Posts Tagged ‘bound’

Shock: LAPD Discovers Body of Pregnant Model Maleesa Mooney Bound and Gagged Inside Her Refrigerator

LA-based model Maleesa Mooney was found dead with her wrists and ankles bound, gagged, and stuffed inside her refrigerator. Source

Why the Israeli judicial protest movement is bound to fail

The time has come for Israeli Jews and their supporters to answer whether they believe in human equality or will continue to insist on Jewish supremacy. Source

Ford expected to announce HUGE losses in EV sales … other automakers are bound to follow suit

(Natural News) The main reason why Elon Musk’s Tesla doesn’t take massive losses on its electric vehicles is because a) that’s the only kind of vehicles the company makes; and b) Musk long ago scaled production of Tesla EVs to demand. But the other major automakers who built their brands on the internal combustion engine… […]

Iran’s “green gold” bound to shine again in global markets

TEHRAN – Although Iran is mostly known for its vast hydrocarbon resources, there are some other precious products that people all around the world put the Iranian brand on and appreciate greatly, one of such products is Iranian “green gold” or pistachio. Cultivation of pistachios in Iran dates back to the Achaemenid period or the […]

Over 800 U.S.-Bound Haitians Accidentally Land in Cuba

A marine vessel carrying 842 Haitian migrants en route to the United States accidentally landed in Villa Clara, Cuba, on Tuesday, baffling locals in a country enduring its own mass exodus, the independent outlet Cubanet reported on Wednesday.

They Won’t Ever Find Us Because Our Love Is Bound to the Rocks

Above Photo: Photographs by Victor Basterra (Argentina) / collage by Daniela Ruggeri, Unknown victims and prisoners at the Navy School of Mechanics (ESMA), 1976-1983. At the US State Department’s Summit for Democracy (9–10 December), US President Joe Biden announced a range of initiatives to ‘bolster democracy and defend human rights globally’. These measures are to be funded by $424.4 […]

Archaeologists Discover 800-year-old Rope-bound Mummy in Peru

A preserved rope-bound mummy, estimated to be at least 800 years old, has been discovered in an underground tomb by archaeologists on Peru’s central coast. The mummified remains, which are in excellent condition, were found at the Cajamarquilla archaeological site about 15 miles (24 kilometers) inland from Lima. The rope-bound mummy was from the culture […]

Passenger on San Diego-Bound Flight Fined Over $40K After Assaulting Flight Attendant

SAN DIEGO—The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced on Nov. 22 more than $160,000 in proposed fines against intoxicated and unruly airline passengers, including a passenger on a San Diego-bound flight who allegedly sexually assaulted a flight attendant and smoked marijuana inside the plane’s lavatory. The unidentified passenger is accused of drinking carried-on alcohol on an April 15 Southwest Airlines […]

Israel says it will not be bound by Iran nuke deal

Israel will not be bound by any new nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, said Tuesday, Anadolu News Agency reports. “The mistake we made after the first nuclear deal in 2015 will not repeat itself,” Bennett said in statements at the Reichman University in Herzliya. “From the moment the […]

Should The All India DGP Conference Be Held In A Poll Bound State?

To Shri Sushil Chandra Chief Election Commissioner Shri Rajiv Kumar Election Commissioner Shri A C Pandey Election Commissioner Dear S/Shri Sushil Chandra, Rajiv Kumar and Pandey, A Press release by PMO on November 18, 2021 ( indicates that the Prime Minister and the Home Minister will be holding the 56th All India DGP Conference at Lucknow […]

F1 is ‘duty bound’ to raise human rights issue in the Gulf says Lewis Hamilton

Formula 1 is “duty bound” to raise awareness of human rights in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, says British racing driver, Lewis Hamilton. The 36-year-old, who has a record seven world championships, urged other sporting figures to join him in calling for greater scrutiny of Gulf countries that have been newly awarded a race during the […]

Watch: Migrants cling to UK-bound trucks in dangerous bid to cross Channel

Like hundreds of other migrants in the French port city of Calais, Mohammad and Jaber spend every day looking for trucks to climb onto in the hopes of making it to the UK. If they are successful and manage to latch on the moving truck between the front cabin and the cargo, the vehicle and […]

US is Bound to Pay a Price for its Muscle-flexing!

Although Washington announced the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq with pomp and circumstance, in reality it is just a splashy move intended to showcase “America’s commitment to peace”. The US is withdrawing indeed, but in such a manner that it is leaving behind a greater number of unresolved problems created by America itself […]

US bound-migrants vaccinated for COVID-19 in Mexican border city

MEXICO CITY – More than a thousand migrants who hope to reach the United States were vaccinated against COVID-19 on Thursday through a first-time effort made possible by a private donation of shots from a US company, a shelter director said.About 1,200 migrants, mainly from Central America, received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the border city […]

130 feared dead after Europe-bound dinghy capsizes near Libya

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

As US and Iran talks progress, Netanyahu says Israel is not bound by ‘garlic peel’ deal

As the Iran-US talks proceed in Vienna, there are clear signs that both countries want to reenter the Iran deal. And there are indications that Israel, which opposes the deal more strenuously than any country in the world, has been sidelined and is not being consulted on the talks. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu used a […]

Iran state shipping firm reports ‘terrorist attack’ on Europe-bound cargo vessel as explosion rips through hull, fire breaks out

An Iranian commercial vessel has been damaged by an explosive device in an alleged terrorist attack as it traveled through the Mediterranean to Europe, a spokesperson for the country’s national shipping company said on Friday. There were no casualties, but a small fire was caused by an explosion in the ship’s hull and had to […]

Guatemala police start clearing US-bound migrant caravan camp after violent clashes (VIDEOS)

Police in Guatemala have started breaking up a caravan of hundreds of mostly Honduran migrants who had camped on a street while trying to reach the US, after their journey was halted by officials, migration authorities have said. In videos aired on TV and shared on social media, lines of security forces could be seen […]

Mummies Scanned to Unravel the Beautiful Mysteries Bound Inside

Thanks to modern CT technology, archaeologists have now been able to look deep within three ancient Egyptian mummies discovered back in 1615 AD. Discovered in a rock-cut tomb more than four centuries ago at the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara, the adult male and female mummies, along with a teen mummy , represent “the only […]

Trump’s White House peace pageant bound to deny Netanyahu the glory he yearns for

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