Archive for March, 2022

Dropped Your Bastard Sword? Then Whip Out Your Bollock Dagger

If you find the term ‘bollock dagger’ too crude, you could rightfully call this weapon a ‘kidney dagger.’ But that’s how the Victorians attempted to mask the true nature of this horrendous invention that was recently discovered outside a 13th century cathedral in Belgium. Drone Mapping, 3D Models And Bollock Daggers The Ypres Salient around Ypres in Belgium was an […]

State Department will offer ‘X’ gender marker for U.S. passports

The news of the State Department’s “X” gender marker comes after the department announced last June that it would begin allowing U.S. passport applicants to self-select their gender as “M” or “F,” and that it would no longer require medical certification if an applicant’s choice did not match the gender on their other documentation. The […]

Pence rolls out policy platform, staking out new ground separate from Trump

The former vice president has spent the last year laying the groundwork for a 2024 campaign — launching a nonprofit policy group, huddling with major donors and stumping for midterm candidates. Pence has also stood by his decision to refuse Trump’s pressure to overturn the results of the 2020 election, and he has urged the […]

‘We’ve got to stop fooling ourselves’: Enthusiasm gap keeps getting worse for Dems

It’s beginning to look like nothing is going to bail the party out this year. The last time the enthusiasm gap was this wide, in 2010, Democrats lost more than 60 seats in the House. “Things could change,” said David Axelrod, previously an adviser to former President Barack Obama, in an email. “But with only […]

US Enhances its Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons Capabilities

The imperative for the US to give up the development, stockpiling and use of chemical and bacteriological weapons banned by multiple international conventions is now receiving increased global attention due to substantiated condemnation of Washington’s actions in Ukraine and a number of other countries in recent years. The US attempts to create bacteriological weapons in […]

ACH (1743) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Missions Behind Enemy Lines

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1743) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Missions Behind Enemy Lines Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on March 31 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real […]


DEUTERONOMY 2:34–At that time we took all the towns and completely destroyed them – men, women and children. We left no survivors… DEUTERONOMY 3:6–We completely destroyed them, as we had done with Sihon king of Heshbon, destroying every city – men, women and children… DEUTERONOMY 4:38–…And the Lord your God will drive out before you […]

Byron Preiss’ Treasure Hunt In the Cult Classic “The Secret” Lives On!

In 1982, inspired by the emerging “armchair treasure hunt” niche spearheaded by Kit William’s 1979 “Masquerade,” American fantasy author Byron Preiss published a book entitled “The Secret” containing a set of clues leading to 12 buried treasures. Before its release, the writer, usually disguising himself as a construction worker, had traversed the length and breadth […]

Greek Buddhism, The Forgotten Chapter In A Philosophy That Began in India

A bygone era forgotten in Western circles but preserved in the histories of Buddhist traditions tells the story of the Greek contribution to Buddhism. Enshrined in the daily prayers of the Theravāda followers of Sri Lanka is a vivid throwback to this long-lost chapter of Greek Buddhism: “I bow my head to the footprints of […]

Farmer Wants a Wife OH&S breach gagged by NDA

‘Reality’ shows are a farce! They are nothing more than producers’ wet dream to get ‘contestants’ (read guinea pigs, lab rats, ‘social experiment’ participants) to get them to do whatever they want and keep their mouths shut under corporate law called an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement), which we believe has no lawful legs to stand […]

Pompeii Ruins Now To Be Protected by Robotic Guard Dog

Meet Spot, the robotic guard dog now patrolling the ruins of Pompeii. In 2013, Pompeii was declared by UNESCO as being on the verge of being declared unsafe unless Italian authorities spent more money on security and site inspection. Spot the robotic guard dog costed the Italians 75,000 dollars (67,000 euros) but considering what the […]

Zelensky…CNN’s New Jew Darling

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Zelensky…CNN’s New Jew Darling March 30 2022 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! Death Of The Jewish Pencil Here! Putin Is The New Covid Here! Unhinged Against Russia Here! +BN Classics! What Putin Can Teach Trump Here! Jewish War On Holy Russia Here! The Future Belongs To Russia Here! +BN Vids […]

The Great British Archaeoastronomical Megalithic Structure Myth

In 1637 AD, John Greaves, the English mathematician, astronomer, antiquarian and professor of geometry at Gresham College in London, England, measured and studied famous ancient monuments in Italy and Egypt including the Great Pyramid. This pre-archaeological investigation project sparked great interest in ancient metrology and the alignments and orientations of ancient cultures, and this new […]

The New World Order That is Being Prepared Under the Pretext of War in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine was not opened by Russia on February 24, but by Ukraine a week before. The OSCE is a witness to this. This peripheral conflict had been planned by Washington to impose a New World Order from which Russia, then China, were to be excluded. Don’t be fooled! Russia’s military operations in […]

Ancient Scots Were Sometimes Born Apart But Buried Together

Nine ancient Scots were buried in a mass grave in eastern Scotland some 1,400 years ago. However, a new study in the Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences journal shows they were born in surprisingly distant regions. Professor Kate Britton of Aberdeen University is the lead author of a new study into the bodies, and she said […]

Israel is profiting from Ukraine’s crisis

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has met a wave of boycotts, divestment and sanctions in the ‘west’, even unto the level of cancellation of Russian artists. The distance between the legitimization of such protest measures when they oppose Russia, and the outright outlawing of them when it comes to Israel, has been an obvious point […]

How did Biden Decide to Rob Europeans Blind?

Forced by Kiev’s neo-Nazis and their mass murder of Donbas residents, Moscow’s special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine has been going on for a month. Many people in the world hope that this absolutely avoidable conflict will end soon. However, the US and NATO, which initiated this confrontation between the Slavic nations in order […]

Hungary’s election may spark the next crisis for the EU | View

“Fidesz slowly stripped the guarantees for fair elections out of the system – a death by a thousand cuts,” argues Michael Meyer-Resende, speaking about this Sunday’s election in Hungary. Source

Good People Doing Good Things – Mohamed Bzeek

Good People Doing Good Things – Mohamed Bzeek Posted on March 30, 2022 by jilldennison  I must apologize for giving you a good people redux today, but I think you’ll find Mohamed Bzeek well worth reading about a second time.  I first wrote this post in 2017 when many people in this country were calling for […]

Radical Group in Indonesia Obstructs Church from Gathering

Hardliner Group Unfurled Banner to Intimidate the Church  03/30/2022 Indonesia (International Christian Concern) – A radical group in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia refused to allow the HKBP Church (Huria Kristen Batak Protestant) Betania Rancaekek to worship at its shophouse March 23.  In a video that has gone viral on… Source

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