Posts Tagged ‘de’

Saudi Arabia and the “War on Terror”

Speaking to the media during a visit to the giant Incirlik Air Base in Turkey Tuesday, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter praised the Saudi monarchy for proclaiming a new “Islamic alliance” against terrorism. “We are happy with the alliance formed by Saudi Arabia and looking forward for the steps being taken by them against terrorism,” […]

Ucrania, bajo la injerencia del FMI, se hunde en la recesión

Cerca de dos años después de la caída del gobierno de Yanukóvich, el FMI se ha convertido en el guía de una política económica marcada por la crisis. Parece que no importara que la política del FMI que se disemina por el mundo provoque caos social como en Grecia o en cualquier otro país, puesto […]

Scheming Zionists Plot Gun Control with Fake Road Rage Killings

Scheming Zionists Plot Gun Control with Fake Road Rage Killings In the purported road rage incidents, now, in Oklahoma and, previously, in New Mexico are absolutely fake. These shootings never occurred. It is fully staged. Yet, it is said: ARAPAHO, Okla. (AP) – A western Oklahoma sheriff says two people are dead after a man […]

Resultados en Venezuela: Sistema Electoral y la Democracia

El 6 de diciembre de 2015 las elecciones dieron lugar a una clara victoria de la oposición sobre la alianza bolivariana liderada por el Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV). La oposición ganó 112 escaños con 58% de los cerca de 74% del electorado que votó. La coalición Bolivariana ganó 55 escaños y obtuvo 42% […]

Painted Massive Sun On Paris Streets Demands Renewable Energy Policy

Print Friendly Above Photo: From Twitter/‏@Greenpeace. ACTION @fhollande Renewable energy to save the climate! We must have 100% #renewables by 2050 #100RE4all #COP21. As the climate conference in Paris winds down, activists want France to take renewable energy more seriously. Climate activists gathered Friday morning to give COP21 negotiators a little encouragement and send a message […]

Canada under the Liberals: Real Change Or Nicer Sounding Rhetoric? Canada and America’s War

Sometimes my writing is reactive rather than proactive, but when the new government is just starting up is a great time to be proactive. The Liberals promised change and domestically – so far – seem to be living up to that change. What the future holds for foreign policy is yet to be determined, but […]

How About That ‘Erl!?

How About That ‘Erl!? December 7th, 2015 Warning: This is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any financial instrument. — Down 6%. Huge pivot ahead at WTI$33.22, assuming that you pay any attention to candle shadows, which I do. If you just […]

Monsanto in the Dock! “Crimes against Nature and Humanity”. Rolling Back the Destructive Influence of the Global Agribusiness Cartel

And now for the good news. As the rest of the world eats denutrified, poisoned ‘food’ and capitulates to the criminal cartel of US agribusiness, as India destroys its soils with petrochemical-monocrop agriculture and looks to GMOs, as corrupt governments and regulatory bodies do the bidding of Monsanto, Russia is committed to not selling out […]

Hero a la Mode

by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (November 1990) On 25 July 1876 a regiment of cavalry, sent by General Terry in advance of his troops for reconnaissance, and under the command of Colonel George Armstrong Custer, (1) entered the valley of the Little Big Horn in what is now southeastern Montana. Custer, probably deceived by […]

The Real Reason for World War 2

Renegade Broadcasting The latest radio shows from our sister site. Source Article from

False flag terror madness! Brussels, Paris under martial law – Veterans Today

Brussels martial law (photo taken around 11 a.m. by FS) By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor EU authorities are using the fabricated menace of state-sponsored false-flag terror to impose martial law on their populations. Our correspondent in Brussels has reported that the streets are empty except for parades of military vehicles: “Brussels has become a ghost […]

Paris under Attack: Was it a False Flag? A Pretext for NATO to Intervene in Syria and the Middle East?

France is at war! – Exclaimed President Hollande several times in each of his three what appeared like scripted speeches he gave within 12 hours after the attack. He knew the names of the attackers and where they were from, while police was still struggling to put the puzzles together, and news reporting was sketchy, […]

The Cairo of the Atlantic

The political elite of Washington DC and the European Union have created the biggest refugee crisis since World War Two. This despicable achievement was brought about by NATO’s destruction of Syria, Libya, and their being accomplices to Israel’s genocide against the mostly Christian peoples of Palestine. This is the root cause of the unfolding […]

Selected Articles: Israeli Jets Strike Damascus Targets as the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Wears On

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Putin: Obama’s Secret Hasn’t Bombed A Single ISIS Target

A member of Russia’s parliament has accused President Obama of “bombing the Syrian desert” instead of hitting legitimate ISIS targets.  Alexei Pushkov lashed out against the Obama administration on Twitter, saying “(Senator John) McCain accused us of striking out at US-trained insurgents… However, since they have either run away or joined al-Qaeda, hitting them is a […]

Iran deal fallout clarifies the geopolitics of apartheid and genocide – Veterans Today

Tensions over the Iran deal… a shift in US foreign policy for the Middle East I was interviewed by Kourosh Ziabari of Truth NGO about the American Enterprise Institute announcement that it would grant its Irving Kristol Award for 2015 to Benjamin Netanyahu during the Israeli prime minister’s recent visit to the USA to see […]

Russia, US hold joint air force exercise over Syria – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]

Quote of the Century: “Today’s European politicians . . . are Test-tube Politicians…”

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Secret Email Leaked from Hillary’s Server: The Real Story of Bush, Blair and Big Oil’s Iraq Agenda

This article was first published by Who What Why An extremely important story has come and gone in a flash, almost unnoticed, like so many important stories. It revealed that President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair had agreed to invade Iraq long before the first bombs fell on the oil-rich Middle Eastern country. […]

Who Will Pay for America’s Torture Program? Law Suit against CIA Sponsored Psychologists

Note: This article was originally published by Who What Why In a clear violation of the Geneva Convention, the US made systematic torture a staple in its fight against terrorism. This revelation has resulted in international condemnation and lamentation, but nobody has been held accountable for torturing terror suspects — many of whom were released […]

A Trapani l’esercitazione di guerra della Nato

Ceri­mo­nia di aper­tura ieri nella base aerea di Tra­pani Birgi, della Livex, la fase «dal vivo» (con 36 mila uomini, 60 navi e 200 aerei) dell’esercitazione Nato Tri­dent Junc­ture in corso in Ita­lia, Spa­gna e Portogallo. Serve a testare la capa­cità della «Forza di rispo­sta» (40mila uomini), in par­ti­co­lare della sua «Forza di punta ad altis­sima pron­tezza ope­ra­tiva» […]

Global Peace and Security: Waging “War on Terrorism” in the Middle East Even as We “Embody Terrorism”

 We are waging war on terrorism even as we embody terrorism. No wonder we seem sometimes to be at war with ourselves, and have been for most of the 21st century….. No American under 12 has Lived in a Country at Peace…whatever the U.S. government knows, or thinks it knows, is not widely shared with most […]

34,000 Pesticides and 600 Chemicals Later: US Food Supply is Suffering

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J Street joins gathering of leading pro-settlement funder

“Aren’t you scared to be there right now?” This was the question a friend asked me when I told her I was heading to Israel this week to participate in the World Zionist Congress. The truth is, I am scared. The news of increased violence and terror over the past weeks is devastating and terrifying. […]

Missione Nato in «East Cerasia»

«Nella East Cera­sia (Cera­sia dell’Est), un paese ha invaso un paese vicino più pic­colo e minac­cia di inva­derne un altro. Le impli­ca­zioni della crisi sono glo­bali. La Nato lan­cia una mis­sione inter­na­zio­nale di assi­stenza e appog­gio per pro­teg­gere gli Stati minac­ciati»: que­sto è lo sce­na­rio che viene «simu­lato» dall’esercitazione Tri­dent Junc­ture 2015 (TJ15). I nomi, spiega la Nato, sono «fittizi». Non […]

The End of Homeland Security – Veterans Today

by  Preston James America is now a failing state in severe social and economic crisis because it has been hijacked by a foreign power, the RKM, that is stealing all its wealth through illegal, unConstitutional foreign proxy wars for Israel, and attempting to destroy the American people. Who wants DHS to exist? Most Americans hate […]

La Reserva Federal entra en pánico: el crecimiento del empleo se sumerge en el estancamiento

En sus discursos públicos, la presidenta de la Reserva Federal, Janet Yellen, ha evitado tocar los graves problemas que padece la economía estadounidense. Cuando a mediados de septiembre el Comité Federal de Mercado Abierto (FOMC, por sus siglas en inglés) tomó la decisión de mantener la tasa de interés de los fondos federales (‘federal funds […]

Tears in Gaza, and the horn in Hebron — an interview with Jennifer Bing

Jennifer Bing works on Israel/Palestine issues at the American Friends Service Committee. She went to Palestine last month with a delegation of AFSC staffers. When I heard that the trip had been wrenching, I asked her for an interview. Jennifer Bing inside Gaza waiting to cross back into Israel last month   You just visited […]

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