Posts Tagged ‘patterns’


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Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why

Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why Humans12 December 2022By Carly Cassella   Aerial view of a kite in the Khaybar area of north-west Saudi Arabia. New archaeological findings on ‘kites’ show the ingenuity and perhaps collaborative nature of the region’s peoples in the past. (Diaa Albukaai and Kévin Guadagnini, […]

Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why

Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why Humans12 December 2022By Carly Cassella   Aerial view of a kite in the Khaybar area of north-west Saudi Arabia. New archaeological findings on ‘kites’ show the ingenuity and perhaps collaborative nature of the region’s peoples in the past. (Diaa Albukaai and Kévin Guadagnini, […]

Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why

Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why Humans12 December 2022By Carly Cassella   Aerial view of a kite in the Khaybar area of north-west Saudi Arabia. New archaeological findings on ‘kites’ show the ingenuity and perhaps collaborative nature of the region’s peoples in the past. (Diaa Albukaai and Kévin Guadagnini, […]

DNA Analysis Reveals Surprising South American Migration Patterns

A new study based on cutting-edge genetic analysis has revealed startling new information about South American migration patterns. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

Federal Trade Commission Warns of Sophisticated ‘Dark Patterns’ Used to Trick Consumers

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a report Thursday about how companies deploy “dark patterns” in advertising for enticing potential customers, manipulating them into making purchases and giving up their privacy in the process. “Our report shows how more and more companies are using digital dark patterns to trick people into buying products and giving […]

Ancient DNA Reveals Anatolian Neolithic Revolution Migration Patterns

Beginning approximately 12,000 years ago, the Neolithic Revolution sparked one of the most profound and lasting changes in human history.  Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later 

Identification of Patterns in Coronavirus Vaccines: Evidence of DNA-Origami Self-Assembly

Identification of Patterns in Coronavirus Vaccines: Evidence of DNA-Origami Self-Assemblyby Mik Andersen, C0r0n@2Inspectpublished in Spanish January 3, 2022rough translation via translation software One of the most difficult aspects to determine in the identification of patterns of c0r0n@v|rus vaccines is the method or procedure, by which the objects that are being observed ( micro / nano-routers, micro / […]

How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition – FREE Online Event

Print Friendly or Save as PDF This past year we were presented with the opportunity to sit with ourselves and get in touch with the shadows of fear, racial injustice, human rights, climate change, healthcare, survival, and our responsibility to our humanity — at a whole new level. We discovered we can no longer ignore […]

Change Negative Patterns Of Chronic Stress – Fast!

April 7th, 2021 By Dr. Michelle Kmiec Contributing writer for Wake Up World Out of all the emotional work I did to recover my health, this one (by far) was the most powerful. I couldn’t believe how much emotional weight I had been carrying for years. I am not talking about emotional traumas here, but rather self-induced […]

Affordability and prescribing patterns of generic medicines in India

Co-Written by Dr. Swati Sapna & Upasna Gaba The World Health Organization (WHO) defines generic medicine as “a pharmaceutical product, usually intended to be interchangeable with an innovator product that is manufactured without a license from the innovator company and marketed after the expiry date of the patent or other exclusive rights.”(1) The US Food and […]

Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath: Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration – FREE Online Event

Would you like to experience for yourself how the exquisite and powerful sounds of crystal alchemy singing bowls can ground you, nourish you, balance and heal your energy field, and fill your entire being with vibrant joy? Now you can – completely FREE – when you join us and crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass for […]

A wise man once said that wherever nuclear weapons testing took place, the weather patterns will be forever altered.

by Michael SnyderEnd Of The American Dream Every summer is hot, and every summer there are heatwaves, but what we are witnessing in 2020 is rewriting all of the rules.  It has been blistering hot across the Southwest, and record after record is being broken.  In a year when we have had a seemingly endless […]

Herds of Arctic Reindeer Walking in Mesmerizing Circular Patterns

A video of several reindeer herds on Russia’s Kola Peninsula, in the Arctic Circle, walking in circular patterns for no apparent reason has been getting a lot of attention on social media lately. The video was originally posted on the Facebook page of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Peter the Great, aka Kunstkámera, located in […]

Photos: ‘Patterns of Regional Order in Post-ISIS Era’ conference held in Tehran

Foreign policy experts to President Trump: Get a real Iran policy Washington Post | Jennifer Rubin: Last year President Trump “decertified” the Iran nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA), and… Source Article from

Patterns of Provocation

Renegade Editor’s Note: Incredibly this article is 40 years old! And yet we still have some of the same people with us today, such as Harold Covington, who was Frank Collin’s #2 man during the “Bagel Nazi” March on Skokie. It was later discovered that Frank Collin is really Frank Cohen, a jewish pedophile. He […]

Are You An Emotional Eater? 7 Problem Eating Patterns and How to Overcome Them

Ask yourself why you want to eat when you aren’t physically hungry. Is it to fill a void or are you genuinely low on energy? It has now been established that cravings are most often triggered by emotions, which include anxiety and even boredom. Weight loss is one of the top resolutions made every year, […]

COMMENTARY: Massive Anti-Government Protests In Venezuela Worsen, Patterns Emerge

Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]

Peoples’ brain wave patterns mysteriously SYNC UP when they are near each other, astonishing new science shows

(Natural News) A recent study published in the journal Current Biology revealed that people’s brain waves exhibit remarkably similar patterns when they belong in a group that was more engaged with each other and the world around them. As part of the study, a team of researchers from the New York University and the Max Planck […]

5 Reasons This Will Be The Summer of Rage…

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