Posts Tagged ‘bastard’




RFK is a Liar, a Ball-less Bitc#, a Treasonous B@stard, and an Israhell W#ore

RFK who would not allow ANYONE to attend one of his kids birthday party unless they got killer jabbed, pretends to fight the killer jabs. In the Twitter Litter video he states his family has a long tradition of kissing Rothschild’s Israhell’s ass. He just somehow forgot to mention Israhell and the Rothschild’s CIA murdered […]

Evil B@stard Trying To MASS MURDER All American GIs With Killer Jabs Sows Fear Porn About Nuclear War

“Defense Secretary” Lloyd Killer Jab American Troops Austin “Defense Secretary” Lloyd Killer Jab GIs Austin said Friday on the state of Russia’s vast nuclear arsenal which is small compared to USA’s, that the Putinister is in the midst of undertaking the modernization and expansion of his nuclear capabilities. Now I a just a Texican Hillbilly […]

Treasonous Bastard DC Whore John Cornyn’s disapproval among Texas voters worsened dramatically as he Tries To Disarm American, new poll shows

More humans are murdered with USA “government” weapons than all the privately owned weapons in America. Therefore if one wants to ban weapons to save lives, one should ban the US “government” from buying or owning weapons. The Ole Dog! The Republican U.S. senator shepherded landmark gun legislation through the Senate last month. Between April […]

Dropped Your Bastard Sword? Then Whip Out Your Bollock Dagger

If you find the term ‘bollock dagger’ too crude, you could rightfully call this weapon a ‘kidney dagger.’ But that’s how the Victorians attempted to mask the true nature of this horrendous invention that was recently discovered outside a 13th century cathedral in Belgium. Drone Mapping, 3D Models And Bollock Daggers The Ypres Salient around Ypres in Belgium was an […]

GIVE THE “BRAVE” BASTARD A M-16 AND SEND HIS ASS TO UKRAINE TO FIGHT RUSSIANS-Hannity calls for NATO airstrike on Russian convoy

Hannity calls for NATO airstrike on Russian convoy. HE SAID ON HIS RADIO “SHOW” NATO SHOULD BOMB A RUSSIAN CONVOY AND SAY THEY DID NOT DO IT SO RUSSIA CAN NOT RETALIATE. Lets see!What war did he pick up a weapon and serve in? I can not seem to find that info. Ok, when did […]

From Rumsfeld, the ‘ruthless little bastard’, to Remdesivir

What connects the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 to Remdesivir, the blockbuster medicine widely used during the ongoing Covid pandemic? First is the fact that both are based on dubious claims. The US invasion was carried out on the false pretext of Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction, while Remdesivir has been aggressively […]

The Donald’s Bastard Children

White supremacists march through the University of Virginia campus the night before the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA. Photo by Karla Ann Coté. The most recent bastard child one of our presidents fathered was when Junior Bush, with whispers from his ‘ Handler’ Cheney, ordered the pre-emptive attack on Iraq on March 19th, […]

Anti-White Skit at Emmy’s Has Black Ape Bastard Berating White Co-Host

Jewish Hollywood is now unashamedly attempting to humiliate white people. They got some nignog actor to speak over, berate, and give orders to cuck faggot Jimmy Kimmel while celebrating the ascent of niggers in the film industry. This is mask-off kikery on full display. These jews in Hollywood are pulling all the stops to denigrate […]

Lebanon: Bellwether, Battleground, And Bastard Child Of The Mideast

Above photo: Beirut, the “Paris of the Middle East,” at night. John Henderson. This Mideast mirror was ready to burst well before the recent Beirut blast. And here’s a hint for Washington: it’s not about us! When I was a kid, “Beirut” became a cultural shorthand for any chaotic and violent urban setting. In the 1990s, […]

Top Jew Insider Frank Luntz Says Hilary is Going to Get Indicted

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 4, 2016 It’s looking bad, bad, bad for Hillary Clinton. Exciting! FRANK LUNTZ: Bill Clinton has to have known the impact that it would have if he got on that plane. I don’t understand why he would do it except that once again it’s like sabotage. That there’s something about him, […]

Trump Calls Out Losers Who Signed Pledge to Endorse Then Nigged-Out

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 30, 2016 A bunch of tricky, lying snakes. How are we to trust anything they say going forward? CNN: Donald Trump on Wednesday said his former Republican primary rivals who have refused to support him in November should be barred from running for public office again. “They signed a pledge saying […]

There will be No Autopsy for Scalia

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 16, 2016 I’m not usually into conspiracy theories, but… …this was pretty convenient, no? Chicago Tribune: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died of natural causes and no autopsy was necessary, a judge has told The Associated Press. Chris Lujan, a manager for Sunset Funeral Homes in Texas, said the 79-year-old […]

The David Duke Show: Trump NH Victory and Why Jewish Knives are Out

David Duke February 10, 2016 Dr. Duke started the show with an analysis of the New Hampshire primary. He noted that Trump’s victory on the Republican side gives him a great deal of momentum which, if unchecked, could make him unstoppable within a month’s time. Of course, the Zionist forces in the media will do […]

Did UPS Plane(s) Secretively Bring “Refugees” to America from the Middle East?

Refugee Resettlement Watch February 7, 2016 Uzbek refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov convicted of Islamic terror charges in Idaho. Did we bring trouble-making Uzbek Muslims to the US in a special arrangement with the government of Uzbekistan in the Bush Administration? I don’t know! (Sorry if you were expecting a definitive answer!) The rumor has been going […]

The David Duke Show: New Video Out Now!

David Duke February 6, 2016 Dr. Duke started the show by talking about his new video “Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Goldman Sachs and the Zionist Oligarchs,” which can be seen at the bottom of this page. The video, which was released just hours ago, is going viral and has an astounding 98.4% positive rating! The […]

The David Duke Show: New Video Out Now!

David Duke February 6, 2016 Dr. Duke started the show by talking about his new video “Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Goldman Sachs and the Zionist Oligarchs,” which can be seen at the bottom of this page. The video, which was released just hours ago, is going viral and has an astounding 98.4% positive rating! The […]

The David Duke Show: New Video Out Now!

David Duke February 6, 2016 Dr. Duke started the show by talking about his new video “Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Goldman Sachs and the Zionist Oligarchs,” which can be seen at the bottom of this page. The video, which was released just hours ago, is going viral and has an astounding 98.4% positive rating! The […]

The David Duke Show: New Video Out Now!

David Duke February 6, 2016 Dr. Duke started the show by talking about his new video “Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Goldman Sachs and the Zionist Oligarchs,” which can be seen at the bottom of this page. The video, which was released just hours ago, is going viral and has an astounding 98.4% positive rating! The […]

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