Posts Tagged ‘fluoridation’

Another Study Finds Association Between Water Fluoridation & Brain Health

A newly published study is the latest to find an association between pregnant mothers consuming fluoridated water and an increased risk for neurobehavioral problems among their children. Exposing pregnant mothers to fluoridated water may increase the risk of neurobehavioral problems in their children, according to a new study published in the JAMA Network Open medical […]

Fluoridation of water is promoted as a health measure when the science indicates multiple toxicities

From Dr Sam Bailey Warning! Fluoride In Your Water Fluoridation of water is promoted as a health measure when the science indicates multiple toxicities. I spoke with one of the unsung New Zealand heroes, Kane Titchener who has volunteered his time to combat the authorities’ attempts to poison our water supplies. Here is what he said about:  […]

Those Fluoridation Lies

Fluoridation: the End Game begins! This post from is from 2019 … interesting what has transpired since then. Fourteen councils ordered by those ‘protecting’ us to fluoridate their town supplies. Better to allow those who want it to purchase it. EWR Please take a few minutes to watch this video that appeared on TVNZ […]

UK To Begin Nationwide Fluoridation Of Tap Water To Make People More Compliant To Vaccine Mandates is reporting that the British government is expected start adding fluoride to the drinking water all over the country according to a joint statement of the Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland — which recommends everyone, everywhere should have fluoride added to their water supply: While fluoridation is already […]

UK to begin nation-wide fluoridation of tap water

The report was already praised in a tweet from UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid: Good to see UK CMOs examining how water fluoridation can improve oral health & prevent tooth decay which disproportionately affects more deprived groups. Reinforces why our Health and Care Bill will make it simpler to expand water fluoridation schemes. — Sajid […]

Updates on the Fight to End Water Fluoridation

Updates on the Fight to End Water FluoridationPosted on July 3, 2021 By Dr. Joseph MercolaStory at-a-glance– Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), provides promising updates on the historic lawsuit that FAN filed against the U.S. EPA to end water fluoridation.– The judge hearing the case plans to review two things […]

Historic U.S. Lawsuit To End Water Fluoridation

An historic lawsuit looks set to end water fluoridation across the United States once and for all, as a federal court has given the go-ahead for citizens to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency.  Food and Water Watch Inc. filed a lawsuit against the agency after the EPA rejected a citizens petition calling on them to ban […]

Study Confirms U.S. Water Fluoridation Linked To Soaring ADHD

New research confirms there is a strong link between water fluoridation and the rise in ADHD diagnoses in the United States. The study, published in the journal Environmental Health, found that states that serve fluoridated water to its citizens had a much higher prevalence of ADHD. reports: This relationship held up across six different […]

Water fluoridation found to increase hypothyroidism risk by 30%

(Natural News) As millions of people suffer from thyroid problems and related issues like depression, it is time to take a closer look at our drinking water. That’s because a study has pointed to an unexpected culprit in the form of fluoride in drinking water. Researchers analyzed 98 percent of the GP […]

U.S. Court Seeks EPA Ban On Water Fluoridation Nationwide

A federal court has requested the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban water fluoridation nationwide due to its toxicity on humans.   In a victory for fluoride opponents, a judge in the Northern District of California has denied a motion by the EPA that sought to dismiss a lawsuit seeking to completely ban fluoride under the Toxic Substances Control Act. […]

Court Decision Could Lead to EPA Banning Water Fluoridation

By Derrick Broze A federal court has denied an attempt by the Environmental Protection Agency to dismiss a lawsuit seeking to ban the use of fluoride under the Toxic Substances Control Act. In a victory for water fluoridation opponents, a judge in the Northern District of California has denied a motion by the […]

ANOTHER study confirms the detrimental effects of water fluoridation on the IQs of children

(Natural News) Another study has added to the growing body of evidence that links the fluoride found in water with lowered intelligence quotients (IQ) in children. A study, which was published last year, confirmed the dangers that water fluoridation has when it is consumed by children, particularly on their IQ. Not only that, fluoridated water was […]

Latest Study on Water Fluoridation Again Links it to Lowered Children’s IQ’s

Phillip Schneider, Staff WriterWaking Times What would you think if I told you that there is poison in the tap water? If you’re like some, you might think that there is no way the government could allow that to happen. However, if you live in the United States it’s likely that you the water […]

Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation Once and For All by Demonstrating its Neurotoxicity

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterWaking Times The practice water fluoridation in the United States has been under growing scrutiny for years by a public that has become conscious of the fact adding toxic chemicals which are proven to be harmful to human health and children’s development to public water is medication without consent. Never-the-less, the […]

No Transparent Investigation and No Justice – 2 Years after the Odessa Massacre

nsnbc : Two years after at least 48 including a pregnant woman were killed in Odessa, Ukraine, there has still not been a transparent investigation and nobody has been held accountable in a court of law. nsnbc previously published a detailed photo report that suggests that the massacre on May 2, 2014 was premeditated and […]

Thai Commerce and Industries Discuss Thailand – EEU Cooperation

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Representatives of Thailand’s Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Industries and the Department of Export Promotion discussed the possibilities for increased cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and the creation of a free trade zone. Thailand is balancing its policy between ASEAN, cooperation with China, and others. Cooperation with the […]

7 Simple Ways To Uplift Your Day

It’s one of those rainy cold days where you wake up and your body feels weak – and you haven’t even gotten yourself out of bed. You think to yourself  “Great, the day hasn’t even started and it’s already a bad one.” All you want to do is pull the covers over you head, but […]

Texas city puts an end to water fluoridation

  Ethan A. HuffNatural News October 2, 2011 (NaturalNews) A city of roughly 100,000 people and home of Texas AM University, College Station, Tex., is definitely no backwoods town. In fact, Money magazine named the city, which is located in a metropolitan area populated with more than 200,000 people, the 11th most educated city in […]

Special: Turning Tide of Fluoridation & Death of CIA Lackey Awlaki – Infowars Nightly News

  Aaron DykesInfowars September 30, 2011 Tonight’s Friday, September 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News features an in-depth special report AIRING AT 7PM CENTRAL on the turning tide of water fluoridation across the Western world, with nearly 250 cities across the United States opting out of the mass-medication scheme once touted as one […]

Southampton officials vote against water fluoridation scheme

Ethan A. HuffNatural News Sept 26, 2011 Efforts to get more communities in the UK fluoridated appear to be failing, as a recent decision by officials in Southampton, a city roughly 80 miles southwest of London, refused a proposed water fluoridation plan. In a 2 – 1 decision, city officials ultimately sided with opponents of […]

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