Posts Tagged ‘batteries’

The Legal Batteries That Supercharge the Bureaucratic State

There is a legal thing called “Chevron deference” and it has encouraged the massive growth of the power and scope of the bureaucratic state over the past 40 years. Named after a 1984 legal case, the doctrine holds (in a nutshell) that courts must defer to the wisdom of the implied expertise of a government […]

How Much Do EV Batteries Cost?

How Much Do EV Batteries Cost? The cost of an electric vehicle (EV) battery pack can vary depending on composition and chemistry. In this graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti and Sabrina Lam use data from Benchmark Minerals Intelligence to showcase the different costs of battery cells on popular electric vehicles. Size Matters Some EV owners are taken by […]

WEF Declare Humans Who Wish To Live Must Become Batteries For AI

Despite what the mainstream media are attempting to convince us, the World Economic Forum are not trying to fix the world for humanity. They’re trying to fix things for a tiny minority of the world’s […] The post WEF Declare Humans Who Wish To Live Must Become Batteries For AI appeared first on News Punch. […]

50 Clean Tech Firms Call for Millions of New Solar Panels, Batteries in Ambitious 5-Year Net Zero Plan

Over 50 cleantech firms have outlined an ambitious five-year plan that they claim can cut emissions in Australia by 81 percent by 2030—a more ambitious target than the one set by the current Labor government. On Nov. 24, global brands like Toshiba, Vestas, and Schneider Electric backed a new report from the Beyond Zero Emissions […]

The Dollar’s Batteries Are Running Low

Money is like a battery in that it is a store of energy for future use. In the case of money, that stored energy is financial value. Money stored as savings is the purchasing power than Americans hope to eventually use to buy a home, provide an education for their children, or retire in security. […]

Study: More Children Eating ‘Button’ Batteries with Potentially Fatal Outcomes

A study found more children have been ingesting lithium batteries, also known as “button” batteries, which could have dire consequences.

Consumer Warning: Fake batteries from ‘reputable’ eBay sellers

The reviews are faked. The eBay ‘sellers’ should be not only be shutdown by eBay, but also charged for fraud! MANY Australians fall victims to scammers on eBay with regards to replacement batteries for their smartphones. Whether it’s original capacity or so called hi-capacity, it’s all a scam! Popular brands like Apple,  Samsung etc are […]

Batteries do not make electricity

Batteries, they do not make electricity – they store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid. Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty […]

Father Buys 800 AA Batteries So He’ll Never Have To Buy More For A Long — UPDATE: They’re All Gone

Father Buys 800 AA Batteries So He’ll Never Have To Buy More For A Long — UPDATE: They’re All Gone BRANSON, MO—According to sources, local Dad Fred Martin wisely prepared for Christmas by buying 800 AA batteries and 2,742 AAA batteries. This way he won’t have to buy batteries for a very long time.  UPDATE: They’re already […]

Why There Are So Many Policy Failures Despite the Existence of Democracy and Batteries of Experts

The incidence and frequency of major policy failures has been increasing in some of the major countries of the world , including the USA, UK, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India and Pakistan, to mention only some of the more obvious examples. This has brought immense and avoidable distress to hundreds of millions of people, apart […]

EU proposes stricter regulations on batteries to reach climate targets

The EU has set out plans for stricter guidelines on any batteries that enter the European market, which will require them to be more sustainable and recyclable. The move is one of a number of initiatives in the EU Commission’s new Circular Economy Action Plan. It was announced at the EU summit in Brussels on […]

Israel deploys Iron Dome batteries to south ahead of one year to Islamic Jihad leader’s assassination

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Hydrogen-bromide flow batteries could soon power the renewable energy industry (but release a dangerous, toxic gas)

(Natural News) An energy storage concept from the Radical ’60s could solve the biggest problem of the wind energy sector. In an article published in ScienceDaily, Kansas researchers have developed a viable hydrogen-bromine flow battery that could store excess electricity during the night. Anyone who has been in the Midwest is bound to run […]

VW’s Spending Plan for Batteries Exceeds Tesla’s Orders by More Than 40%

VW’s Spending Plan for Batteries Exceeds Tesla’s Orders by More Than 40% March 13th, 2018 Via: Bloomberg: Volkswagen AG secured 20 billion euros ($25 billion) in battery supplies to underpin an aggressive push into electric cars in the coming years, ramping up pressure on […]

From Camels to Batteries and Fuel Cells

By Keith Kohl  Whenever I get into a row with a reader over the future of fossil fuels, there’s always one quote that immediately springs to mind. It was from Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, the first Prime Minister of the UAE. Not ringing a bell? Don’t worry, I have a feeling you’ve heard it […]

The Breakneck Rise of China’s Colossus of Electric-Car Batteries

The Breakneck Rise of China’s Colossus of Electric-Car Batteries February 3rd, 2018 Via: Bloomberg: The next global powerhouse in the auto industry comes from a small city in a tea-growing province of southeast China, where an unheralded maker of electric-vehicle batteries is planning a […]

Expert creates new prototype to restore old lithium batteries to 95% of original capacity, drawing interest from major tech companies

(Natural News) While it’s no secret that battery technology has come quite a long way since the first time it was used in mobile devices, there are still many pitfalls associated with its usage. For one thing, lithium batteries, like the ones used in most smartphones, laptops, and other kinds of consumer electronics, tend to […]

Is Apple Purposefully Slowing Down Old iPhones? Degraded Batteries Controversy

Next Story Time and time again I’ve heard people complain about their iPhones or Mac laptops getting slower and slower, forcing them to purchase entirely new products. However, many people who have experienced this technological lull also noticed that the deterioration of their Apple products coincided with the launch of Apple’s new products. To be […]

The Fixers Using Recycled Laptop Batteries to Power Their Homes

The Fixers Using Recycled Laptop Batteries to Power Their Homes November 20th, 2017 Thanks for everything you do, Jehu. Jehu Garcia – YouTube Via: Vice: <!– –> […]

Israel deploys anti-rocket batteries amid high alert

Israeli occupation army has deployed anti-rocket batteries at key points in the country to guard against retaliation by Palestinian group Islamic Jihad, Israeli media reported on Monday. The Israeli TV Channel 2, citing high-ranking military officials, said the Israeli army deployed the batteries countrywide, especially in central Israel. It also reported that the army tightened security on […]

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