Posts Tagged ‘technology’

The potential impact of wireless technology on wildlife

This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute. Reynard Loki is a co-founder of the Observatory, where he is the environment and animal rights editor. He is also a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute, where he serves as the editor and chief correspondent for […]

Innovative renewable energy technology designed to produce renewable energy with zero CO2 emissions

More than two-thirds of the world’s energy is wasted as heat. Paul W Kincaid’s latest renewable energy technology design was designed to utilize thermal conduction to convert heat into renewable energy. The undeveloped technology (undeveloped due to lack of funding) utilizes the heat from asphalt roofs to produce renewable energy with zero CO2 emissions. Thermal […]

The Jade Discs: A Wonder of Ancient Chinese Technology (Video)

Jade has always been a popular material in jewelry making, but there is much more to this unique stone than just its beautiful appearance. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Videos Read Later  Source

100 year old technology can allow electric cars to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge

The technology exists to allow electric cars to travel long distances without having to stop to recharge. This technology isn’t new. It has been around since the advent of the Ford Model T gas combustion car.  This century old technology has allowed gas combustion engine vehicles to generate and continuously regenerate their own electrical energy […]

Nanobotic Jab Technology Explained

OH NO!  Not another fake strain of “flu”??     Nanocapsules:  Coating silicon with carbon and injecting it into the victims:  easy as apple pie!     Please share!  Must see! The post Nanobotic Jab Technology Explained appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Microsoft Cuts AI Ethics Team As It Invests Billions More Into AI Technology, Report Says

By Bill Pan via The Epoch Times The last remaining members of an ethics and society team within Microsoft’s artificial intelligence (AI) department didn’t survive a recent round of mass layoffs, according to a report. The change comes as Microsoft signs a “multi-year, multi-billion-dollar investment” deal with OpenAI, the startup behind AI-powered image and text generators like […]

Andrew Riddaugh: Big Tech exploiting technology to exert leverage over Americans

(Natural News) Former Trump White House staffer Andrew Riddaugh has warned of Big Tech using its technology and leverage over ordinary Americans. “Big Tech was not using only their technology, but [also] their leverage over our perception and our everyday lives,” he told New American Senior Editor Veronika Kyrylenko during the 2023 Conservative Political Action […]

Women in technology have nothing to fear — except their own hesitance

As a starting point, we need to promote the opportunities for women in tech, ensuring young girls become excited by the tech industry at an early age, as I was, and learn of the different options available, Melda Akın writes. Source

US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret

US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret Arjun Walia Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett has stated multiple times that the US government may be reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology. He recently told Newsweek that he believes the US has “recovered a craft at some point, and possible beings.” “Too many people in the know […]

Senators to Introduce Bill to Help Ban or Prohibit Foreign Technology — Including TikTok

Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Mark Warner (D-VA) said he plans to introduce broad bipartisan legislation this week that would help “ban or prohibit” foreign technology coming into the United States, including the Chinese social media app TikTok. Warner told Fox News Sunday’s Shannon Bream that he will be introducing a broad bipartisan piece of legislation this week with Sen. John Thune (R-SD) […]

Science and technology are cornerstones of development


Technology to control cyclones has existed for seven decades

Are you getting the picture yet? This article from Clare Swinney at chemtrailsnorthnz surely must pose some very obvious questions for you. As also must this one. The technology clearly exists but is clearly not being used for the reasons you would expect … EWR NewsTalkZB: Why Not Use Weather Modification Technology To Control Cyclones? […]

A look at Iran’s space technology achievements

TEHRAN – Iran is the ninth country in the world after the Soviet Union, the United States, France, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, India and the Zionist regime that has successfully launched a satellite independently. Source

5 Ways Technology Has Changed Television

If you are a millennial or have lived through the 90s, there is a high chance that you have experienced the golden era of TV. You might think that it is not true, but considering the long ad breaks, and the content that stood the test of time, you can compare it to the content […]

Iron Age Chariot Axle Offers A Rare Example of Prehistoric Technology

An “exceptionally rare” Iron Age wooden axle from a chariot or cart has been found in a waterlogged pit in Eastbridge, Suffolk. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Last Century Technology U.S.-made Missiles SHOT DOWN over Belgorad, Russia

Why don’t Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac send the Ukrainians some Brown Bess Muskets as well. Of course there would be no war in Ukraine if USA controlled by the Ratschilds had not stolen 5 BILLION US Fiat dollars from the struggling American workers and sent Israeli citizen Cookies Nuland from the US State […]

Technology Campaigner Sues Meta in London High Court Over Facebook Ads

A technology campaigner is suing Facebook’s parent company Meta in the High Court in London over the social media giant’s refusal to let users opt out of user profiling data it uses to sell adverts. Tanya O’Carroll, 35, says she believes her legal challenge could lead to a landmark change to the rights of social […]

Israel Now Using AI Technology To Kill Palestinians

Israel has a long track record of testing weapons technology on Palestinians it rules over in the occupied territories, however, the Israeli military’s latest move has gone on pretty much unnoticed. Israeli AI-powered rifles and crowd control technology is now in action, with potentially lethal consequences. Tensions inside the Israeli occupied West Bank are continuing […]

Iran to attend Technology Transfer Award 2022

TEHRAN – Iran will participate in the 3rd Technology Transfer Award (TTA 2022), which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. The event will be hosted by the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey (TUBITAK) with the cooperation of the D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network Secretariat, located in Pardis Technology Park of Iran. The […]

Iran to attend Technology Transfer Award 2022

TEHRAN – Iran will participate in the 3rd Technology Transfer Award (TTA 2022), which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. The event will be hosted by the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey (TUBITAK) with the cooperation of the D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network Secretariat, located in Pardis Technology Park of Iran. The […]

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