Posts Tagged ‘pipeline’

Why WNC Should Be Worried About The Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Why WNC Should Be Worried About The Atlantic Coast Pipeline Above Photo: Waterkeeper Alliance Inc./ Flickr Regulators have recently given Duke Energy and Dominion Resources permits to construct the 600-mile, $6.5 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) from West Virginia, and Virginia, into North Carolina. In N.C., the pipeline will be 36 inches in diameter and will cross 1,300 parcels of […]

Watching The Hawks – Pipeline D j Vu & Silencing Assange

Watching The Hawks – Pipeline D j Vu & Silencing Assange Watching The Indigenous people protest against the expropriation and pollution of their native lands once more, but in Canada and RTs Alex Mihailovich reports on the latest developments. Big Picture host Holland Cooke discusses Ecuadors decision to cut off Julian Assanges Internet and […]

America’s Foster Care System is the Pipeline for Child Sex Trafficking

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer Waking Times Child sex-trafficking is an epidemic today, and while most people would find this crime to be right up there with homicide, the culture of permissiveness and lack of moral leadership tacitly condones the sexual abuse of children, while the media remains largely silent. The baffles the mind of […]

Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Locals Take Over Pipeline Office, Then Occupy Drill Rig

Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Locals Take Over Pipeline Office, Then Occupy Drill Rig Above Photo: A bus full of pipeline protesters. From Lancaster Against Pipelines facebook Something extraordinary happened in Lancaster County yesterday. A busload of fifty local residents took over the field offices of Williams/Transco at 805 Estelle Drive, Suite 101, in Lancaster. We dropped a […]

Potomac Pipeline Granted Maryland Permit With ‘Special Conditions’

Potomac Pipeline Granted Maryland Permit With ‘Special Conditions’ Above Photo: Five pipeline fighters were arrested for blocking the entrance to the Maryland State House on March 14, 2018./Photo by John Zangas The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) granted Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC a wetlands and waterways permit for the Eastern Panhandle Expansion, also known […]

Standing Rock: Dakota Access Pipeline Leak Technology Can’t Detect All Spills

Nine months after oil starting flowing through the Dakota Access pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe continues to fight the controversial project, which passes under the Missouri River just upstream from their water supply. In a 313-page report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the tribe challenged the adequacy of leak detection technology used […]

Anti-Pipeline Tree Sitters In Second Week, Need Support

Anti-Pipeline Tree Sitters In Second Week, Need Support Peters Mountain, WV – Tree sitters with Appalachians Against Pipelines are now in the second week of their action to stop tree cutting for the Mountain Valley Pipeline on the border of Virginia and West Virginia. The pipeline company has to complete the tree cutting by March […]

We Are Lancaster County Invades Pipeline Company

We Are Lancaster County Invades Pipeline Company Pennsylvania – A busload of fifty local residents took over the field offices of Williams/Transco at 805 Estelle Drive, Suite 101, in Lancaster. We dropped a 12-ft stretch of pipeline in Williams’s meeting room, sang songs through the hallways, and slapped a Condemnation Notice on the door before leaving. When […]

No, Republicans Did Not Expose Efforts by Russia to Fuel Pipeline Protests

A “staff report” from Republicans on the United States House Science, Space, and Technology Committee offers little evidence to prove allegations of Russian efforts to influence U.S. energy markets through “social media propaganda” to incite pipeline protests. Nonetheless, the report, pushed by Republican chairman Representative Lamar Smith, went virtually unquestioned when it was covered by U.S. […]

Lumbees Tell Their Side In Atlantic Coast Pipeline Documentary

Lumbees Tell Their Side In Atlantic Coast Pipeline Documentary Above Photo: Steven Johnson/ Flickr Opponents of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline are deploying an increasingly common weapon in advocacy campaigns: a documentary film. Their 19-minute production, “Robeson Rises,” features Lumbee Indians and an African American who live near the route of the planned 600-mile natural gas […]

Federal Judge Blocks Construction Of Bayou Bridge Pipeline

Federal Judge Blocks Construction Of Bayou Bridge Pipeline Above Photo: COURTESY OF EMILY KASIK. A community meeting in Napoleonville, Louisiana, on the Bayou Bridge pipeline on Feb. 8, 2017, where residents voiced opposition to the project. Baton Rouge, LA — Federal District Court Judge Shelly Dick halted the construction of the controversial Bayou Bridge pipeline across […]

Potomac Pipeline Fight Zeroes In On Maryland Governor

Potomac Pipeline Fight Zeroes In On Maryland Governor Above Photo: By John Zangas Annapolis, Md. — Those opposed to gas infrastructure in Maryland have stepped up their campaign to influence Gov. Larry Hogan, and he may be feeling the pressure. About 250 people rallied on Lawyer’s Mall in front of the Maryland Statehouse on the […]

Maryland Promised TransCanada Superficial Review Of Pipeline Permit

Maryland Promised TransCanada Superficial Review Of Pipeline Permit Above Photo: Kayakers take to the Potomac River in August 2017 to protest the Eastern Panhandle Expansion and related Mountaineer Gas Pipeline./Photo by Anne Meador Environmental groups are questioning the good faith of a Maryland state agency tasked with the permitting of a proposed gas pipeline which would […]

Environmentalists Buoyed By Bench Ruling On Crude Oil Pipeline

Environmentalists Buoyed By Bench Ruling On Crude Oil Pipeline Above Photo: From BATON ROUGE (CN) — Ruling from the bench late Thursday, a federal judge said that a crude oil pipeline under construction through Atchafalaya Basin, North America’s largest swamp, already has caused irreparable harm, galvanizing environmentalists who sued the Army Corps of Engineers […]

NC Governor’s Office Occupied By Atlantic Coast Pipeline Protesters

NC Governor’s Office Occupied By Atlantic Coast Pipeline Protesters Above Photo: From Update: At 6:45pm, police took 15 protesters into custody. Opponents of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline filled North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s office Friday and refused to leave until he reverses course on the pipeline. About 25 people began their sit-in at about […]

Some Pipeline Foes Speak, Others Boycott At Hearing In Hancock

Daily movement news and resources. Popular Resistance provides a daily stream of resistance news from across the United States and around the world. We also organize campaigns and participate in coalitions on a broad range of issues. We do not use advertising or underwriting to support our work. Instead, we rely on you. Please […]

Pipeline/Fracking Opponents Post Demands On Walls Of FERC

Pipeline/Fracking Opponents Post Demands On Walls Of FERC Above Photo: From Note: The Eight Demands of FERC Activists, developed by over 200 community-supported organizations representing impacted communities in states across the nation, were: Time for a Pipeline Review Process Where People and Our Environment Really Matter To ensure that FERC identifies a full spectrum […]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Hits More Delays In North Carolina

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Hits More Delays In North Carolina Above Photo: North Carolina regulators Wednesday announced the latest round of setbacks for the 600-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline — delaying a decision on the project’s clean water certificate until as late as February and postponing several other environmental permits. Virginia-based Dominion Resources had hoped to break […]

The Yaquis People Forcefully Halted A Pipeline’s Construction: “Standing Rock Of Mexico”

Markab Algedi, GuestWaking Times In Loma de Bacum, a town in Northwest Mexico near the border of Arizona, an indigenous tribe called the Yaqui are challenging the California founded, multi-billion dollar corporation Sempra Energy and their border crossing pipeline in the region. The pipeline’s opposition is making headlines, being referred to as the “Standing Rock” of Mexico – […]

Can Tiny Houses Halt Expansion Of Trans Mountain Pipeline?

Can Tiny Houses Halt Expansion Of Trans Mountain Pipeline? Above Photo: Kanahus Manuel of the Secwpemc Nation in front of one of the tiny houses set to block the path of Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. Photo: Katie Lin / Greenpeace Indigenous activists are using solar-powered tiny houses to block the proposed path of the […]

Raccoon Rebellion Strikes Diamond Pipeline On Christmas

Raccoon Rebellion Strikes Diamond Pipeline On Christmas Above Photo: From indybay.orgOn Christmas, with help and assistance from Santa Claus, his reindeer, and mischievous elves, some raccoons from the Arkansas Chapter of the national “Raccoon Rebellion” conducted a safety lockout tag-out on Diamond Pipeline Main Operating Valve (MOV) #2021 east of Jerusalem, Arkansas in accordance with […]

How The Oil & Gas Industry Sees Pipeline Protesters

How The Oil & Gas Industry Sees Pipeline Protesters Note: Warning – this article is written by the petroleum industry. Read it with a critical lens. It is  informative to see how corporations view protesters. This article describes how pipeline protesters undermine the infrastructure of the oil and gas industry, giving us a glimpse into […]

Yaqui Tribe Defends Land By Digging Up Gas Pipeline

Yaqui Tribe Defends Land By Digging Up Gas Pipeline Above photo: A piece of the gas pipeline extracted by the Yaquis of Loma de Bacum. By Yael Martinez/Bloomberg A chunk of Sempra Energy’s natural gas pipeline sits in the dirt behind a community center in the village of Loma de Bacum in northwest Mexico. Guadalupe Flores thinks […]

Pipeline Opposition Set To Pack Room For TransCanada Permit Hearing

Pipeline Opposition Set To Pack Room For TransCanada Permit Hearing Above Photo: From The Maryland Department of the Environment will hold a hearing on December 19 in Hancock, Md. on TransCanada’s proposed Eastern Panhandle Expansion (also known as the Potomac Pipeline). The 3.4-mile gas pipeline requires a Section 401 water quality certification from the state […]

Pipeline Company Illegally Cutting Trees, Threatening Eagles

Pipeline Company Illegally Cutting Trees, Threatening Eagles Above photo from Protect Orange County Facebook page. Footage of Resident Alleging Millenniums Hired Eagle Expert is Lying to D.E.C. and US Fish and Wildlife December 8, 2017 Town of Wawayanda #LIVE feed #BreakingNews Orange County NY Residents who oppose Millenniums 7.8 Mile pipeline called VLP or Valley […]

A New School To Prison Pipeline That Might Surprise You

Above Photo: Agenda University System of Maryland see item: A-2. Maryland Correctional Enterprises  –  Edward St. John Teaching & Learning Center – Furniture $1,345,599.00UMS/UMCP Prince George’s Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. I was appalled when an […]

Massachusetts, Protesters Balk At Pipeline Company’s Payments To Police

Colon-Aponte, 22, is Taina, the indigenous people of Puerto Rico, and is part of a group known as the “water protectors,” who have traveled the country protesting energy infrastructure projects, using nonviolent resistance tactics to stop projects that they see as endangering water resources. Source Article from

Judge Orders Removal Of Gas Pipeline From Native American Property

Above Photo: From In a decisive victory for Native American rights, a federal judge just ordered an energy company to completely remove a natural gas pipeline. Seventeen years after the expiration of an easement, a federal judge has ordered an energy company to completely remove its pipeline from the properties of 38 Native American landowners […]

Accident At Compressor Station Fuels More Pipeline Concerns

Above photo: Opponents of the Atlantic Coast pipeline in Fayetteville, N.C., march in a protest. Photo by Mike Soraghan. Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. Prospect, North Carolina – As reported in the ROBESONIAN, Jennifer Sharpe, a communication […]

Monopod Blocks Tree Clearing & Construction Of Pipeline In PA

Above Photo: From A monopod has been erected to block the heavy machinery that is currently clearing and chipping trees in South Central Pennsylvania to make way for Energy Transfer Partners’ (ETP) Mariner East 2 pipeline. The monopod—which is made out of a tree that ETP cut down last year—is currently about 200 feet from […]

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