Archive for April, 2021

Israel’s Chief Rabbi Ruling That Ethiopian Jews Are ‘Full-Fledged Jews’ Proves No Jews Are Real Israelites

When Israel announced this week that it intended to deport almost 100 “Black Israelites” who had emigrated to Israel from Chicago in the 1970s, it raised a persistent problem in Israel — how “Jews of color” are treated, especially the so-called “Beta Israel” Jews from Ethiopia who are still openly discriminated against: While racial tensions […]

Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Charles Hoffe has been a medical doctor for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. The town is comprised of many indigenous groups and the “First Nations.” When Dr. Hoffe was given 900 doses of the Moderna experimental COVID-19 injections, he administered […]

Iranian Alternative to the Suez Canal

With the recent blockage of the Suez Canal by the container ship Ever Given, many countries are already actively involved in the search and discussion of a possible future alternative to this maritime transport route connecting Europe and Asia. For instance, Russia proposed the Northern Sea Route, and Israel recalled the idea of the Ben-Gurion […]

Statement on tragedy at Meron

The Executive and staff of the Zionist Federation of Australia are deeply affected by the tragic events in Mount Meron. ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “This news is simply terrible. Our hearts go out to the dozens of family who will spend this Shabbat in deepest mourning. May the Almighty comfort them among the mourners […]

Lockdowns Devastating For Child Development & Language Skills

A major survey has concluded that lockdowns are having a devastatingly negative impact on child development. Data from 50,000 pupils and a survey of schools across England, has revealed that an increased number of four- and five-year-olds need urgent help with their language skills. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research suggests that the lockdowns have […]

Cop Suspended Without Pay For Mocking LeBron James

New footage of the moments before she was shot dead by a police officer during a knife attack shows Ma’Khia Bryant yelling, “I’m going to stab the f**k out of you bitch!” – yet again vindicating the officer’s response. Leftists have continually lied about the incident in Columbus, Ohio, at first claiming Bryant was unarmed […]

Brazil Becomes 2nd Country To Pass 400,000 Deaths From COVID-19

SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil on Thursday became the second country to officially top 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, losing another 100,000 lives in just one month, as some health experts warn there may be gruesome days ahead when the Southern Hemisphere enters winter. April was Brazil’s deadliest month of the pandemic, with thousands of people losing […]

Pomona student gov’t passes BDS bill to cut club funds violating UN blacklist

The student government at California-based Pomona College voted unanimously on Thursday on a resolution calling the student union to cut funding for any student government bodies not boycotting companies that “support the Israeli occupation of Palestine.” The resolution at Pomona, which is one of the colleges in the Claremont College Consortium, was first proposed by […]

Man Kicked Off Plane For Not Wearing Mask In Between Bites of Food

In the latest hysterically contrived moral panic, a Jeopardy! winner is now facing cancellation by the mob for doing a “white supremacist” hand sign despite the fact that it was actually supposed to indicate the contestant had won three games. “A group of 467 purported former participants on the show posted an open letter on […]

“I’m in Trouble!” Biden Panics at Not Being Able to Find His Mask

A journalist was roundly condemned after visiting the home of a paramedic in Utah who donated $10 to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund, with many asking why posting images of the man’s home didn’t violate Twitter’s policy on doxxing and harassment. The incident occurred after the Guardian newspaper published the names of individuals who had […]

Bolshevism is Judaism (Zionism)

Bolshevism is Judaism (Zionism)

Sex Toy Company Receives Award From Queen For ‘Outstanding Continuous Growth’

British sex toy company Lovehoney has received a royal seal of approval. The adult retailer this week was honored with The Queen’s Award for Enterprise “for outstanding continuous growth in overseas sales over the last six years,” according to a press release on its website. The accolade, announced by the official journal of record, The London […]

Vaccines and the Ugly Path of Healthcare Politicization

It’s rather unfortunate that the fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic has turned the search for an effective vaccine against COVID-19 into one of the most expensive and politicized scientific endeavors of this century. However, Big Pharma is not the only one take to the blame here, as administrative entrepreneurs and heads of regulatory agencies […]

How to Use Cannabis as Medicine

April 30th, 2021 By Ty and Charlene Bollinger Guest Writer for Wake Up World For over 5,000 years, cannabis has been used for natural and holistic healing. Its use goes back to the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese emperor Shen Nung – considered the father of Chinese Medicine – and the discovery that […]

Police investigating after ‘hangman’s noose’ found at Amazon distribution centre construction site

Police are investigating a hangman’s noose — and six other ropes that could be interpreted as nooses — found inside an Amazon distribution centre construction site in Windsor, Connecticut. On Tuesday, police were called to the Amazon site where they said they found a noose hanging from a steel beam on the second floor of […]

Israel stampede: Dozens crushed to death at major religious festival

Dozens of people were crushed to death during a stampede at a religious bonfire in northeast Israel on Friday, rescue services said. At least 44 people were killed during the event while more than 150 sustained injuries, reported Haaretz. “MDA is fighting for the lives of dozens wounded, and will not give up until the […]

Emergency services: Phones of the Meron dead still ringing with calls from ‘Mom’

As families desperately tried to find relatives missing after the disaster at Meron, a spokesperson for the Zaka emergency services group said Friday that the cellphones of the deceased were ringing continuously with calls from frantic loved ones. “The phones of the dead don’t stop ringing and we see [the calls are from] ‘mom’ and […]

Portugal to reopen border with Spain as coronavirus measures ease

Portugal will reopen its border with Spain on Saturday as it eases its coronavirus measures two days ahead of schedule. Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced the country would be moving onto the “next phase of decontamination” on 1 May, after a council of ministers met to discuss the state of the pandemic. As well as […]

Two police officers accused of punching Arab American teenager and then lying about it

Two New Jersey police officers have been accused of punching an Arab American teenager and then lying about it. Paterson Police Officers Kevin Patino and Kendry Tineo-Restituyo face civil rights and obstruction of justice charges over the alleged incident. Investigators have accused them of depriving Osamah Alsaidi, then 19, of his constitutional right to be […]

Power Giants Could Pay Coal Stations to Open Under Proposed Changes by Energy Minister

Households won’t pay more for their power bills under changes being considered by the federal government, the energy minister claims. Angus Taylor is considering changing how the energy system works so that dispatchable power stations like coal and gas are paid for being available. It would see the east coast market follow what occurs in […]

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