Posts Tagged ‘suburbs’

What the Long Island special election tells us about the battle over the suburbs

The nation’s suburbs are moving toward Democrats. But not on Long Island. Republicans have a three-year winning streak in the close-in suburbs east of New York City — places that rejected then-President Donald Trump in 2020 but have turned red amid concerns about crime and, more recently, immigration. Next week’s special election to replace ousted […]

David Hogg Now Blames “White Woman In Suburbs” For Gun Violence

Renegade Editor’s Note: Hogg, of course, does not mention who is actually committing the gun violence, but instead Source

Wisc. State Senator LaTonya Johnson on Crime Spilling From City Into Suburbs: “F*** the Suburbs”

What this “eloquent” politician is saying here is that she does not give a damn that White people Source

Suspected Lioness On The Loose In Berlin, Germany, Suburbs

Police issued a warning of an “escaped wild animal” and asked people not to leave their houses and to bring their pets indoors. Source

France Shooting: Why Mass Unrest Has Erupted In Paris Suburbs

It comes after a 17-year-old was shot at point-blank range by a police officer. Source

Anti-Semitic flyers found in Atlanta suburbs

Anti-Semitic flyers were found scattered in driveways across the suburbs of the US city of Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday morning. They were discovered in Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, which are home to many Jewish residents, local officials say. Well, not hard to find out who is the terrorist criminals posting flyers against the Semitic Palestinians […]

Britain’s Earliest Humans Found In the Suburbs of Canterbury

Hunter’s tools excavated in England over a century ago have been dated to, wait for it, between 560,000 and 620,000 years ago!  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later 

Minneapolis Crime Wave: Twin Cities Suburbs See Rise in Violence

Violent crime rates in more than a dozen Twin Cities suburbs have increased over the last couple of years, according to crime data.

The midterms will be won in the suburbs. This former Bill Clinton adviser is sure of it.

Today, Playbook co-author Ryan Lizza chats with Sosnik about what campaign strategists are getting wrong about our current political landscape and how the suburban vote is the new key to winning House, Senate and even presidential elections. Transcribed excerpts from that conversation are below, edited for length and readability. Ryan Lizza: So one of the […]

Opinion | What Democrats are Getting Wrong About Cities and Suburbs

What analysts tend to get wrong is what those voters actually want. It’s a diverse cohort, and increasingly multiethnic. Former President Donald Trump turned some of them off in 2020, and that’s a big part of why he lost. But none of that means they’re ripe for progressive ideas, or looking for radical changes from […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Invading the Suburbs

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

BLM Rioters Take Violence To the Suburbs, Attack Family Homes In Milwaukee

Black Lives Matter rioters have attacked homes in a Milwaukee residential suburb, smashing windows and terrorizing citizens on a quiet street despite being told the occupants of the houses supported their cause. The BLM supporters were rioting and looting in Milwaukee overnight after a black cop was cleared in the shooting death of an armed black […]

BLM Now Rampaging Through Portland Suburbs BLM protesters in Portland took to the streets once again Saturday night, dragging a mock guillotine through a suburban neighborhood, where they burned American flags and ‘executed’ a stuffed bear. Then, protesters took to the streets with a bullhorn, with one woman shouting to residents “What are you doing to protect your neighbors, people […]

Two Groids Rob White Kids’ Lemonade Stand in Suburbs

You can always count on the groid to victimize some children selling lemonade. These are genetic thieves, folks. When groids see any type of valuables, their first instinct is to steal it and beat down anyone who tries to stop them from doing it. Then, when the cops arrive, the groids pull out their glocks […]

Portland Rioters Storm the Suburbs, Threaten To Rape Wives and Daughters

Protesters from Portland decided to invade the quiet suburbs of Springfield, Oregon last night, threatening to beat up civilians and rape their wives and daughters. As usual, the protesters started a fight with police, before roaming the neighborhood, insulting residents and making vile threats. Video footage of the “protest” shows Black Lives Matter and Antifa […]

Last Remaining Police Station in Migrant-Dominated Swedish Suburbs Forced to Close

The last remaining station in the troubled Järva area will most likely have to close, police sources have said, due to lack of staff. The police station in Kista is the only one still open in the Järva area, in which lie the suburbs of Rinkeby, Tensta, and Husby  — migrant-dominated neighbourhoods classed by Sweden’s […]

ISIS on its last legs in Mosul as Iraqi Army liberates four suburbs – Map update

Chris Tomson 16/05/2017 DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5:10 A.M.) – The Iraqi Armed Forces have proven highly productive over the past 48 hours, liberating four neighborhoods in Mosul city and placing ISIS with its back against the wall on the Tigris River. Pushing ever quicker through the Islamic State pocket with overwhelming numbers, the Iraqi Army imposed […]

Syria nears full control over Damascus suburbs

Press TV- The Syrian military is about to re-establish control over another district in the capital Damascus’ countryside after the government reaches an agreement with the militants enabling their evacuation. The state television announced the development on Sunday, and AFP reported that 10 buses had arrived at Qaboun District to take the militants and their […]

Boehner Thinks Clinton Will Withdraw From Presidential Race

Former US Speaker John Boehner has said that it is very likely that Hillary Clinton will withdraw from the presidential race due to her email scandal. Boehner has been speculating that Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles are so serious that it’s possible we will see Vice President Joe Biden “parachuting” into the race at the last […]


Muhsogynist Chomsky The Right Stuff May 10, 2016 Now that the writing is on the wall, in the coming months and years we’re going to see a lot of backpedaling from prominent members of the Left, especially those of a particular ethnicity we all know and love so well. They’ll claim they just didn’t know […]

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