Posts Tagged ‘analysis’

ACH (2161) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – An Analysis Of The Sven Longshanks Trial And Its Implications For The West

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (2161) Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson – An Analysis Of The Sven Longshanks Trial And Its Implications For The West Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on May 24 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Matthew Raphael […]

The President of the Republic of Korea’s Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements. Part 3. Russian (and Chinese) Issues at the US and ROK Presidents’ Summit

The context in which Russia was mentioned deserves its own section because, prior to the visit and following Yoon Suk-yeol’s interview with Reuters, many people anticipated or feared that, as a holiday present, the ROK president would solemnly cross the red line and declare that South Korea would change its position on the Ukraine issue […]

The President of the Republic of Korea’s Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements. Part 2. Joint Statement by the Presidents

Yoon and Biden’s opening monologue was theatrical, just like the Washington Declaration. “The United States and the ROK are constructing an Alliance that will provide future generations with a firm foundation upon which to build prosperity and security.” The first part of the statement positioned the US-ROK alliance as a “Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance” that […]

The President of the Republic of Korea’s Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements Part 1. The Washington Declaration

Having described the course of the visit, let’s move on to a more in-depth analysis of the main statements, which include the joint statement of the two presidents on the results of the summit, speech by Yoon Suk-yeol in Congress, and partly his speech at Harvard, where he developed some of the theses expressed earlier. […]

Analysis: Biden’s Migrants to Enjoy Multi-Billion-Dollar Welfare Payday

More than a million migrants, whom President Joe Biden’s administration has released into the United States through a parole pipeline, could enjoy a multi-billion-dollar welfare payday a few years from now, new analysis suggests. Source

‘Israeli’ Analysis: Hezbollah SG Raises the Bet Value

April 7, 2023 By Al-Ahed News ‘Israel’ Hayom military affairs expert Lilach Shoval described the launching of 34 rockets from South Lebanon to the Western Galilee yesterday afternoon is undoubtedly the most dangerous security incident that took place in this sector since July 2006 War, considering the immediate explanation of the rocket launching is that […]

Analysis: What comes next as Finland’s right-wing sweeps Sanna Marin from office?

The National Coalition Party will now have the chance to form the next government, but faces challenges negotiating with far-right populists. Source

Analysis of new data supports animal origin of COVID-19 virus

International scientists, who have examined previously unavailable genetic data from China, say they have found clues that the COVID-19 pandemic originated from animals as opposed to a laboratory. The data came from samples collected at a market in the Chinese city of Wuhan close to where the first human cases of the virus were first […]

Analysis spotlights the lasting pain inflicted by Reagan’s Social Security cuts

Life expectancy in the U.S. fell during the same period that a Reagan-era law raised the retirement age by two years. Source

Global Sperm Counts Declining At Accelerating Rate: New Meta-Analysis

A recently published meta-analysis shows that global sperm counts are declining worldwide—at an accelerating rate. Source

Marriage Rules in Minoan Crete Revealed by Ancient DNA Analysis

A new stu found that marriage partners in Bronze-Age Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece were determined by kinship. The researchers were able to genetically reconstruct an ancient family tree for the first time in the Mediterranean region, as prior attempts failed due to the region’s climate causing poor preservation. They found that the sons still… […]

Highly Alarming: Analysis of Vaccine Ingredients by German Industrial Engineer

A German Industrial Engineer has analyzed samples of COVID-19 vaccine batches that cover over 1 million doses. USMortality Jan 13 2023 The German Industrial Engineer Mr. Holger Reißner, a former consultant to the German Federal Robert-Koch-Institute, has analyzed many vaccine charges for its consistency and ingredients. All-Cause Mortality Monitoring – is a reader-supported publication. […]

DNA Analysis Reveals Surprising South American Migration Patterns

A new study based on cutting-edge genetic analysis has revealed startling new information about South American migration patterns. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

Biden Admin Shares State-by-State Analysis of Student Debt Relief Plan

The Biden administration on Tuesday released a state-by-state estimate of how its student debt relief plan will impact borrowers in the 50 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. According to a fact sheet from the White House, the administration expects that more than 40 million borrowers are eligible for its student debt relief plan. Of […]

Analysis: Industries Importing Foreign H-2B Visa Workers Steal $1.8 Billion in Wages Since 2000

Employers in industries that hired most foreign H-2B visa workers for nonagricultural jobs over the last two decades have stolen about $1.8 billion in wages, a new analysis reveals. Every year, businesses in the landscaping, conservation, meatpacking, construction, and fishing industries are allowed to import tens of thousands of foreign H-2B visa workers to take […]

Sanctions has boosted Tehran’s courage to push for an ironclad deal: analysis

TEHRAN – In a commentary Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has said “Iran’s experience of living under sanctions, has boosted Tehran’s courage to push for an ironclad deal.” The comments come as Iran responded to a European Union proposed text to finalize the diplomatic efforts to restore the 2015 nuclear deal. The EU text was […]

Sanctions has boosted Tehran’s courage to push for an ironclad deal: analysis

TEHRAN – In a commentary Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has said “Iran’s experience of living under sanctions, has boosted Tehran’s courage to push for an ironclad deal.” The comments come as Iran responded to a European Union proposed text to finalize the diplomatic efforts to restore the 2015 nuclear deal. The EU text was […]

WH Spox Bottoms on How Debt Plan Is Paid For: Biden Did ‘a Very In-Depth Analysis’ on if We Could Afford It

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” White House Senior Adviser for Public Engagement Keisha Lance Bottoms responded to questions on how President Joe Biden’s student loan cancelation program will be paid for by stating that President Biden “has done Source

Since 2021, Big Oil has spent over $200 million to sabotage climate action: analysis

Climate Power, the group behind the new analysis, said Democrats’ new climate deal sends “a strong signal” that “deep pockets only go so far.” Source

Analysis: Big Pharma jacked up drug prices 1,186 times in 2022 alone

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) An analysis done by an advocacy group found that pharmaceutical companies have jacked up drug prices by over a thousand times in 2022 alone.Patients For Affordable Drugs (PFAD) penned the July 20 report, which revealed that the U.S. drug industry raised the prices of various drugs a combined 1,186 times this year. P4AD … […]

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