Posts Tagged ‘Judea’

Judea Declares War on Gentiles: “People Will Pay The Price Everywhere”


From TUT MUST READ:Judea Speaks– ‘Trump will likely be indicted and spend the rest of his life in prison’

December 29, 2022 By tuteditor ed note–well, it’s that time once again, ladies and Gentile-men where we at this humble little informational endeavor get to ‘tune in’ to what has become one of our favorite ‘hangouts’ these days–WTYS–otherwise known by its official call sign as ‘We Told Ya So’, and enjoy some of those ‘oldie goldies’ that […]

FROM TUT ANOTHER MUST READ:Judea Snarls– Justice Is Coming for Donald Trump

December 23, 2022 By tuteditor Judea Snarls– Justice Is Coming for Donald Trump December 23, 2022 By tuteditor Every effort to hold Donald Trump accountable has been thwarted by those who made it someone else’s job. Not anymore. ed note–yes, it is now officially ‘old hat’ here, ladies and Gentilemen, given the incalculable amount of electronic ink that has […]

From TUT: What Judea Wants, Judea Gets– Justice Department seeking to hold Trump in contempt over classified documents

December 10, 2022 By tuteditor ed note–Again, as we have pointed out on this humble little informational endeavor–somewhere between a million and  billion times–the UNPRECEDENTED seek-and-destroy mission against DJT was not/is not due to his various positions on hot-topic issues such as abortion, the 2nd Amendment, immigration, or any of the other dog whistles which Judea, Inc […]

A MUST READ FROM TUT: Judea Snarls– ‘The final events in human history are approaching with the destruction of Europe and the Middle East’

November 19, 2022 By tuteditor ed note–again, and we cannot stress this enough at this humble little informational endeavor, no one should underestimate or otherwise dismiss the deadly nature of the picture being painted by our deranged follower of Judah-ism. Just like any of history’s infamous mass murderers/madmen who scribble some rambling ‘manifesto’ prior to their planned […]

Judea – Their Total War On Germans and the White Race

World Jewry Declared War on Germany Long Before Germany Took Action Against Jews Lies and Propaganda: Jew’s Most Powerful Weapon. By Ben Klassen Now into the fourth decade after the death of that greatest of all White leaders, Adolf Hitler, the world-wide jewish network is still pouring out a massive propaganda campaign of poisonous invective […]

From TUT Judea Speaks– Finally time for Israel to change its superpower sponsor?

Judea Speaks– Finally time for Israel to change its superpower sponsor? July 12, 2022tuteditor Due to irreversible anti-Israel changes in American society at large, the America-Israel relationship has started to unravel. It’s time for Israel to reassess the relationship with the US and seek a different superpower with which to partner ed note–as we have […]

Biden is in a bind with Judea

Truthseeker conspiracy dopes I agree with you Biden is an awful President. We want Trump back. Biden is not that smart and he is not a strong man. He and his son Hunter are good at telling people off and stealing stuff. USA Today says “Joe Biden is better on the world stage than any […]

Israel tells ICC it has no authority to probe war crimes in Judea and Samaria

Browse > Home / News / Israel tells ICC it has no authority to probe war crimes in Judea and Samaria April 12, 2021 by Aryeh Savir – TPS Read on for article Israel has announced that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has no authority to launch a war crimes investigation against […]

UAE embraces trade with Israeli-owned businesses in Judea and Samaria

Browse > Home / Featured Articles / UAE embraces trade with Israeli-owned businesses in Judea and Samaria February 4, 2021 by Eliana Rudee – Read on for article The Psagot Winery sits on the peaks of the Binyamin region mountains in Judea and Samaria, north of Jerusalem and just east of Ramallah. The barrel […]

800 residential units approved for Judea Samaria

Within just over a week before President-Elect JoeBiden’s inauguration, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has authorized the construction of hundreds of housing units in Judea and Samaria to be advanced. Source

Quentin Tarantino, beloved by Judea, Inc for his film ‘Inglorious Basterds’ defends violent, inbred Judaic Roman Polanski for statutory rape of 13-year-old

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Judea’s War On Syria Continues – Three Scenarios That Could Still Bring Bashar Al Assad Down

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The Clash of Civilizations for Dummies: Judea’s War Between Christianity and Islam.

The clash of Civilizations for Dummies: Judea’s War Between Christianity and Islam   By Sabba, 16NOV17 INTRODUCTION – In this day and age where the Jews DO control the media and thus maintain 110% control of the discourse, most people have heard the phrase of “clash of civilizations”, a paradigm whereby the world of Islam […]

Panic within the ranks of Judea, Inc–‘It’s Good Harvey Weinstein Was Stopped. But Let’s Not Start A Witch Hunt’

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Judea, Inc’s Robert Mueller close to charging Flynn in Russia probe

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Israeli government to celebrate 50 years of ‘return to Judea and Samaria for eternity’ at a settlement

Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Settlements Israel to mark 50 years to ‘return to historical lands’ with state ceremony Ynet 17 Sept by Itamar Eichner — Israel will hold a large-scale event in late September to mark 50 years to the “return to the historical lands of Judea and Samaria, the […]

Yet another defeat for the ‘911 Truth’ Movement as Judea, Inc seeks to connect Trump to David Duke and violence in Charlottesville

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Judea declares war on British musician Roger Waters

Gilad Atzmon writes: I am not the only musician whose career they are trying to destroy. The musician Roger Waters is also being subjected to a vile Zionist smear campaign. The Jewish press reports that a documentary titled Wish You Weren’t Here by Ian Halperin is about to hit the screens in every shtetl around […]

Infamous Paramilitary Leader Gunned down by Venezuelan Army

Rachel Boothroyd-Rojas (VA) : Venezuela’s National Guard gunned down a notorious paramilitary chief on Tuesday afternoon during a military ambush in the rural state of Guarico.   “El Picure”. (Ultimas Noticias) Jose Antonio Tovar Colina, otherwise known as “El Picure,” was one of the ten most wanted criminals in the country. He infamously led a brutal and extensive […]

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