Posts Tagged ‘forge’

Hobbled but breathing: How Steve Cohen’s casino team will forge ahead

With help from Shawn Ness DRINKS ON US — Come celebrate the end of session with POLITICO. We’re hosting a happy hour on Wednesday, May 29, at the Albany War Room Tavern. Join fellow New York insiders for drinks and hors d’oeuvres, meet our editorial team and learn more about our coverage of politics, policy […]

The time has come to forge a more resilient relationship between the EU and China

The polycrisis engulfing the world today reveals a broken multilateralism that beckons both Brussels and Beijing to have the will to embark on a journey towards change, Lucie Qian Xia writes. Source

How the Silent Hill-Inspired ‘SIGNALIS’ Tried to Forge Its Own Identity

Though Konami has done little to nurture the Silent Hill series in the past decade and change, its influence has rarely wavered. You merely needed to know where to look. Nowhere was the power of Silent Hill more pronounced than in 2021s SIGNALIS from rose-engine, a sprawling and sci-fi intimate story about love and death, […]

Relive the Continental Army’s Winter at Valley Forge

In the fall of 1777, Gen. George Washington’s army was reeling from the crushing defeat it suffered in Pennsylvania. British troops had won the battles of Brandywine and Germantown and occupied Philadelphia. Seeking a winter haven for his disheartened soldiers, Washington settled on Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania. But because it is so close to Philadelphia, the troops […]

Israel Tries to Forge an anti-Iranian Coalition Yet Again

Despite Israel’s lack of success so far in its attempts to “fundamentally resolve” the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, it is actively trying to exploit its recent favorable relations with individual Arab states to bring such countries together in an anti-Iranian coalition it leads. To this end, amid improving Israeli-Egyptian relations, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett […]

‘2020 Is Not 2015’: Israeli US Envoy Urges Biden to Forge ‘Common Policy’ on Iran With Israel and Arab Allies

Israeli Ambassador to US Ron Dermer speaks at the Israeli-American Council National Conference in Washington, DC, Nov. 6, 2017. Photo: Perry Bindelglass. Israel’s outgoing ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, said on Monday he hoped the incoming Biden administration would forge a “common policy” on Iran with Israel and Arab nations. US President-elect Joe Biden […]

Israel’s Bank Hapoalim to forge ties with UAE banks after normalization accord signed

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Official FBI files show a long history of ADL attempting to forge a working relationship providing fake investigators and snitches

Posted by Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, Israel Lobby Archive Documents The following files were obtained by Freedom of Information Act from the FBI.  Since the 1940s, the record reveals ADL attempting to liaise with the FBI by offering the ADL member network as an FBI resource. The details of this attempted collaboration by an […]

RH – George Washington’s Vision at Valley Forge

RH – George Washington’s Vision at Valley ForgeRESTORATION HOUR Darrell and Eli discuss Washington’s prophetic vision about the three wars that take place on American soil.  The third ids happening right now.

Google and Corporate News Giants Forge New Alliance to Defeat Independent Journalism

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA – Search engine and advertising monolith Google continued to press its offensive against alternative media this week with an announcement unveiling a new $300 million project called the Google News Initiative. The initiative encompasses a range of new projects announced by the tech giant, which has long been accused of enjoying a […]

Saudi Arabia and the UAE Forge New Military Alliance

Saudi Arabia and the UAE Forge New Military Alliance Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have formed a new military and trade partnership separate from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The move came on the eve of the GCC summit in Kuwait, which opened on Dec.5. The top-level meeting was supposed to last for […]

New York Hasidim Challenge Constitution in Bid to Forge the First ultra-Orthodox Town in America

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