Posts Tagged ‘grows’

11 militants from ISIS-linked gang killed in anti-terror op in Russia’s North Caucasus

The firefight between police and the militants started on early Sunday morning in woodland adjacent to Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, where counter-terrorist operation was announced on Saturday. A unit searching a territory near the city spotted a group of militants in a dug-out. The special unit blocked the area and surrounded the bunker, […]

11 militants from ISIS-linked gang killed in anti-terror op in Russia’s North Caucasus

The firefight between police and the militants started on early Sunday morning in woodland adjacent to Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, where counter-terrorist operation was announced on Saturday. A unit searching a territory near the city spotted a group of militants in a dug-out. The special unit blocked the area and surrounded the bunker, […]

11 militants from ISIS-linked gang killed in anti-terror op in Russia’s North Caucasus

The firefight between police and the militants started on early Sunday morning in woodland adjacent to Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, where counter-terrorist operation was announced on Saturday. A unit searching a territory near the city spotted a group of militants in a dug-out. The special unit blocked the area and surrounded the bunker, […]

11 militants from ISIS-linked gang killed in anti-terror op in Russia’s North Caucasus

The firefight between police and the militants started on early Sunday morning in woodland adjacent to Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, where counter-terrorist operation was announced on Saturday. A unit searching a territory near the city spotted a group of militants in a dug-out. The special unit blocked the area and surrounded the bunker, […]

Anonymous Admits To Working For Government Agencies

  In a new so called “Joint Initiative”, “Anonymous” (who is not refuting the claim) and what is referred to as the new coalition force of “Ghost Security Group” have joined forces. However once you watch their new announcement it becomes clear Anonymous seems to have always been Ghost Security Group. In the video Ghost […]

Anonymous Admits To Working For Government Agencies

  In a new so called “Joint Initiative”, “Anonymous” (who is not refuting the claim) and what is referred to as the new coalition force of “Ghost Security Group” have joined forces. However once you watch their new announcement it becomes clear Anonymous seems to have always been Ghost Security Group. In the video Ghost […]

Police Beat 71-Yr-Old Man, Shoot His Wife With Pepper Spray

When police officers respond to a situation, it is highly unlikely that everyone will be content with the outcome – some collateral damage might happen; this is what Graham County sheriff P.J. Allred first said when he was asked to comment on an alleged police brutality incident that took […]

Police Beat 71-Yr-Old Man, Shoot His Wife With Pepper Spray

When police officers respond to a situation, it is highly unlikely that everyone will be content with the outcome – some collateral damage might happen; this is what Graham County sheriff P.J. Allred first said when he was asked to comment on an alleged police brutality incident that took […]

Police Beat 71-Yr-Old Man, Shoot His Wife With Pepper Spray

When police officers respond to a situation, it is highly unlikely that everyone will be content with the outcome – some collateral damage might happen; this is what Graham County sheriff P.J. Allred first said when he was asked to comment on an alleged police brutality incident that took […]

How Cannabis Helps My ADHD – A Patient’s Story

15th November 2015 By an anonymous patient Guest writer for Wake Up World Let me introduce myself, I am a 32-year-old entrepreneur with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and I use cannabis, daily, to manage my condition. I’ve spent the past decade running international businesses on two continents, and have previously been in a long-term […]

California Cops Are Using These Biometric Gadgets in the Field

EFF and MuckRock News teamed up in August to reveal how state and local law enforcement agencies are using mobile biometric technology in the field by filing public records requests around the country. With the help of members of the public who nominated jurisdictions for investigation, we have now obtained thousands of pages of documents from more […]

Russian and US oil giants cooperate to save California’s historic Fort Ross

Fort Ross has stood on the Pacific coast in California for more than two centuries. However, the historic site has been threatened by government cutbacks as of late. “It was an agricultural base primarily. And it was settled by Alaskan natives and the Kashaya Pomo. And the Kashaya Pomo actually welcomed the Russians. This was […]

Neither prayer nor propaganda nor the paper of record will ever convince the world of the Jewish right to control al Aqsa plaza

As was reported here on October 11, the Rick Gladstone article, “Historical Certainty Proves Elusive at Jerusalem’s Holiest Place,” which appeared in the New York Times on October 8 engendered a firestorm of criticism from Jewish pro-Israel writers on Twitter and what can only be described as a hit piece by Tablet writer, Liel Leibovitz. […]

Tesla’s autopilot lets cars drive, change lanes themselves

In this Sept. 29, 2015 file photo, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors Inc., introduces the Model X car at the company’s headquarters in Fremont, Calif. Tesla Motors on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015 unveiled an autopilot system that lets its cars change lanes by themselves. It will be added to some Model S sedans and […]

“We are the masters” says Israeli mayor as 3 more Palestinians are killed

Palestinians attempt to break through a section of the separation wall Israel built in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis, 11 October. Yotam Ronen ActiveStills –    Courtesty The Electronic Intifada     by Charlotte Silver                                      The Electronic Intifada   On Monday, Israeli forces shot dead three Palestinian youths, bringing the total […]

NASA Takes Chemtrail Spraying Program to Outer Space

Terence Newton, StaffWaking Times Last week the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) successfully completed a experiment with a suborbital, or sounding, rocket aimed at testing out new technologies before integrating them into other projects. The suborbital flight on October 7th was launched from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on the Eastern […]

Wall Street Protest Grows

The American Autumn Gains Momentum   By Michael Chester   The Occupy Wall Street protest continues in New York and seems to be gaining strength. Additional protests have sprung up around the country in cities’ financial districts. Since the movement is spreading rapidly in other places, it needs a better name. I like “The American […]

‘Fast and Furious’ scandal grows as tone-deaf White House facilitates Justice Dept. denials

J. D. HeyesNatural News October 7, 2011 In 2008, Sen. Barack Obama was vying for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination and the soon-to-be chief executive made a pledge that, if elected, he would preside over the most open, transparent administration in history. He promised to support an outright ban on gifts, to ensure that people […]

Washington Post: Opposition to Obama grows — strongly

Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake Washington Post October 5, 2011 Four in 10 Americans “strongly” disapprove of how President Obama is handling his job as president in the new Washington Post-ABC News poll, the highest that number has risen during his time in office and a sign of the hardening opposition to him as he seeks a […]

England riots: coalition row grows over ‘kneejerk’ response

Toby Helm and Tracy McVeigh London Guardian Aug 14, 2011 Coalition efforts to present a united front over the riots have come under strain as senior Liberal Democrats call for an end to “kneejerk” reactions by politicians and warn that stripping those involved of their benefits could worsen crime on the streets. In a clear […]

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