Posts Tagged ‘flowing’

‘Israel is an apartheid state,’ but keep the U.S. aid flowing — Rothkopf

The use of the word apartheid to describe Israel’s treatment of Palestinians just keeps growing. David Rothkopf, the former editor of Foreign Policy, baldly states that Israel is an apartheid state in a piece published by Haaretz last weekend. The “demise” of the two state solution has made it untenable not to talk about Israeli […]

Liberal nonprofit spent $174M in 2021 as big money kept flowing after Trump

One of the left’s largest financial power centers saw its fundraising and spending drop significantly the year after former President Donald Trump left office. But the group remains a major force in politics and advocacy: Its spending in 2021 was also three times higher than in the year after the previous presidential race, a sign […]

Russian gas no longer flowing to France – energy rationing for the rest of Europe soon on the way

(Natural News) Effective immediately, Russian state gas company Gazprom is massively reducing natural gas flows to France, a move that French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne warns will probably lead to fuel rationing this winter. French energy giant Engie, which handles gas deliveries from Gazprom, issued an urgent announcement about how the flow stoppage hinges upon […]

Russian gas no longer flowing to France – energy rationing for the rest of Europe soon on the way

(Natural News) Effective immediately, Russian state gas company Gazprom is massively reducing natural gas flows to France, a move that French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne warns will probably lead to fuel rationing this winter. French energy giant Engie, which handles gas deliveries from Gazprom, issued an urgent announcement about how the flow stoppage hinges upon […]

6 Months Into War, Russian Goods Still Flowing To U.S.

American companies — including federal contractors — continue to buy everything from birch wood flooring to weapons-grade titanium from Russian corporations. Source

Biden Administration Allows Oil To Continue Flowing Through Dakota Access Pipeline

Above photo: Environmental protesters demonstrate against the Dakota Access pipeline, in Washington, D.C., on April 1. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Biden Promised to Listen to Tribes and Fight Climate Change. Pipeline has no permit and is an affront to Tribal sovereignty; jeopardizes drinking water supply for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Washington, DC – Speaking before a federal […]

The Torah Flowing Through Our Jewish Cultural Veins

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The Flowing Path of Enlightenment and the “Non-Duality” Bubble

April 29th, 2018 By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World These are amazing times of great transformation for the earth and for humanity. People everywhere are graciously stepping out of the darkness of separation and disconnection from the divine. With each passing day, ever more are realising their interconnectedness and at-one-ment with all life. It is […]

Why we are asking for your help now–to keep the news flowing

You already know that last Friday in Palestine tens of thousands of dedicated Palestinians made their way to the border between Gaza and Israel, and that the Israeli armed forces used snipers to pick off individuals and intimidate nonviolent protesters. Mondoweiss reported from the Great March of Return, and will continue to provide photo, video […]

Radioactive Waste Flowing Freely into Columbia River Because There’s No Money to Stop It

Vic Bishop, Staff WriterWaking Times A member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently informed the public that radioactive waste from the decommissioned Hanford nuclear power plant is ‘flowing freely’ into the Columbia river. The mighty Columbia river is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest region of America, flowing down from Canada, winding […]

New study suggests plants can hear, may be able to detect the sounds of flowing water or munching insects

(Natural News) Plants continue to mystify and amaze scientists around the world. Their hardiness and ability to adapt is a thing of mystery and awe — and that has all but inspired researchers to continue the quest of trying to understand them better. People all over the world have different ideas about plants, what helps […]

All-natural home remedies for dissolving painful kidney stones

(NaturalNews) As many know, passing kidney stones can be an extremely painful process. One of the most common urinary disorders diagnosed in the United States, kidney stones are formed when excess mineral deposits (usually calcium) clump together inside the kidney to form small pebble-like debris. That debris then travels from the kidney into […]

Scenes from the real world: Watch the Health Ranger’s totally INSANE donkey duet

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

Tony Abbott leans to remaining in parliament

Michelle Grattan (TC) : Tony Abbott has extended his Christmas deadline for a decision on his future – and it sounds like he is inclined to stay in parliament. Tony Abbott. AAP Mick Tsikas. In comments that will irk his critics within the government, the former prime minister said he had received “thousands and thousands […]

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