Posts Tagged ‘swedish’

Nordic Youth Smokes Out Hundreds of Afghani Scum in Front of Swedish Parliament

Vincent August 10, 2017 Wew lads, what a story. /Ourguys/ over at Nordic Youth launched a demonstration against hundreds of Afghani men who are camping out in front of parliament, protesting for their right to stay in Sweden and not get deported. Here they are: The Lying Media The media is […]

4 teenage girls raped at Swedish music festival, 11 sexually abused – police

A police report released on Sunday showed that four girls aged 15-17 reported being raped at the annual Emmaboda Music Festival, which took place July 24-29.  It went on to state that 11 other women aged 18 and older experienced other forms of sexual abuse at the festival. Senior Swedish politician ‘sexually harassed’ at social […]

Why US and Swedish Companies Are Pushing Microchip Implants on Employees

Patrick Henningsen21st Century Wire British futurist Aldous Huxley wrote his literary classic Brave New World in 1931, and in less than one hundred years western society has already realized his dystopian vision. Back in 2010, I wrote a piece entitled, The 21st Century Matrix: Technocracy and the Rise of the Machines, where I talked about the […]

Swedish Government On Verge Of Collapse After Admitting ‘Accidental Leak’ Of Entire Nation’s Info

Swedish Government On Verge Of Collapse After Admitting ‘Accidental Leak’ Of Entire Nation’s Info Zero Hedge July 27, 2017 Swedens government is being quietly rocked by a major scandal. So far the market has paid it little regard, but, as Citi warns, it may soon escalate… Sweden appears to have accidentally leaked the details of […]

The Entire Swedish Government is Reportedly Considering Immediate Resignation

The Swedish government could potentially resign today.  This according to sources that spoke to SVT Nyheter and Aftonbladet. “Yes, there is absolutely a potential risk that Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will hand in his resignation,” says a source to SVT. In a press conference this morning, the Swedish opposition leaders announced a motion of no-confidence against interior minister Anders Ygeman, defence minister […]

The Biggest Data Leak in Swedish History was also the Most Avoidable

It’s been described as “the biggest leak in Swedish history”, and it’s easy to see why. Looking to cut costs, in 2015, the Swedish Transport Agency (STA) outsourced the management of its database and IT infrastructure to two companies — IBM in the Czech Republic, and NCR in Serbia. Given the sensitivity of the data, […]

Swedish Nationalists Hand out Flyers, Fisticuffs Ensue

Scuffles broke out in Oskarshamn on Saturday after the Nordic Resistance Movement (Nordiska motståndsrörelsen, NMR) began handing out flyers in the centre of town. A physical confrontation broke out when a man asked the group to stop filming him, when the group refused, he tried to take their camera and a melee ensued. Police have […]

Gender Segregated School Bus not Discriminatory, Swedish Discrimination Ombudsman Rules

A Muslim school in Sweden that separated pupils by gender on a school bus did not break anti-discrimination laws in doing so, the country’s Discrimination Ombudsman (DO) has judged. But the same could not be said about gender segregated sports lessons. Earlier this year a documentary by Swedish broadcaster TV4 featured footage of the privately-run […]

Swedish Government: 86% Of Child Refugees Are Adult Men

Newly released government data in Sweden reveals that 86% of so-called ‘child refugees’ are actually comprised of mostly male adults.  According to the data released by the Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV), the majority of people entering the country seeking asylum are lying about their age in order to sneak in. reports: The […]

Swedish Police Investigate Fire at Refugee Centre

Swedish police are investigating a fire at a home for lone “refugee children” that left two people injured. The fire in Skoghall started at 6pm on Wednesday and spread rapidly, leaving two of the three parts of the building destroyed. A man and a woman who work at the centre were taken to hospital with […]

Swedish Feminists Organize Women-Only Music Festival

SpartacusDaily Stormer July 6, 2017 Some of you might remember that a couple of days ago, I wrote an article about how Sweden’s biggest music festival was being cancelled due to hajis raping and assaulting everything that has a vagina. Swedish feminists have since found a (((solution))) to this. Breitbart: Swedish feminist Emma […]

Swedish girl fighting with YPJ in Syria wants to stay in “Rojava”

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The 22-year-old Swedish “Roza” has been fighting with the Syrian – Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) for over two years […]

Last Remaining Police Station in Migrant-Dominated Swedish Suburbs Forced to Close

The last remaining station in the troubled Järva area will most likely have to close, police sources have said, due to lack of staff. The police station in Kista is the only one still open in the Järva area, in which lie the suburbs of Rinkeby, Tensta, and Husby  — migrant-dominated neighbourhoods classed by Sweden’s […]

Swedish Puppers Joining ISIS

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 21, 2017 Is this what you wanted, Sweden? Or do you simply not know basic math? Because I could have told you from the get go that this: Plus this: Equals this: And I am not even very good at math. Source Article from

Two Swedish Nationalists Charged over Invader Center Bombings “Received Military Training in Russia”

June 18, 2017 0 Source Article from

Swedish Police Attacked by 100 Masked Migrant Youths

Swedish police in the city of Trollhattan were attacked by up to a hundred masked migrant youths armed with sticks and bats during a riot in the Kronogården suburb on Thursday. The masked migrant youths attacked the officers during the second night of rioting in the area. They also attacked the officer’s vehicles, slashing the tyres […]

Swedish firms eager to enter Philippine market: Ambassador Fries

nsnbc : Harald Fries, Sweden’s Ambassador to the Philippines, said Swedish companies are eager to invest in Philippine retail, business process outsourcing and health […]

Swedish Women Galloping Against the Patriarchy!

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Swedish Muslims slam Saudi king for handshake with Melania Trump

Sputnik News– Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz drew a lot of attention as he shook hands with US President Donald Trump’s wife Melania during the couple’s controversial visit to the Middle East. Afterwards, he was given a lecture on Islamic ethics by Swedish Muslims. Sweden’s growing Muslim diaspora seemed to be mortified by the fact that […]

Nordic Frontier #20: #NotAllMuslims at it Again, Swedish PM Booed Off Stage and White Women’s Lust for Dark Meat

Nordfront May 26, 2017 Opening conversation: Terror attack in Manchester! ISIS taking responsibility. They call us worshippers of the cross and crusaders. In the eyes of our enemies we are the same, therefore religious infighting is stupid. Domestic news: Swedish Prime minister booed live on stage when he tries to score some […]

Julian Assange Speaks About Swedish Decision & His Detention

Sweden drops rape investigation against Julian Assange Assange spoke from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London Case was dropped due to a lack of progress – prosecutors Met Police: Assange still wanted in UK for jumping bail Julian Assange has said he will remain inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London in order to avoid […]

‘No dangerous content’ found in bag that prompted Swedish airport evacuation

Initially, the unclaimed package “showed indications” that it contained explosives, prompting the evacuation of the Gothenberg-Landvetter Airport Monday evening. “The case is completed,” duty officer with the West Region told local media. The last flight departing the airport was held on the tarmac during the security alert. Speaking to the TT News Agency during the […]

Swedish Prosecutor Drops Rape Case Against Julian Assange

The world of secrecy has gotten completely out of hand. Political corruption and deception have taken over our world, and without Wikileaks, it would be a lot worse. Wikileaks has been releasing sensitive material for a decade now, but the mainstream hadn’t begun accusing them of leaking false information until the organization released sensitive material that brought Hillary Clinton’s presidential […]

Swedish prosecutors drop investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and will revoke arrest warrant

Sweden’s director of public prosecutions has decided to drop the rape investigation into Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Marianne Ny filed a request to the Stockholm District Court to revoke his arrest warrant, apparently ending a seven-year stand-off. Mr Assange, 45, has lived in the Ecuadoran embassy in London since 2012, trying to avoid extradition. He […]

Assange case dropped by Swedish prosecutor

“From the point of view of his adviser, the issue now remains the UK arrest warrant and the fact that the UK won’t confirm or deny whether it has a request for extradition by the United States,” said Barns. In the next few days Barns said he would be contacting Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull […]

Swedish Pensioner Prosecuted for ‘Hate’ after Accusing Migrants of Torching Cars on Facebook

A 70-year-old Swedish woman in Dalarna is being prosecuted for hate speech after claiming on Facebook she saw migrants defecating in the streets and setting fire to cars. According to the prosecution, the woman “expressed a disparaging view of refugees” on Facebook. She stands accused of having taken to the social media website in early July 2015 to […]

Swedish Finance Minister Admits ‘Big Problems’ with Economy After Migrant Influx

Earlier this week, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) admitted, by 2020, municipalities face a funding deficit of 40 billion Swedish Krona (£3.5 billion) to finance services like hospitals and nursing homes. “Demographic trends show that, with more children and more elderly people, the need for local government services […]

Sadist: Swedish sports coach on trial for tying up teen boys, placing plastic bags over their heads

     A trial has begun for a Swedish sports coach accused of 100 counts of crimes against teenage boys. The victims say the man tied them up, placed plastic bags over their heads, and taped their mouths and noses shut. The man, who has not been named, is being tried on 55 counts of aggravated […]

Swedish sports coach on trial for tying up teen boys, placing plastic bags over their heads

The man, who has not been named, is being tried on 55 counts of aggravated unlawful coercion and 45 counts of aggravated assault, prosecutor John Dagnevik explained at the start of the trial, according to The Local. The trial comes after some of the teens told police about the incidents in January, which reportedly took […]

Swedish Court Jails Three Men for Rape Broadcast on Facebook

A Swedish court jailed three men on Tuesday for up to two and a half years for the rape of a woman that was broadcast live on Facebook. The rape, which shocked Sweden, took place earlier this year in the city of Uppsala, about 80 km (50 miles) north of Stockholm. Viewers of the live […]

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