Posts Tagged ‘candidates’

Leading Israeli rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust

Leading Israeli rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust Commentary — This article from the Jerusalem Post should come as no surprise. The Holocaust justifies all, including the genocide of Europeans. To the Jewish supremacist mind, the Holocaust doesn’t just justify every Jewish atrocity since World War II, from the ethnic cleansing of Palestine […]

Leading Israeli rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust

Leading Israeli rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust Commentary — This article from the Jerusalem Post should come as no surprise. The Holocaust justifies all, including the genocide of Europeans. To the Jewish supremacist mind, the Holocaust doesn’t just justify every Jewish atrocity since World War II, from the ethnic cleansing of Palestine […]

3 Jews, including 2 Israelis, charged in theft of hundreds of millions: Zio-Watch, November 10, 2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of NEW YORK, NY – NOVEMBER 10: United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara speaks at a news conference where he announced charges against three individuals for offenses related to the computer hacking of numerous financial institutions, financial news publishers, and other […]

Europe must support Russia in its fight against ISIL, ‘no ifs, ands or buts about it’

     It’s time for Europe to stand up and show support for Russia in its war against terrorism, “no ifs, ands or buts about it,” according to Italian journalist Giampaolo Rossi. In an op-ed published in the online edition of Milan-based daily newspaper il Giornale on Saturday, the journalist suggested that Europeans should admit that […]

Meat Recalls, Cloned Cattle, Human DNA Hot Dogs, and Other Reasons to Stop Eating Animals

You will notice that every so often a huge amount of meat has to be recalled because it could pose a health risk to consumers. Just this week a Nebraska meat supplier had to recall 167,427 pounds of beef, which could be infected with E. Coli. E. coli can cause dehydration and bloody diarrhea. While most […]

The Devil’s Chessboard: The JFK Assassination Plot Mirrored in 1961 France. Kennedy’s Show of Support for Charles de Gaulle

This text was first published by Who What Why For Part I, click here. As you watch, perhaps with alarm, while thousands of refugees from Muslim countries make their way through Europe in a seemingly endless parade, you may be wondering if some of them will end up living near you, and how this might […]

German police deploy water cannon as far-right, antifascists rally in Cologne (IMAGES)

Law enforcers had earlier sought to ban Sunday’s demonstration by the far-rights. However, a Cologne court dismissed the motion and said the protesters would have the right to gather at a fixed location, but they would not be allowed to march through the city’s streets. Hundreds of anti-fascist demonstrators were also expected to confront the […]

Facing down hecklers in NY, Gideon Levy calls for equal rights for all in one state

Last night the Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy gave a thrilling speech describing the brutal tyranny of the occupation, the inevitability of the one-state solution, and the necessity of boycott and sanctions to cause Israel to change its conduct at the Greenburgh Town Hall in Westchester County, N.Y.. Levy was the guest of Jewish Voice for […]

Politically Correct Idiocy Regarding the North American Indian

Taken from a comment by Dave on Faces of War with slight edits. There are multiple layers of irony in the position of today’s PC Leftism that pervades the current thought on the North-American Indigene. The position results in us not merely partaking in white Genocide against our immediate brethren, but also, in a […]

CSS- Dane Wigington and the Geo-Engineering Extinction Level Event

Israel Converts 44% of Gaza Land Into Military Buffer Zone Terra Forming Terra Monday, August 4, 2014 Israel Converts 44% of Gaza Land Into Military Buffer Zone   Welcome to   the Source Article from

David Irving: Churchill Warmonger vs. Hitler Peacemaker

  October 11, 2015 Comments for “David Irving: Churchill Warmonger vs. Hitler Peacemaker “ Henrique said (October 11, 2015): Irving comes off as another “Right-hand path” disinformationist. You have to understand that the esoteric underworld is not unidimensional; they got “specialized” sects pushing different things. The Left-hand is for Satanists, nihilists, Aloyzius Fozdyke-type characters. The […]

David Irving Reverses Hitler and Churchill

  October 11, 2015 Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Source Article from

Germany Now has World’s Lowest Birth Rate

Troy of HellenDaily Stormer May 31, 2015 Germany has drooped past Japan and now has the lowest birthrate in the world. BBC: Germany’s falling birth rate means the percentage of people of working age in the country – between 20 and 65 – would drop from 61% to 54% by 2030, Henning […]

2016 Candidates Struggle With Iraq War Narrative

The 2003 US invasion and occupation of Iraq has become a centerpiece issue for presidential primaries for the 2016 election, with candidates struggling to get their positions settled. Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton seems to be the latest trying to distance herself from her votes in favor of the war, declaring them “a mistake, plain and […]

Shy children now candidates for dangerous psychiatric drugs

Elizabeth WallingNatural News October 5, 2011 New guidelines for mental illness turn shyness in children from a personality trait into a mental disorder that warrants drug treatment. Drug companies already target children, who fidget too much in class or have trouble concentrating on their homework, with stimulant drugs for treating attention deficit disorder. Now children […]

Support for Obama Slips; Unease on 2012 Candidates

JEFF ZELENY and MEGAN THEE-BRENANNY Times Sept 17, 2011 President Obama’s support is eroding among elements of his base, and a yearlong effort to recapture the political center has failed to attract independent voters, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, leaving him vulnerable at a moment when pessimism over the country’s direction […]

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