Archive for October, 2020

After the Virus: The World of 2025 (video)

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube What will the world look like in 2025? Don’t worry, you don’t have to think about the world you want and then work to bring it about. That’s silly! Just listen to the good Bilderbergers […]

Pictures Of Archie Beston’s Stabber Released

MyLondon: The thug who got out of a van and stabbed teenager Archie Beston to death and knifed another young man has been pictured for the first time. Archie, 19, was out with friends in Kingston when he saw a van being deliberately driven towards a 19-year-old man on Clarence Street at 3.40am on Saturday, […]

Water floods streets of Greek island of Samos after earthquake

Streets were flooded after an earthquake hit near the Greek island of Samos. Video showed heavy flooding on the streets in the island. Greek public media reported there was a mini “tsunami” that impacted the island. People rushed to the streets in panic and the Greek civil protection agency told Samos residents in a text […]

Watchmaking creativity celebrated at Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG)

Created in 2001, the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) aims to reward the most remarkable watch creations and promote watchmaking throughout the world. The 2020 edition opened October 31 in Geneva where 84 timepieces will be assessed by a 30-member jury. The list of awards, including the prestigious “Aiguille d’Or” Grand Prix, will be […]

Bitchute Caves to Jewish-Marxist Pressure – Embraces Censorship

Bitchute is going the way of jewtube towards brutal censorship of pro-white voices. My Bitchute channel was recently blocked in most EU countries as well as Russia. At first I thought this was because the EU put out some ban list and Bitchute was just complying. But it turns out that Bitchute’s moderation team is […]

Can You Smell What the Chinese Are Cooking?

Pepe Escobar Independent geopolitical analyst, writer and journalist October 30, 2020© Less than a week before the game-changing U.S. presidential election, the real heart of the geopolitical and geoeconomic action is virtually invisible to the outside world. We’re talking about the fifth plenum of the 19th Chinese Communist Party (CPC) Central Committee, which started this past […]

Halloween Known As “SAMHAIN” Pagan Holiday

514 Shares Once you learn the truth behind Halloween you will be stunned Halloween skeletons, witches, ghosts, spiders and crows along with pumpkins decorate windows and lawns with almost the same regularity as Christmas lights and crèches. Adults and children discuss and prepare costumes for their cheery trick-or-treating and parties. Youths visit haunted houses; television […]

Hunter Biden & Finger Lakes Child Trafficking (& Disappearances)

 fanofootball3 days ago McATV: Finger Lakes System – A submarine base is located at Senaca Lake and there is a tunnel system there as well.  The Political Elite’s fav holiday destination because it is secluded & affluent. McATV: Finger Lakes is the birthplace of Hunter Biden’s mother Neilia.  Sonnenburg Mansion in the area was once the home of the founder […]

Joe Rogan Asks Matthew McConaughey Why Disgusting Pedo Hollywood Jews Hate Christians

The Jew is Satan.

Good Goy Schwarze Says Blacks Must Fight ‘Anti-Semitism’ in the White Nationalist Movement

Eric Ward, Executive Director of Western States Center, kvetches about how anti-Semitic the White nationalist movement is and demands his fellow Blacks do something about it. Bitchute link

Joe Biden on Minnesota Trump Supporters: “They’re UGLY Folks”

Vice President Joe Biden slammed Trump supporters in Minnesota on Friday, labelling them “ugly folks.” During the course of Biden’s drive-in rally, Trump supporters drowned out the former vice president by honking in their cars. “These guys are not very polite, but they’re like Trump,” Biden fumed, raising his fist towards the pro-Trump crowd. “They’re gonna […]

UK Police Chief Warns Second Lockdown Could Spark Civil Unrest

A British police chief has predicted that a second lockdown will lead to mass riots and civil unrest in the UK. The British government has placed its citizens under different ‘tiers’ of lockdowns depending on where they are located. This could force authorities to become more draconian in enforcing the measures, which could in turn […]

DEA Seized Another Hunter Biden Laptop

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reportedly seized a second Hunter Biden laptop in February, according to reports. The first laptop was seized by the FBI in December 2019. NBC News reported on the second laptop seizure: If [Hunter Biden] did leave the machine in Delaware, it would have marked at least the second time he […]

Walmart Removes Guns & Ammo From Shelves in Preparation for Civil Unrest

Walmart announced that it has removed guns and ammunition from stores in preparation for potential civil unrest following next week’s presidential election. “We have seen some isolated civil unrest and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor as a […]

Jewish Fake News “Reporter” Gets Lectured On the Jew Problem

Jewish women are disgusting. Sub my Bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Sub me on World Truth. Sub me on Gab.

Sayyed Nasrallah Cites Double Standards of Freedom of Expression in France: Western States Protected Takfiri Groups

 October 31, 2020 Video Here Mohammad Salami Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Friday condemned the Nice attack, stressing that Islam forbids killing the innocent people and categorically rejects such crimes. In a televised speech on the occasion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Birthday, Sayyed Nasrallah called on the French authorities and public opinion to avoid blaming […]

منظمة الجيش السريّ الفرنسيّ هل حان وقت تفكيك أوروبا!؟

محمد صادق الحسيني أفادت مصادر صحافة استقصائيّة، من إحدى الدول الأوروبية العظمى، حول الاتهامات التي أطلقها الرئيس الفرنسي ضدّ الدين الإسلامي قبل شهر تقريباً، واتهم هذا الدين بانه يعاني من أزمة عالمية، وما أعقب ذلك من عمليات إرهابية شبه منظمة، راح ضحيتها العديد من المواطنين الفرنسيين الأبرياء، أفاد هذا المصدر بما يلي: أولاً: انّ جميع الجرائم الإرهابية، […]

Miracle! Two Swedish Girls Who Aren’t Shitlibs

The only two Swedish females who aren’t radical shitlibs. Sub my Bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Sub me on World Truth. Sub me on Gab.

Corbyn and the Tyranny of Correctness

OCTOBER 30, 2020 BY GILAD ATZMON By Gilad Atzmon Liberal film maker Michael Moore, who in 2016 predicted Donald Trump’s electoral victory, is again interfering with the premature celebration over Biden’s victory.  Yesterday, just  five days before the election, Moore sounded the alarm, strongly suggesting that the polls showing Biden with a comfortable lead over Trump […]

Turn On Your Body’s Ability to Heal – Activate Your Parasympathetic Nervous System: FREE eGuide

The parasympathetic state is critical to health and longevity. All health maintenance processes — including digestion, detoxification, immune activities, tissue regeneration and arousal — are turned on only when your body is in a parasympathetic state. You cannot heal outside of the parasympathetic state; it brings your nervous system into balance and affects every aspect […]

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