train in 2015. As reported at the time by The Guardian, on August 21, 2015, these three –Anthony Sadler, Oregon National Guardsman […]

Video: BDS is "democracy in action"

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 7 June 2016 On Monday I spoke with Sharmini Peries of The Real News about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive order against the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Signed in the presence of Israeli government and Israel lobby officials on Sunday, the measure orders New York […]

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