Posts Tagged ‘rush’

Nasrallah: Israel dreads defeat of Daesh in Syria

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, says the Israeli regime dreads the defeat of the Daesh Takfiri terrorists in Syria. The Tel Aviv regime has been “exposed to an existential threat,” Nasrallah said, adding that Israel also fears demonstrations in some Arab capitals. Daesh and the al-Nusra Front terrorist […]

Refugees banned from Austrian pool after ‘foreigner’ sexually assaults teenage girl

“This news was a shock,” said the town’s mayor, Alfred Pohl, as quoted by the Heute media outlet. According to Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, the attack happened on Wednesday afternoon. Migrant assaults mother and 4yo son in Austrian swimming pool The girl was first followed by a young man into the women’s changing room. Once […]

Invaders Burn Hall over Ramadan Food

German police have arrested two Moroccan invaders pretending to be asylum seekers in Düsseldorf after they burned down an invader accommodation because the Ramadan food portions were “too small.” The invaders set fire to the Düsseldorf exhibition center on the outskirts of the city where they and 130 other nonwhites were being housed and […]

DONALD TRUMP Sleazy Lying CROOKED Media Trys to START World WAR 3 CNN Chris Cuomo

Donald Trump Sleazy Media CNN PROPAGANDA MELTDOWN ! Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Peter Lavelle FACTs Vs Chris Cuomo FICTION . (FULL Interview) … source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

‘Children of War’: Heart-rending WWII diaries of Soviet children published in English

“In adults’ diaries, the author is still trying to build some sort of drama, while children have been sincerely writing about what they saw and felt, and that’s the main value of these documents. They haven’t been edited by anyone, they’ve been written honestly, with no censorship or self-censorship applied,” the book’s editor, Tatyana Kuznetsova, […]

11 Days BEFORE Terror Attack, Brussels Politician BEGGED Trump For THIS [Video]

On Tuesday, Brussels, Belgium was struck through the heart by a vicious terror attack by Islamic fundamentalists, and unfortunately, it wasn’t a major shock. But 11 days before the attack, a politician from the city released a video, and it’s getting some serious attention after what happened yesterday. Mischaël Modrikamen is leader of the People’s Party […]

SOTT Exclusive: Another phony ‘suicide bombing’ in Turkey

     After last Sunday’s bogus ‘suicide car bomb’ in Ankara that killed 37 people, another alleged ‘suicide bomber’ – this time allegedly on foot – ‘blew himself up’ on Istiklal Ave, one of Istanbul’s busiest shopping areas. Bizarrely, of the five people killed, 2 or 3 were Israeli Jews – a man and wife and […]

Swedish Immigration Minister: “We’ll Take Merkel to Court Over Migrant Chaos”

Steve GoodeWhite Genocide Project March 14, 2016 Sweden is furious with Merkel because she invited all Syrians to Germany in 2015, and it caused an invasion of illegal immigrants. Many of these illegal immigrants went to Sweden, and Germany now refuses to take back the ones who came to Sweden via Germany. Swedish immigration minister […]

Israeli military reportedly seeks to censor private Facebook pages commenting on national security

This unbelievable news has just come out today on the Hebrew site Haayin Hashviit (“The Seventh Eye”), and is being translated hereby in full: CONTROL THROUGH PREVENTION Change of approach in the military censorship; No more monitoring of Facebook texts following their publication: from now on account holders are required to pass on to the […]

Putin meets ‘old friend’ Kissinger visiting Russia

The meeting is a continuation of a “friendly dialogue between President Putin and Henry Kissinger, who are bound by a longstanding relationship,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. “They communicate all the time, use the opportunity to talk,” he added. Putin “values” this opportunity to discuss pressing international issues as well as exchange opinions on global […]

Edward Snowden, Nobel Peace Prize candidate

     US whistle-blower and former spy agency contractor Edward Snowden is among the top candidates for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize which is awarded in Oslo, Norway. “2016 may finally be Edward Snowden’s year … His leaks are now having a positive effect,” Kristian Berg Harpviken, head of the Peace Research Institute in Oslo told […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

"An act of war" – and other unfortunate phrases

Guest Post By RICHARD JACKSON Watching the terrible events unfolding during and after the Paris terrorist attacks, I have a helpless sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the movie, Groundhog Day, only much more deadly and depressing. It feels like we have been here so many times before: the same anguished […]

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