Posts Tagged ‘historians’

Historians’ Gender Bias Accounts Of Illyrian Queen Teute’s Roman Encounter

In a clash of ego’s Teute, a third century BC widowed queen regent of the Ardiaei tribe of Illyria, faced off a Roman envoy, who challenged her policy on piracy, yet historians Polybius’ and Cassius Dio’s gender bias labelled her rage towards the Romans’ arrogance as female weakness, which, in their opinion, justified the First Roman-Illyrian […]

Historians Now Believe Second-Ever Phone Call Was To Ask Alexander Graham Bell About His Car’s Warranty

BOSTON, MA — This week, historians from the Graham Society announced that they can now confirm the authenticity of recently-discovered documentation revealing the contents of the inventor’s second-ever completed phone call: an inbound robocall asking him about his car’s extended warranty. “What is the meaning of this abomination? What infernal forces have infiltrated my prototype??” […]

NPR Slams Biden For Meeting With Historians Because They Were All “White”

National Public Radio has slammed Joe Biden for meeting with a group of historians at the White House because “all of those experts were white.” Yes, really. “In early August, the White House invited a group of historians to talk about threats to American democracy,” tweeted NPR. “But all of those experts were white — […]

Professor: Historians Will Look Back On Lockdowns As ‘Most Catastrophic Event Of All Human History’

Stanford University professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya says that in years to come lockdowns will be looked back upon as the most catastrophically harmful policy in “all of history”. Speaking on The London Telegraph podcast ‘Planet Normal’, Bhattacharya noted that government scientific advisors “remain attached” to the policy of lockdown in spite of the total “failure of […]

Right-wing politician on Auschwitz museum board causes Historians to quit

Following the resignation of Jewish philosopher Stanislaw Krajewski on Wednesday, historians Marek Lasota and Krystyna Oleksy on Thursday announced they would do the same. The culture ministry appointed Beata Szydlo, a former prime minister and top member of the country’s right-wing Law and Justice ruling party, to the board on Tuesday. Lasota, who heads the […]

In Historic Ruling, Polish Court Demands Two Jewish ‘Historians’ Apologize For Slandering Mayor As ‘Nazi Collaborator’

A court in Warsaw ruled Tuesday that two prominent Jewish Holocaust researchers must apologize for slandering a Polish woman’s deceased uncle in an a book they wrote, falsely claiming he helped the Germans murder 22 Jews during World War II: Lawyers for 81-year-old Filomena Leszczynska argued that her uncle was a Polish hero who had […]

Historians lose libel suit in Polish court for book saying Polish man handed over Jews to Nazis

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Bards, Historians And Historiographers Of Ancient Greece

Greece, a modern country found in Southeastern Europe, has for more than a thousand years presented the world with famous battles, fine art, wine, poetry, gods, and tales that at times bewilder the mind. But none of this could have happened had it not been developed by men of various backgrounds and experiences. Men like […]

Yad Vashem says libel suit against Polish historians is an ‘assault’ on Holocaust research

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

2 Jewish ‘Historians’ Sued In Poland For Defaming Mayor As ‘Nazi Collaborator’ Who Murdered 22 Jews

Two well-known Jewish ‘historians’ in Poland — whose specialty is pro-Holocaust propaganda — are being sued in court for defamation over their published hearsay claim that the late mayor of a town near Warsaw who saved one Jewish woman during World War II also collaborated with the German army and led to the alleged murder […]

Historians Erase Sir John A. Macdonald’s Name from Book Prize

The main association of Canadian history scholars has voted to remove Sir John A. Macdonald’s name from a prestigious prize, joining a movement to stop celebrating the country’s first prime minister as a hero. The decision to rename the 40-year-old prize the “CHA prize for Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History” came Tuesday at the […]

Historians Confirm Karl Marx Was Employed By The Rothschilds

Historians have confirmed that Karl Marx was not only related to the Rothschilds, but was also employed as their agent in order to subvert democracy and corrupt the Socialist movement. Karl Marx was born in a London squalor, and came from a long line of rabbis. reports: He used to visit the Red Lion Pub […]

Renaissance mom: Historians identify Leonardo Da Vinci’s mother

     The identity of Leonardo da Vinci’s mother has eluded historians for years, but now one scholar said he’s found the woman behind the Renaissance man. After digging through overlooked records in Italy, Martin Kemp, a leading Leonardo expert, claimed that the artist was born to Caterina di Meo Lippi, a 15-year-old orphan, on April […]

Mississippi historians: Around 20,000 freed slaves perished in barbaric Union Army’s Devil’s Punchbowl encampment

     Say the words concentration camps, and most will surmise the topic surrounds World War II and the Nazis; but the hard labor, constant threat of death, and barbarism these microcosmic hells presented weren’t unique to Adolf Hitler — in just one year, around 20,000 freed slaves perished in the Devil’s Punchbowl — in Natchez, […]

Trump Tweet TRUE! — It’s no (((coincidence))) that her top seven donors are all Jewish!

Dr. Duke on Trump’s “corrupt Hillary” tweet — It’s no (((coincidence))) that her top seven donors are all radical Jewish-Tribalist Zios! Hillery pocketed $600 K from Goldman Sachs for 3 hours of speeches. InsideGov.says top 7 donors are Zio-money Moguls — David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) July 5, 2016 Today Dr. Duke addressed the tweet […]

FLASHBACK: Gut Bacteria can affect fat absorption, and act in accordance to "Social structures"

Much new research is now emerging on the importance of bacteria – intestinal bacteria, to be more exact. These are commonly referred to as probiotics, and are the antithesis to antibiotics, both of which I’ll discuss below. These microscopic critters are also known as your microbiome. Around 100 trillion of these beneficial bacterial cells populate […]

Reporters of 29 countries to cover Iran’s elections

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Around 500 journalists working for the news media of 29 countries will cover the parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections in Iran on Friday, Iran’s Culture Ministry said. The ministry announced on Tuesday that the foreign reporters will represent media outlets from different countries, including Japan, the US, Britain, Germany, Italy, China, […]

The Jews Behind Neoreaction (Part 1)

Neoreaction (NRx) is an internet movement composed of Jews, crypto-Jews, Mischlings, and several brigades of Shabbos Goyim whose objective is the complete misdirection of all right-wing criticism of Jews unto groups of innocent Whites, such as Puritans and Calvinists; and unto abstract notions such as Populism. Furthermore, NRx strives to legitimize and sanctify the Jewish dominion […]

Leaked Turkish Document Says Air Space ‘Violation’ Lasted Seconds

A letter from Turkish UN Ambassador Halit Cevik has been leaked that reveals the absolute maximum amount of time the Russian jets could have ‘violated’ Turkish airspace – a measly 17 seconds.  Moscow maintains that the jets did not violate Turkish airspace, but even if the planes did enter airspace for 17 seconds – the justification for shooting […]

Hollywood 9/11 Activist Charlie Sheen Rumoured To Be Battling HIV

Rumours are circulating that one of Hollywood’s outspoken celebrities was diagnosed with HIV over two years, and has been hiding it from fans amid fears of being ridiculed and attacked. Charlie Sheen is suspected to be the as yet unnamed celebrity, as he fits the description circulating in the media that the ‘myseterious’ star is: a […]

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