Posts Tagged ‘chossudovsky’

Interview 1879 – Michel Chossudovsky on the Hiroshima Nagasaki Dress Rehearsal

Today Michel Chossudovsky of joins us to discuss his recent article: “The Hiroshima Nagasaki ‘Dress Rehearsal’: Oppenheimer and the U.S. War Department’s Secret September 15, 1945 ‘Doomsday Blueprint’ to ‘Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map.’” Source

Eye-opening interview: Canadian economist Chossudovsky blasts U.S. government for pushing nuclear war propaganda, recommending “safe use” of nuclear weapons in conventional war theater

(NaturalNews) Canadian economist Prof. Michel Chossudovsky discussed with Mike Adams during a recent episode of the “Health Ranger Report” how the U.S. Empire is… Source


  [embedded content] Covid-19 “Pack of Lies”, Crimes against Humanity – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research on Vimeo. Source

Michel Chossudovsky Interview – Engineered Destabilization Of The Global Economy & The “Reimagining”

Joining us today is Michel Chossudovsky PhD, an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, editor of Global Research. Michel is here today to discuss the many different ways in which the people of the world are being deceived […]

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky discusses PCR-Tests with – Kristina Borjesson (a must listen!)

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Global Rat-Perch: Jewish Misdirection in the Work of Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky, Emeritus Economics Professor with Ottawa University, is also the founder and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal and serves as editor of the anti-war website Global Research. Much of the information Chossudovsky makes available through his efforts is highly valuable, and Global Research is a useful resource in […]

Dallas Cops Lethally Shot Because Black Lives Don’t Matter?

South Front: Al-Qaeda advances in Aleppo, Russia plans harsh response (VIDEO)

     International Military Review – Syria, June 7 International Military Review – Syria, June 6 Foreign Policy Diary – The EU: Delusions of Integration International Military Review – Syria, June 3 Source Article from

The Planned Invasion of Syria: Are We on the Eve of War. Is the US Leading Saudi Arabia Down “the Kuwaiti Invasion Road”?

Source Article from

There Is No Excuse for How Universities Treat Adjuncts

There Is No Excuse for How Universities Treat Adjuncts January 24th, 2016 This is what Soviet-style systems do. The U.S. Government is the enabler via the student loan scam. Via: The Atlantic: Writing a few years ago for this publication, the Johns Hopkins professor […]

Stray Dog: PBS featuring new award winning indie film about a motorcycle-riding freedom-loving Vietnam veteran – Veterans Today

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TRUTH JIHAD: Did “Canadian 9/11” fizzle – and take down Harper? – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]

Chossudovsky: UN withdrawal PR to demonize Syrian govt

RT Aug 18, 2011 To Syria now, where the UN is pulling out its staff amid growing concern about the violent crackdown by government forces against demonstrators. It comes as activists say over 30 people have been killed since troops seized control of the northern port city of Latakia. But, director of the Center for […]

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