Posts Tagged ‘basically’

Dem Rep. Gottheimer: Tlaib Promoted, Defended ‘Basically a Call for a Second Holocaust’ — I Support Censure

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) stated that he will support Rep. Richard McCormick’s (R-GA) resolution to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and stated that Tlaib promoted and defended “basically a call for a second Source

Now repealed, the amended Covid-19 Public Health Response Bill basically nullified many aspects of NZ’s Bill of Rights

Note: I withdrew an earlier post on this topic, as Martin Harris from Uncensored kindly corrected me on the fact that the Bill had been repealed. However, I am reposting the item in revised form for the following reasons… At the time this amendment passed in Parliament there was great consternation (and understandably) about our […]

Sweden’s Psychological Defense Agency Says Effective Disinformation is “Basically True”

Facebook has deployed one of its infamous ‘fact checkers’ to suggest that the completely accurate claim that the IRS is seeking to arm more agents to use deadly force was “partly false information.” Earlier this month, an IRS job posting was uncovered that announced the agency was looking to hire people who are ready to […]

Sweden’s Psychological Defense Agency: Good disinformation is “basically true”

There is no doubt that Russia, like any other major – and minor – power uses some form of propaganda and disinformation to further its goals, especially in wartime. What’s difficult to gauge, at least at this time, is how applicable that may be in the current crisis: is Russia really trying to “exploit polarization […]

Nolte: National Democrats Have ‘Basically Written Off’ Winning in Florida

The news that His Fraudulency Joe Biden will allow people to send money to Cuba essentially means national Democrats have written off Florida as a potential win in the upcoming elections.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘American Christians Are Basically the Taliban’

MSNBC host Joy Reid has declared that conservative Christians in America are just as dangerous and extreme as the Taliban in Afghanistan. Yes, really. To be clear, you’re comparing the Taliban with Americans you disagree with politically? — Jaihawkk for Congress (@Jaihawkk) August 14, 2021 reports: Reid did not clarify who she was speaking […]

AOC: I Am Basically a ‘War Veteran’ Now Because of The Capitol Riot

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she views herself as a ‘war veteran’ after surviving the January 6 Capitol riot. Yes, really. Speaking to the radio show Latino USA on Friday, AOC said she is receiving intense psychological therapy and described U.S. lawmakers as having “served in war” following the “all-out, attempted coup.” She confided in fellow “Squad” […]

Kinzinger: Republican Party Is ‘Basically The Titanic’ in the Middle of a ‘Slow Sink’

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” called the Republican Party “basically the Titanic” and was in the middle of a “slow sink.” Partial transcript as follows: DICKERSON: Speaking of internal divisions, the Republican Party in the House. It looks like Liz Cheney, the number three in House leadership on the Republican […]

If injured, ‘you’re basically on your own … there’s no help out there’

From The Health Forum NZ (FB) “Giselle was one of the first viral videos of a severe neurological injury following a CV V. Five months on she is still disabled and injured. Her story of being rejected by multiple hospitals and told “WE JUST DON’T KNOW HOW TO TREAT YOU”, is a common one that […]

Newsweek Basically Admits Adrenochrome is Real

Do you remember adrenochrome, the psychedelic drug jews, elites and celebrities get from tortured children? Well, now Newsweek admits that blood from young people can slow aging, which is another characteristic this drug is known for. Impossible! I thought it was a far right conspiracy theory which inspired the Comet Ping Pong shooting! The jewish […]

UK says People Can’t Meet Indoors Because the Vaccine is Ineffective and Basically USELESS

Home » Europe, Manipulation, Suppression » UK says People Can’t Meet Indoors Because the Vaccine is Ineffective and Basically USELESS     Clarifying the rules on indoor mixing on Friday (2 April), [Prime Minister Boris Johnson] said: “You can meet up as two households or six people outside. Outside is much safer than indoors as […]

GOP Rep. Gimenez on Border Crisis: ‘Basically, It’s Modern-Day Slavery’

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “The Next Revolution,” Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) discussed his recent visit to see firsthand the crisis at United States’ border with Mexico. Gimenez described the situation at the border as “modern-day slavery.” He added the border crisis is seeing the molestation of young females, indentured servitude until families can come […]

In Israel, Refusing COVID-19 Vaccination Means ‘Your Life is Basically Over’

Many Americans are unaware of it but halfway around the world in Israel, refusing to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is now a death sentence. While they are not yet chopping people’s heads off for refusing the jab (see Revelation 20:4), the Israel government has made it a requirement to get vaccinated in […]

Study: Social Media Turns Us Into Hungry Rats Basically

As if the way social media dominates every facet of our lives wasn’t evident enough: A new study found that people pursue “likes” on platforms like Facebook and Instagram much in the same way rats pursue food.  An international team of scientists analyzed more than one million social media posts from more than 4,000 users […]

Basically Trump made the excellent decision not to debate certified COVIDIOT Joe Biden

© AP Photo/Patrick Semansky President Donald Trump has vowed not to participate in a virtual debate with Democrat Joe Biden after the debates commission proposed a new format in which the candidates would appear at remote locations. Speaking with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Trump said the proposed format, in which each candidate would […]

During the Obama era, Biden was basically the GODFATHER of the US government and its vast global crime syndicate.

by: Mike Adams (Natural News) A bombshell US Senate report based on months of investigations has now been released, detailing the Biden family’s extensive ties to a “vast financial network” that the Bidens had put in place during the Obama administration, involving hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit financial transactions that tie the Bidens […]

So, Best Buy’s Geek Squad Are Basically Snitches For The FBI

Throughout the past ten years, the FBI has at varying points in time maintained a particularly close relationship with Best Buy officials and used the company’s Geek Squad employees as informants. But the FBI refuses to confirm or deny key information about how the agency may potentially circumvent computer owners’ Fourth Amendment rights. The Electronic […]

Hajj basically aims to promote Islamic awakening

MNA– Ayatollah Emami Kashani said the philosophy of Hajj was awakening of the Islamic world urging heads of Islamic countries to observe interests of Muslims and alleviate their burdens. Tehran’s Interim Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammed Emami-Kashani made the remarks while addressing Eid al-Adha prayers held today morning in the Iranian capital of Tehran. He, […]

US Is Now Basically in an Illegal undeclared War With Syria and Nobody’s Talking About It

The media doesn’t want you to question these developments because they want them to unfold without question. Reporting on these issues would create a dialogue, and out of dialogue comes dissenting opinion. Consider that the last time the U.S. bombed troops operating under the banner of the Syrian Arab Army (barely a month ago), the […]

Saudi arms deal ‘basically a bribe to the US’ – Fmr Pentagon Official

Related div{float:left;margin-right:10px;} div.wpmrec2x div.u > div:nth-child(3n){margin-right:0px;} ]]> Advertisements Filed under: Al Qaeda, GCC, ISIL, Saudia, Trump, USA, War on Syria, Zionist entity | Source Article from

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