Posts Tagged ‘amend’

Alberta premier pledges to amend Bill of Rights to include HEALTH FREEDOM

(NaturalNews) Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, has pledged to amend the province’s Bill of Rights to include health freedom and the right to refuse… Source

‘Parliament bill to amend stock exchange law is aimed at supporting shareholders’

‘Parliament bill to amend stock exchange law is aimed at supporting shareholders’ – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Member of Iranian Parliament Economic Committee Mojtaba Tavangar has said the parliament’s new bill for amending the country’s stock exchange law is aimed at protecting the shareholder’s capital in the market. Following the fluctuations in the stock market during […]

Keep Section 230 But Amend It to Force Big Tech to be Transparent: Kalev Leetaru

Big Tech and other social media companies should be required by Congress to publish dataset collections that would enable people to see clearly what principles guide their moderation policies, Kalev Leetaru says. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is being scrutinized by members of both parties, with proposals ranging from removing it altogether to […]

Europe’s top rights body calls on Greece to amend migrant deportation bill

Greek authorities must amend a draft bill that would see NGOs fined for carrying out life-saving rescue of migrants at sea, the Council of Europe (CoE) said on Friday. Dunja Mijatovic, Human Rights Commissioner for the CoE, said in a statement that the draft legislation currently being discussed by Greek parliamentarians “would hinder the life-saving […]

Facebook to lift ban on Australia’s news after standoff as Canberra agrees to amend law forcing Big Tech to pay media

Nwo Report Source:RT Facebook has vowed to revive thousands of Australian news pages after the government said it would amend its new media code, which requires web platforms to pay for news content, following a weeklong standoff. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said Facebook had promised“to restore Australian news pages in the coming days”in a statement on […]

Thai opposition party pushes to amend royal insult law

The proposed amendment by 44 lawmakers from the opposition Move Forward Party comes a day after four leaders of youth-led demonstrations were jailed pending trial under the royal insult law, known as lese majeste, which carries penalties of up to 15 years in prison. The move is significant in a country where criticising the king […]

CNN: Amend Constitution To Prevent Trump Or Anyone Like Him Having Power Again

CNN’s Chris ‘Fredo’ Cuomo and guest Anthony Scaramucci suggested Wednesday that the US Constitution should be amended to ensure Donald Trump (or anyone else like him) can never become President and wield the power of the executive again. Assuming that Biden will be sworn in as the next President, Cuomo shit-chatted his way through an […]

ICCIMA offers suggestions to amend next year’s budget bill

TEHRAN – Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) Research Center, after examining the strengths and weaknesses of the budget bill for the next Iranian calendar year (begins on March 21, 2021), has proposed eight practical suggestions to amend the bill. The government submitted the administration’s draft of the national budget bill for […]

COVID-19: Government Poised to Amend Regulations to Allow Use of Unlicensed Vaccine

Counter Information Experts say robust legal protections are needed to inspire public confidence. Clare Dyer reports By Clare Dyer Global Research, October 30, 2020BMJ 28 September 2020 The UK government has set out plans to amend drug regulations in case it decides that covid-19 vaccines should be used before they are licensed, in a bid to roll […]

Australia to amend law making Facebook and Google pay for news

The author of proposed Australian laws to make Facebook and Google pay for journalism said Thursday his draft legislation will be altered to allay some of the digital giants’ concerns, but remain fundamentally unchanged. Australia’s fair trade regulator Rod Sims, chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, said he would give his final draft […]

Texas calls for a convention of states to amend the U.S. Constitution… can the Republic be saved before it collapses?

(Natural News) The Lone Star state has become the 11th state to pass a resolution calling for a Convention of States as outlined in Article V of the U.S. Constitution, one of two ways the nation’s founding document can be amended, but some critics wonder if the effort is too little, too late to save […]

Facebook names Netanyahu’s former advisor ‘head of policy’

‘A longtime senior adviser to Israeli Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been appointed as Facebook’s head of policy and communication in the latest cooperation between the social networking site and the Israeli government to tackle the BDS movement. Jordana Cutler, also chief of staff at the Israeli embassy in Washington, has joined Facebook’s Israel office […]

IRGC General: Western civilization on wane

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Western civilization that has plundered oppressed nations is now on the verge of collapse, lieutenant commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said, noting that an Islamic civilization is rising instead with the message of peace and prosperity for the world. Addressing a cultural ceremony in Tehran on Monday, Brigadier […]

India, Iran agree to clear $6.4 billion in oil payments via European banks: minister

Indian refiners have been holding 55 percent of its oil payments to Iran after a route to make payments through Turkey’s Halkbank HALK.IS was stopped in 2013, although payment of some of those funds was allowed after an initial temporary deal to lift the sanctions. “There is an agreement between (India and Iran’s) central banks. […]

BEST OF THE WEB: Paris terror attacks: Witness at bar massacre says gunmen were ‘white, clean-shaven, muscular – like soldiers’ – Gunmen came and left in black Mercedes

     Shooters, brandishing assault rifles and dressed in black uniforms, were seen slowly pulling up in the Merc during a series of coordinated atrocities Two heavily armed ISIS gunmen pulled up in a black Mercedes-Benz and calmly slaughtered scores of ­innocent diners in a Paris bistro ­before driving away. An eyewitness has told how 20 […]

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