Posts Tagged ‘dropping’

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

New Jersey train depot engulfed in massive blaze

     Massive plumes of black smoke rose from a Hillsborough, New Jersey train depot. Firefighters are on the scene. Around 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, users on social media reported the blaze. Multiple fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the Hillsborough Township Volunteer Fire Company could arrived at the scene. Strong winds pushed the thick […]

Is the Zika virus ‘epidemic’ being used to cover up vaccine-induced miscarriages and birth defects?

(NaturalNews) Although wonderful for many women, pregnancy comes with a great responsibility. Especially in an age when scientific research is often manipulated for the sake of profit, a mother-to-be is faced with a set of very difficult choices in order to keep herself and her baby healthy. One of these choices involves the […]

Pregnant Women Die Mysteriously In Italy Over Christmas Week

A pregnant woman relaxing in the sun and expecting a miracle Italian officials have launched an inquiry after five pregnant women died within the week after Christmas from unknown causes. Sputnik reports: Four investigative teams have been sent to hospitals to look into a string of deaths of heavily pregnant women in the north of the country, which has one of the lowest […]

Teen recovers from Walking Corpse Syndrome: some people believe they are the living dead

(NaturalNews) Walking corpse syndrome is a very rare neurological disease, formerly known as Cotard’s Syndrome or Cotard’s Delusion, named after the French neurologist Jules Cotard. Cotard’s observations with his patient, Mademoiselle X, earned him the right to have the disease to be named after him, but his patient’s case, circa 1888, was not […]

Soviet history paints a picture of the future of the West

     The Hegemon’s quest for world domination is made possible by an unquestioning public This week’s selection is a text from the updated edition of Alexander Zinoviev’s semi-autobiographical ‘Confessions of a Renegade’, published in Russian in 2008. The earliest version of this work was first published in 1990. In the publisher’s note to this 2008 […]

America: Your solidarity with Paris is embarrassingly misguided

     The World, at Large — We are in mourning. Again. Indeed, Paris is in mourning, again. For the second time in less than a year, we are all de facto Parisians — with Facebook profiles, casinos, and whole buildings draped in the blue, white, and red of the French flag. Solidarity as sympathy, bien […]

The Difference Between My Psychiatrist and My Shaman

Dylan Charles, EditorWaking Times Nowhere is the disconnect between science and spirit felt more intimately than in matters of mental health. We can speak empirically on this by saying things like, “America spends over $113 billion a year on mental health treatment,” or “depression affects over 14.8 million adults,” but, cold data […]

Gold Rallies After Dropping From Record

Glenys SimBloomberg Aug 24, 2011 Gold rebounded after dropping from an all-time high above $1,900 an ounce as investor concern that worsening sovereign-debt crises are exacerbating a global economic slowdown increased demand for a store of value. Immediate-delivery gold advanced as much as 1.4 percent to $1,853.98 before trading at $1,844.32 at 2:37 p.m. in […]

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