Posts Tagged ‘India’

On the Visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to India

The visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to India from September 5 to 8 this year represents a notable development in the game being played by both local and global actors in the Indo-Pacific region. The latter undoubtedly already include India. As for Bangladesh, its place in the said game needs some comment. Bangladesh […]

Rescued From A Dam: Nagarjunakonda, India’s Flooded Buddhist Center

Nagarjunakonda is a historical town located in what is now Guntur district of the south-eastern state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Read Later 

Neo-Nazi Zelensky is even threatening and intimidating India now!


Floods hit India and Pakistan

Floods cripple Indian tech hub in Bangalore and villagers are displaced by flooding in Pakistan.

India without Congress

It was expressed long before the parliamentary elections of 2014 that India will soon be made free from the dynastic congress party that has been responsible for declaring the country a secular republic soon after its independence in 1947. Appeasing the minorities for securing the vote bank was another accusation against the party. The slogan […]

India becomes 5th largest economy in the world and overtakes former colonial master UK

India has overtaken the UK to become the world’s fifth-largest economy and is now behind only the US, China, Japan and Germany, according to IMF projections, as reported by The Print. A decade back, India was ranked 11th among the large economies while the UK was at the fifth position. With record beating expansion in […]

India becomes 5th largest economy in the world and overtakes former colonial master UK

India has overtaken the UK to become the world’s fifth-largest economy and is now behind only the US, China, Japan and Germany, according to IMF projections, as reported by The Print. A decade back, India was ranked 11th among the large economies while the UK was at the fifth position. With record beating expansion in […]

Traveling to India: Cluelessness of economic think tanks on Iran

NEW DELHI— On August 24, a group of Iranian journalists went to India as part of a “Familiarization Tour” organized by the Indian embassy in Tehran in collaboration with the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). The Tehran Times correspondent was a member of the media team who jotted down his observations of the exotic […]

Traveling to India: Cluelessness of economic think tanks on Iran

NEW DELHI— On August 24, a group of Iranian journalists went to India as part of a “Familiarization Tour” organized by the Indian embassy in Tehran in collaboration with the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). The Tehran Times correspondent was a member of the media team who jotted down his observations of the exotic […]

Traveling to India: Juxtaposition of towers and slums

NEW DELHI— A media delegation from Iran visited India on August 24 as part of a “Familiarization Tour” organized by the Indian embassy in Tehran in collaboration with the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). The Iranian media delegation included the Tehran Times correspondent. His observations from the week-long excursion are as follows. Our journey […]

India Commissions First Homemade Aircraft Carrier

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday commissioned India’s first indigenously constructed aircraft carrier, the INS Vikrant.

PM Modi Commissions First India-Made Aircraft Carrier Amid China Concerns

India has commissioned its first domestically built aircraft carrier, the INS Vikrant, as the country seeks to bolster its navy capabilities amid growing concerns over the Chinese regime’s assertiveness in the region. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inducted the 262-meter-long and 62-meter-tall aircraft carrier at the Cochin Shipyard Ltd. in Kochi on Sept. 2. The […]

India accuses Turkiye of disregarding UN resolutions in Libya

India has accused Turkiye of “blatant disregard” of United Nations security resolutions in Libya, amid renewed fighting in the country between forces backing rival prime ministers. Towards the end of the third week of August, the Libyan capital, Tripoli, saw intense clashes between militias fighting for opposing sides in the country, after forces backing the […]

India’s elephant god idol makers gear up for mega-festival after Covid hiatus

Plaster-caked workers bustle around colourful idols of the elephant god Ganesha along a narrow Mumbai street, racing to complete the storeys-high statues for one of India’s biggest religious festivals as business booms after a Covid hiatus.

After Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, India’s Gautam Adani Is the World’s Richest Man

Gautam Adani saw a meteoric rise in his wealth, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo: Abhijit Bhatlekar/Bloomberg via Getty Images From being a college dropout who cleaned diamonds for a living, to owning some of India’s biggest infrastructure projects and being a close friend of the prime minister—Gautam Adani is a rare but real underdog story.  On […]

Video: India Demolishes Illegally Built Twin Towers

Authorities in Noida, India, used 8,100 pounds of explosives to detonate twin residential towers on Sunday after India’s Supreme Court ruled that they were illegally constructed, Reuters reported. A demolition team successfully razed the twin towers, the taller of which was 338 feet high, on August 28 after detonating strategically placed explosives throughout the apartment […]

On the 75th Anniversary of the Dissolution of British India

On August 14 and 15, 2022, Pakistan and India celebrated 75 years of independence, which was the result of an Act of the British Parliament passed in the summer of 1947 and approved by King George VI a month before the above dates. This was a practical embodiment of the long-standing (as early as the […]

India’s ‘twin towers’ collapse in five seconds: In Controlled Demolition Blast-Just Like the WTC Twin Towers Did On 11 Sep. 2001

WTC Twin Towers Coming down in controlled demolition. Amazing how Controlled Demolition can bring very tall buildings down in their foot prints.Takes months of planning, weeks of running wires, planting shape charges which cut through huge steel beams like this shape charge cut seen at the WTC in New York after the controlled demolition of […]

India’s ‘twin towers’ collapse in five seconds: In Controlled Demolition Blast-Just Like the WTC Twin Towers Did On 11 Sep. 2001

WTC Twin Towers Coming down in controlled demolition. Amazing how Controlled Demolition can bring very tall buildings down in their foot prints.Takes months of planning, weeks of running wires, planting shape charges which cut through huge steel beams like this shape charge cut seen at the WTC in New York after the controlled demolition of […]

Six Christian women jailed in India

Photo Credit: FancyCrave/Pexels India (International Christian Concern) – Last week, six Christian women were arrested and jailed in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh on charges of forced conversion. According to local sources, the six women were attending a birthday celebration at a the home of a local Christian family alongside nearly 100 other… Source

India-Russia-Iran: Eurasia’s new transportation powerhouses

No longer just an ‘alternative route’ on a drawing board, the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) is paying dividends in a time of global crisis. And Moscow, Tehran and New Delhi are now leading players in the Eurasian competition for transportation routes. July 19 2022 By Matthew Ehret Tectonic shifts continue to rage through the world […]

Israel sells its major Haifa port to India firm for $1.2bn

The Israeli government has sold the port in Haifa to an Indian firm along with an Israeli company for 4.1 billion shekels ($1.2 billion), international news agencies reported yesterday. The media reports emerged two days following the tweet posted by India's Adani Group Chairman, Gautam Adani: "Delighted to win the tender for privatization of the Port of […]

Rare ‘EMM Negative’ Blood Group Found in 65-Year-Old Man From India’s Gujarat

Rare ‘EMM Negative’ Blood Group Found in 65-Year-Old Man From India’s Gujarat July 15, 2022 “A 65-year-old man from India’s Gujarat state has been found to have the rare EMM Negative blood group, making him India’s first and the world’s 10th person to have the unique blood group.” by Sangeeta Yadav via sputniknews Image by […]

World Population To Hit 8 Billion In November, With India Overtaking China As Most Populous

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called 2022 a “milestone year,” with “the birth of the Earth’s eight billionth inhabitant.” Source

Iran defeat India in Asian Women’s U20 Volleyball Championship

TEHRAN – Iran beat India 3-1 (25-20, 21-25, 25-15, 27-25) in the 2022 Asian Women’s U20 Volleyball Championship on Sunday. Source

India’s Fine Balance in the International Arena

India is increasingly making its presence felt in the international political arena. And as India’s influence grows in the current stage of the Great World Game, so the major world powers are competing to bring New Delhi into their own camp. India itself is no passive onlooker in this process – with considerable skill it […]

Christians in India demand action over delayed church reconstruction

Photo Credit: FancyCrave/Pexels (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) — Approximately 12,000 Christians participated in protests across the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh on June 18, demanding that the state government acts swiftly to resolve an ongoing dispute regarding the reconstruction of a church. The rallies were organized by the Arunachal Pradesh… Source

Flashback 2016: ‘Christians’ In Mumbai, India Drink Miraculous ‘Holy Water’ Dripping From Another Crucifix

(Christian Today) For the second time in the span of four years, another statue of Jesus Christ seeping water is creating a stir in Mumbai, India — when news spread last week about the alleged miracle, large crowds began gathering in the village where the statue is located, prompting the police to rush to the […]

India: Relatives Hack Newlyweds to Death for Being Different Castes

An Indian woman and her husband were recently “hacked to death” in southern India’s Tamil Nadu state by the woman’s brother and another male relative after the couple secretly married despite their divergent caste backgrounds, the Times of India reported on Tuesday.

Russia & India Trade WITHOUT the Dollar Which Will Lead to the Dollar Collapse or the New World Disorder….A Good Thing For Poverty Stricken Nations Wanting an End To Colonialism & Endless Wars..No More British Empire & the U.S. Being Dumb Thugs to Support It.

Russia is Now India’s Number Two Supplier of Oil By  infostormer  – June 14, 2022 0 Russia is now the second largest supplier of oil to India, a country with a billion or so people. Here are some Indians talking about the great energy deal Russia has given India. Once again, if the West won’t […]

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