Posts Tagged ‘knocking’

When Evil Come Knocking Your Door Down

The US/DC empire is dying.The child raping political whores in DC have been purposely trying to kill the Not federal, No reserves & Not a bank fiat dollar. It is the masters of the whores in DC along with the willing help of the hand puppet whores in DC which is over running the country […]

UN food chief warns millions ‘knocking on famine’s door’

UN food chief warns millions ‘knocking on famine’s door’ Posted by Lou on September 23, 2022 “Fifty million people in 45 countries [are] knocking on famine’s door,” he told the outlet. “If we don’t reach these people, you will have famine, starvation, destabilization of nations unlike anything we saw in 2007-2008 and 2011, and you will have mass […]

Knocking at our Door – The fourth Industrial Revolution 

A lot of my work in recent years has been to work for the eradication of Forced Labour in India. The approach favoured in my set up ( and in many others) is what has come to be termed as a “ Raid and Rescue” approach.  An establishment where Forced Labour is identified, a rescue […]

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

“Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.”—Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis A federal COVID-19 vaccination strike force may soon be knocking on your door, especially if you live in a community with low vaccination rates. Will you let them in? More to the point, […]


What To Do When A Psychopath Knocks On Your Door Posted byrowanman28July 9, 2021 [embedded content] I don’t know if I mentioned this before, or if you heard me, you may not have heard me if you been using corporate censored social media, because I been banned from speaking there freely a full year now. I’m […]

Biden: We’re Sending People ‘Door-to-Door, Literally Knocking on Doors’ to Check Americans for Vaccinations

Biden: We’re Sending People ‘Door-to-Door, Literally Knocking on Doors’ to Check Americans for VaccinationsDate: July 6, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Source: KYLENBECKERFraudulent President Joe Biden doubled down on White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s message on Tuesday that the administration intends to send people door-to-door to check people for vaccinations.The Fake president came out to deliver […]

When the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ comes knocking

Series Note: We are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis as the Covid-19 pandemic, and the lockdowns implemented in response, continue to deliver a series of economic, social and psychological shocks to the world. In this time of chaos, some of the world’s most powerful interest groups have stepped forward claiming that this crisis […]

“Roof Knocking” in Gaza and the Myth of the Benevolent Drone

The Al Jalaa Tower housing Al Jazeera and The Associated Press offices collapses after being hit by Israeli missile in Gaza City [Mohammed Salem/Reuters] In its deadly attacks in densely populated Gaza, the Israeli Defense Force is employing a technique they call “roof knocking.” First drones fire small missiles without warheads on a residential building, […]

Report: UK Government Considering Knocking On Doors Of Vaccine Refusniks

Nwo Report Council staff may turn up on doorsteps demanding to know why people haven’t taken the shot Source:Steve Watson The UK government is considering a plan to despatch council staff to knock on the doors of those who have refused to take a coronavirus vaccine, in an effort to coerce refusniks into taking the […]

China miners rescued after knocking on pipe

It was neither shouting nor any electronic communication but daily knocks on a drill pipe that helped the miners, trapped hundreds of metres underground in China, tell rescuers that they were still alive. On 10 January, following an unexplained explosion in a mine in Qixia in Shandong province in eastern China, 22 workers were trapped […]

Jake Paul Asked if Knocking Out Black Man in a Boxing Match Was Racist

    YouTuber Jake Paul, who beat former NBA star Nate Robinson in a boxing match last month, was asked by a VICE host if knocking out Robinson was racist. Yes, really. Paul, who previously fought another black opponent in YouTuber Deji, achieved a second round knockout victory over Robinson in a fight that was […]

Ukraine deports 2 Israelis for knocking down social distancing barriers in Uman

Ukraine deports 2 Israelis for knocking down social distancing barriers in Uman – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

Is Burning Prisons The New Knocking Down Confederate Statues?

Saturday afternoon in Seattle, Washington, a construction site where a youth detention center was being built burned to the ground. The King County juvenile detention facility is assumed to have been set ablaze by some of the thousands of Seattle demonstrators who marched in protest to both the federal government terrorizing it’s neighboring city of Portland, […]

Who’s Knocking on my Front Door?

I would like to share here a cheering video of Hitler in color at his Berghof. Here I leave the lyrics of the accompanying song: Who’s knocking on my front door? It’s just a friend of mine, just an ordinary friend of mine, he likes to come around sometimes. It’s only the friend of beggars, It’s only […]

Cop Body Slam 12-Year-Old Girl at School, Knocking Her Unconscious

A video was uploaded to YouTube this week allegedly showing a San Antonio Independent School District police officer body slam a 12-year-old girl. According to, the girl’s mother, Gloria Valdez, says the officer told her that her daughter “tried” to kick him and that he thought she was […]

1st telescope tracking dangerous asteroids goes live in Russia

The AZT-33VM asteroid seeker is designed to execute rapid sky survey to spot and monitor potentially-dangerous space objects. The scientific instrument has been designed and constructed at LOMO (St. Petersburg) with assistance from Russian Academy of Science (RAS) and Roscosmos space agency. “This is the first instrument of that kind in Russia, very powerful, capable […]

Yemen is a Classic Western Imperialist War

  April 28, 2016 The axis if evil (Israeli-US-UK) war on Yemen is evident in the full support and supply of hardcore internationally banned weapons such as neutron, phosphorous and cluster bombs, all of which were heavily used since the start of the onslaught late March 2015. Hospitals, schools, wedding halls, marketplaces, houses, farms, children, […]

The 50 Most Murderous Cities In The World

Brazil has been in crisis for some time now. The country’s economy shrunk -3.8% last year, and its President, Dilma Rousseff, is holding on for dear life. Once chairman of Petrobras, the state-run oil giant currently engulfed in a colossal political scandal, she is now being threatened with impeachment just 15 months […]

Ukrainian nationalists celebrate birthday of Nazi collaborator Bandera with torch-lit marches

Thousands of people participating in the march were Right Sector and far-right Svoboda party supporters, RIA Novosti reported.  In Ruptly’s video footage from Kiev, the nationalists are seen lighting torches and proceeding as a massive wave down the streets in the city’s core. There is also a sea of Svoboda flags and banners reading: “Stepan […]

Palestinian Stabs Israeli Soldier in West Bank before Being Shot Dead

Local Editor A Palestinian stabbed and lightly injured a Zionist border guard in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, and was shot dead by another guard, occupation police said. The attack took place near the Ibrahimi Mosque shrine – known to Jews as the Cave of the Patriarchs – in the city of Al-Khalil, where […]

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