Posts Tagged ‘altering’

mRNA Platform Is Dangerous Dual Use Technology, Self-Spreading mRNA & Altering Evolution w/ Nanotech

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/8/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Big Ag Panicking Over Bill to Require Labeling of Gene-Altering Products

The pushback by Big Ag lobbyists against this bill to require industry transparency on this important issue has been enormous, and one potential reason for that is because they’d have to admit that all sorts of foods may have been vaccinated with mRNA vaccines, have genetic modifications, or be modified to serve as vaccinations for […]

Altering the Human Genome: “The Long-Term Effects Are Not Going to Merely Be Symptomatic”

The Vigilant Fox Published June 30, 2022  Dr. David Martin: “The project that gave rise to the Moderna company itself [Darwinian Chemical Systems] was a project where they were specifically figuring out how to get mRNA to write itself into the genome of the whatever target they were going after … And the fact of the matter […]

Pelosi’s Bizarre SOTU Behavior May Be Result of Mind-Altering Drugs For ‘Psychotic’ Disorder

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre hand and mouth movements witnessed during the State of the Union address this week may be the result of a rare psychotic and neurological disorder, according to a source familiar with the disease. Whatever it was that Joe Biden said during SOTU was not as memorable as the involuntary and […]

Joe Rogan Slams ‘Yellow Journalism’ Of CNN, Accuses Network Of Altering Footage Of Him

Authorities in Australia could still decide to deport Novak Djokovic despite him winning his appeal against having his visa cancelled, while the tennis star’s family accuses police of planning to “lock him up.” The entire farce, which began last week when border officials refused Djokovic entry to compete in the Australian despite him having a […]

NIH Caught Quietly Altering Gain-Of-Function Defintion, The January 6th ‘Fed’ & Bi-Yearly “Boosters”

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/22/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

White House Confirms Biden Will NOT Rule Out Altering the Second Amendment

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has confirmed that President Biden will not rule out using executive orders to alter the Second Amendment as part of a crackdown on guns. Psaki declared that while a package to execute Biden’s “common-sense measures” has yet to be proposed, POTUS still has a “range of actions at his […]

Renowned Virologist Warns Against Hastily Created Gene-Altering Vaccine

Renowned Virologist Warns Against Hastily Created Gene-Altering Vaccine Prepare For Change / Derek Knauss WARNING: Renowned Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi Warns Against Hastily Created Gene-Altering Coronavirus Vaccine (video) Posted by Renee Nal On September 25, 2020 27 Comments Amy Mek, case fatality rate, case mortality rate, Chinese Coronavirus, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Tyranny, Coronavirus vaccinations, coronavirus vaccine, Doctor […]

The Truth about Pfizer And The Coming Neurotoxic DNA Altering Covid Vaccine (NOTE) URGENT UPDATE : CHILDREN IN LIVERPOOL UK KIDNAPPED BY MILITARY) SEE BELOW


Exercise Treats Addiction by Altering Brain’s Dopamine System

June 3rd, 2018 By Joe Battaglia Guest writer for Wake Up World New research by the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions has identified a key mechanism in how exercise can help impact the brain in ways that may support treatment — and even prevention strategies — for addiction. Scientists in Britain previously found that just five minutes […]

PSYCH DRUG America: More than 8 million children now on mind-altering psychiatric medication

(Natural News) As more children are being prescribed psychiatric drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, misuse is also on the rise, prompting experts to question why so many kids are being told they need psychiatric drugs in the first place. The journal Pediatrics reports that poison control centers saw more than 150,000 […]

Wells Fargo Caught Altering Information on Business Customers Documents

Just when you thought that after the last criminal offense by Wells Fargo (which as a reminder was pushing customers into higher-fee retirement accounts), surely there was no way Warren Buffett’s favorite criminal organization would be caught again engaging in some even more bizarre criminal activity. Alas, it was not meant to be as […]

Mind-Altering Drug Makers Fund Anti-Gun Media

Mind-Altering Drug Makers Fund Anti-Gun Media Big Pharma gives MSM billions in ad revenue Kit DanielsPrison Feb. 16, 2018 It isnt surprising the mainstream media – and late night entertainers – focus on guns instead of SSRIs linked to mass shootings given that theyre well-funded by drug makers. Virtually every suspected mass shooter was […]

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was on a "sedative-hypnotic" mind-altering psychiatric medication – autopsy report

(Natural News) Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was taking mind-altering psychiatric medications at the time he carried out the Mandalay Bay mass shooting, reveal autopsy records obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “Amounts of nordiazepam, oxazepam and temazepam, which are consistent with the anti-anxiety drug Valium, were found in his urine, a […]

State Troopers And DA Under Investigation For Altering Report Involving Judge’s “Self-Admitted-Hooker Daughter”

The Massachusetts State Police and the Worcester District Attorney are currently facing 3 separate investigations about why troopers were ordered to alter the arrest report concerning a judge’s daughter’s OUI arrest. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey (D) is investigating the incident, and Governor Charlie Baker (D) is also investigating. The state Ethics Commission has now […]

YouTube videos target children with bizarre, mind-altering narratives disguised as kids’ entertainment

(Natural News) Most parents understand that the internet can be a dangerous place for children, and there are plenty of high-tech ways to minimize their exposure to undesirable content. However, none of these methods can completely sidestep the need for parents to pay attention to what their children are doing. Even if you’ve helped your […]

NASA considers altering astronaut DNA for Mars mission

NASA plans to send its first manned mission to Mars between 2030 and 2040 but still faces a number of obstacles before then. The Mars-bound astronauts will be exposed to high-energy particles and NASA is looking at ways to repair the damage this would do to their DNA. This could include actually altering the astronauts’ […]

15 Life Altering Gems From The New Alan Watts’ Book: ‘Out of Your Mind’

Next Story As one of the most celebrated orators of modern history, Alan Watts (1915-1973) had a knack for getting to the heart of life’s biggest questions. Released in March 2017, his newest book — Out of Your Mind: Tricksters, Interdependence, and the Cosmic Game of Hide and Seek  — is no exception. Based on […]

Music boosts your brain power by literally altering its structure as you learn new skills

(Natural News) A new study published in Brain and Cognition revealed that following musical cues to learn a physical task may improve connectivity between important brain regions. To carry out the study, a team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, Clinical Research Imaging Centre, and Centre for Clinical Brain […]

Switching It Up: Extreme Pro-Jew Suspended From Labour

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 23, 2016 Jeremy “Gas Them All and Let Yahweh Sort Em Out” Corbyn The neo-Nazi leader Jeremy Corbyn has been having all sorts of problems with Nazis in his Labour Party condemning the evil Jews. Corbyn is trying to keep the cat in the bag until he assumes control of Britain […]

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