Posts Tagged ‘embarrassing’

NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’

NFL Team Hit with Major Backlash, Leaves Fans Disgusted by ‘Pride Month’ Post – ‘This Is Embarrassing’ Source

Corruptocrat AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET’ and Locks Away in High-Security Facility: Report

AG Merrick Garland Classifies Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur as ‘TOP SECRET’ and Locks Away in High-Security Facility: Report Source

White People Embarrassing Themselves

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HE’S SHOT: A Confused Joe Biden Shuffles Away After Embarrassing Remarks at Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce (VIDEO)

HE’S SHOT: A Confused Joe Biden Shuffles Away After Embarrassing Remarks at Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce (VIDEO) Source

Fox News’s Doocy says Ramaswamy was ’embarrassing’ during fourth debate

Fox News host Steve Doocy on Thursday knocked GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for the way he handled himself during the fourth 2024 primary debate the previous night. “Vivek was embarrassing. You know, he just came in too hot once again. He got booed a number of times,” Doocy said on “Fox and Friends.” “I… […]

WATCH: ‘Embarrassing’: Fans React to USC QB Caleb Williams Sobbing Uncontrollably After Loss to Washington

USC quarterback and presumptive #1 overall pick Caleb Williams let go of his emotions in the embrace of family Saturday night after the Trojans’ 52-42 defeat at the hands of the Washington Huskies. Source

Jesse Watters Exposes Embarrassing COVID Stats That The Media Doesn’t Want You to Know About

Originally Published on Vigilant News Last year, President Biden announced that COVID was over, or at least he declared we were on a promising path to defeating the virus. Despite the sense of optimism, the media seems to be prepping for a COVID “comeback tour.” Yes, you heard that right—COVID is reemerging as a major […]

‘How Embarrassing’: Tennis Reporter Blasted After Lamenting ‘Anti-Vaxx’ Protests Outside US Open

The US Open became the latest scene of backlash as protesters gathered on Monday to demonstrate against the vaccine mandates in New York.

Israel’s advocates offer political cover to Biden over embarrassing trip

Biden’s trip to the Middle East was a fiasco but the Israel lobby loved it. Former ambassadors Dan Shapiro and Martin Indyk celebrate the trip as a breakthrough and manage not to mention Israel’s killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during an hour’s talk. While an AIPAC officials says of the speech Biden gave when […]

Embarrassing moment FBI cyber chief Admits FBI Hiding From Americans Hunter Biden’s Child Porn & Pedophilia Filled laptop – as Florida Republican Matt Gaetz whips out a copy of the hard drive and has it admitted into Congress as evidence

FBI FOUNDER & HEAD OF AGENCY FOR GENERATIONS. CLOSET PEDOIST TRANNY J. EDGAR HOOVER The Florida lawmaker is currently under investigation for sex trafficking claims He asked how Americans ‘are supposed to trust’ the FBI if its cyber division cannot establish the whereabouts of Hunter Biden’s laptop Gaetz claimed to be in possession of the […]

Embarrassing: British Realize They’ve Been Using The Wrong Words For Hundreds Of Things

Embarrassing: British Realize They’ve Been Using The Wrong Words For Hundreds Of Things LONDON—The United Kingdom is a quaint little island country in Europe that speaks English as its primary language—much like the U.S. And while they’ve always thought a lot of themselves—even having a Queen, like something out of a fairy tale—the people there […]

‘Really embarrassing’: GOP erupts into swing state civil war

In recent days, Republicans tied to a pre-existing leadership group in Las Vegas’ Clark County filed a lawsuit seeking to bar the state party from electing officers at its fall meeting on Saturday in Northern Nevada. On Thursday, a judge in Nevada denied their request, dismissing the case. And that same day, the state party […]

Exclusive — Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’

BEDMINSTER, New Jersey — Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that his successor President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is the “single most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.” Trump’s comments came in a lengthy and wide-ranging nearly two-hour-long exclusive interview on Wednesday evening at his office at his golf […]

GOP Rep. Van Drew Calls for Biden Resignation over Taliban Takeover — ‘One of the Darkest, Most Embarrassing Days’ for Our Country

Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) on Sunday called for President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration to resign over their handling of the United States’ withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Van Drew said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America” that the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan is “one of the darkest, most embarrassing […]

EMBARRASSING: Biden Slammed For Using Cheat Cards In Meeting With Putin

A leaked internal document reveals that the world’s largest air transport body is imploring the EU to adopt its vaccine passport system as standard across the entire 27 nation bloc, to ensure “evidence-based border restrictions” are implemented. EURACTIV reports that the letter was sent to EU leaders by The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which […]

Washington Post Deletes Embarrassing Anecdote from 2019 Kamala Harris Profile After Inauguration

Last week, the Washington Post excised a segment from one of its profiles of Vice President Kamala Harris originally published 18 months ago. Reason described the deletion as an attempt to “memory-hole Kamala Harris’s bad joke about inmates begging for food and water.” The original article, published July 23, 2019 — during then-Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) […]

Frank Luntz SCOLDS Trump: ‘Stop Embarrassing Yourself’ With Claims You Won – You DIDN’T

Pollster Frank Luntz scolded President Trump on Sunday, demanding that he stop “embarrassing” himself with claims he won the 2020 election. Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,”Luntz said: “One of those races the Democrat has now gone ahead in the Ossoff/David Perdue race. In the other race, the Kelly Loeffler — she is dead even with […]

Tommy Lee Vows To Leave US If Trump Wins: America ‘Embarrassing’ Itself Before the World

Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee has promised to quit the United States and move to Europe if President Trump wins re-election in November. During an interview with far-left British publication The Big Issue, Tommy Lee trashed America and made the promise that many left-wing celebrities have made before and failed to honor — leaving the US […]

Eminem: ‘Being White Is So Embarrassing, I Just Want To Kill Myself’

Millionaire rapper Eminem has said he feels so “embarrassed” being white that its driving him to suicide. In his new rap album “Revival,” Eminem moans that it is really “embarrassing” being a white person and says he thinks about “checking out on life” and killing himself because he “can’t escape this circumstance.” reports: “Seems like […]

Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu Faces New Charges

The former nuclear technician who revealed details of Israel’s nuclear programme has now been accused of breaching restraining orders. On Sunday Israeli prosecutors charged nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu with violating the terms of his release, more than a decade after he completed an 18-year jail term. His attorney’s have slammed the move as ‘a record […]

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